I have been working my butt off since Aug. 4th to lose weight. And now its Nov. [i dont even know what day it is right now!] but i have only lost 4 lbs. WTF... im so upset and just in a fowl mood over this. idk what else to do. i workout 5 days a week 45 min. a day on the elliptical. Its obviously not working for me. i need help and ideas now.. im so upset and discouraged i feel like i want to cry.. I am on the verge of quitting. but doing that will throw me straight into depression! please someone help me =[


  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    no one =[
  • love_love_me
    love_love_me Posts: 2 Member
    i know how you feel. when u've reached a point u can't seem to get passed. what helped me was changing up my workout, push myself a little harder a little longer. i hope this helps =)
  • saphirra
    :love: HEY,

    i know how you feel but maybe you need to change your routine up our bodies over time tend to get used whatever workout we do. i am always changing my workouts so that i dont gain weight or platue if you want to hear my weightloss success email me at saphirra1980@yahoo.com i would be happy to give advice or even to be there so that you can vent trust me i have been in your shoes and from time to time i find myself bakc in those shoes so i know what you are going through and support from friends or just people going through the same thing is helpful
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    I can't see your food diary but maybe you have to change things up a bit with your food. Maybe one day go over your calories and the next go under. Try this for a week or two and see if that makes a difference. It helped me a lot when I was'nt loosing any weight for over a month, maybe it will halp you too. Sometimes the body needs a change to start up the matabolism again. Maybe even chnage things up with your excercise. Hope this helps.

  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Saphirra i will email you =]

    Love_love_me.. So should i work out like 10-15 min longer? and try to do it harder as well? or should i do something different than the elliptical all together?

    Tanya- I have tried this for the past 2 weeks. I went way over and way under. then right where it should be. And nothing. =[
    Thanks for the help ladies =] Im on rock bottom. i was at the gym like 10 min today and just left. because i was so just like.. forget this crap kinda attitude.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Maybe it would help if you could make your food diary public, we can help and give you some friendly advice then.

    And quitting is not an option...what's the alternative, give up and gain it all back? It's easier to keep going than it is to be fat.

    You've lost 23 lbs, and that's awesome!
  • kage1986
    Yeah, I would change up your routine. I, personally, don't see the benefit of an elliptical (or however you spell it). I'd settle for good ol' fashion hand weights anyday and a nice jog afterwards.
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    I agree with Tanya7712, varying your calorie deficit day to day may help. Here's an article that has info of this type of diet (zig zagging). It also has some really good info on refeeding that might help as well.


    Oh, and like toots said, quitting is not an option!!! The only way to fail is to not try.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I agree with your body maybe too comfortable with the elliptical. Are you doing any strength training? Are you eating your exercise calories?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    because i was so just like.. forget this crap kinda attitude.

    Because, that's going to get you the results you want?

    I know it's hard sometimes, but think reasonably! :flowerforyou:

    I lost 40 pounds once. I hit a plateau. I said "screw it." I gained 70 POUNDS. After 2.5 months of hard work, I'm JUST NOW back to where I started the first time. So my advice is don't do that. It really stinks.

    Change your workout. Try walking/running. Try 30 Day Shred. If you still have a vice (like diet soda or sugar-free stuff or whatever), try giving that up. But quitting is definitely not going to get you where you want to be.
  • Angelface28
    Angelface28 Posts: 23 Member
    At the risk of being repetitive, you should change up your routine. Also make sure your eating things that your body digests well. Try to stay away from processed foods and eat more natural things like fruit, vegetables, whole wheat, ect. You may be at a comfortable weight for your body and you have already lost a significant amount, it can be extremely hard to lose weight at this point. Sometimes it takes a drastic change, a comittment to really be healthier. I decided to become a vegetarian and became smaller than I've ever been, the weight came off so easily. I dont know what's the right choice for you, just do some research and commit to eating healthy not just dieting. :)

    Good Luck!!!
    ABELL Posts: 16
    Everyone is different and like you I felt like nothing I did was ever good enough. I spent the better part of the last 10 or so years above 200 lbs and finally at 211 said I am sick of working my butt off and eating less than everyone else and decided to get medical help. I waited so long because I just new my doctor would look at me and say "Eat less and exercise!" and I wouldn't blame him because to look at me you would think I do neither. I wasn't looking for an easy way out just a different more enlightened direction. He suprised me. He said lets do some blood work. Turned out my sugar was too high and I wasn't insulin resistant yet but he put me on Metformin to decrease the sugar production in my liver and asked me to follow South Beach. Also found out TSH is in the normal range but he checked my T4 and it was hardly working so put me on lowest dose of Synthroid. Now 6 months later I am not killing myself and I am 31 lbs lighter. Actually I made it sound easy but I eliminated practically ALL my sugar real and fake (except Apples now and then, and Lindt 80% chocolate for occasional cravings), I don't eat refined carbs like bread, pasta, or rice (except for La Tortilla low carb), and I have a small bowl of all bran and special K protien plus mixed and milk every morning. The first two weeks I felt sick and it was ridiculously hard however I knew this was my last chance so I stuck to it and now six months later I can watch others eat anything they want and I don't care. All this just to say maybe it isn't your willpower but what you eat. Maybe talking to a doctor and looking for an imbalance would be a good starting point. Otherwise, cut out a couple carby items for a few weeks and see if it makes a difference. Sorry so long :) Good luck.
  • jsjaclark
    Lifting weights has helped me. You say you are doing the elliptical every day. Try alternating between the elliptical and lifting (3 sets of 15 reps - do both arms and legs). Strengthening your muscles will help burn more calories.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I didn't read all of the posts so they may have said this already but:

    Workout wise, you can't do the same thing every day. Your body gets used to the exercise and you don't burn as many calories. You need to vary your exercise and try doing intervals of different inclines/resistance.

    What are you eating? I am an accountability partner with someone where we email every day. I will take a look at your dairy if you want me too daily as well to check our your calories. Friend me if you are interested. Otherwise, GOOD LUCK and keep working hard. switch up your exercise!
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Thanks everyone =] after reading the replies and talking to my mom.. i think that is my problem.. my body is way way too comfortable with what im doing.. which is why im maintaining my weight instead of losing. I was just so discouraged earlier i ran straight here without even thinking practiaclly lol.. Well starting tomorrow im going to run in the morning.. and im going ot ask my moms friend to train me on the strength training =] Im also going to try to make sure i drink lots of water and eat more fruits and salad and stuff.. time to get super strict!! If nothign changes in about 2 months.. im going to see a doctor like someone suggested =] thanks all.. i love this site so much.. i feel ready to go out and run right now! im just happy that i myself can see what my problem is =] thanks again!