Nupo, protein shakes, fat loss pills, vitamins MUCH!

L33TBl0nde Posts: 54 Member
edited December 2024 in Food and Nutrition

It confuses me, I see how some of these products are good, but also I think it's SOMETIMES the easy way and that it will bounce back at you, at some point. Most fat loss products are filled with things we don't have the slightest clue what is. This scares me. I really believe in, that people shouldn't fill themselves with fake nutrition products, if they don't know what's in it.

If you don't know what phenylalanin is, don't drink zero products.
If you don't know if you're in fact low on vitamins, don't drink or eat stuff with vitamins in it.
If you have no clue, what nupo's drinkable products do to you're gut system, don't drink it.

Cause it ****s your body up. Simple as that.
I do realise, that not everyone have the money for fruit, veggies and good meat and so on and if you are in fact low on vitamins (especially when you are above your 60th) you should have vitamins, but don't feed them to yourself or your kids without actually knowing if they need them.

Nupo (the drinkable form) is often replacement for meals. If you COMPLETELY use nupo drinks and get no real food, your body will get in bad shape. Your whole diggesting system, will break down when you don't need to use it for breaking down foods.

Zero products, has bad effects on women carrying children. Loads of the stuff in it, is yet to be discovered the effects of, don't trick yourself thinking, that it's all natural. (I drink these myself, but ironicly the phenylalanin source is the same you feed PIGS with, to make them eat more....)

Now to the point, I don't get it when I read diaries filled with all these products, they are probably just as expensive as healthy food is and in my oppinion people should think about what they feed to their body. There's no easy way to getting slim. It takes work and good food.

What do you think? Is it all good? Take in as much products you can get? Everything for good result or what? :)


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member

    If you don't know if you're in fact low on vitamins, don't drink or eat stuff with vitamins in it.

    Cause it ****s your body up. Simple as that.
    I do realise, that not everyone have the money for fruit, veggies and good meat and so on and if you are in fact low on vitamins (especially when you are above your 60th) you should have vitamins, but don't feed them to yourself or your kids without actually knowing if they need them.

    What do you think? Is it all good? Take in as much products you can get? Everything for good result or what? :)

    I don't really care either way about the other products you listed, but on a calorie restricted diet many people need/can benefit from a multivitamin. And there's a big difference between fat soluble and water soluble vitamins that you should probably differentiate, if you're going to advise people not to take vitamins. Its irresponsible and wrong. There are certain assurances that come with a multivitamin- like women of childbearing age having adequate folic acid/folate during the first month of pregnancy- when it's most important for the development of the child and before most women even know they're pregnant.

    But anyway, getting adequate micronutrients is a challenge for nutritionally aware people eating at full maintenance calories and becomes increasingly difficult for people on reduced calorie diets without supplementation. A multivitamin would be beneficial for many people on this site, who will likely not be getting a full blood panel to determine if centrum is safe....I have had a vitamin deficiency, it is not something to take lightly.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Do you know what phenylalanin is? Please cite studies that actually show it is bad for you in the levels contained in drinks/food.

    Regarding viltamins, should you wait until you have a deificiency to take a preventative supplement?. How do people know that that are not low on anything? Please also show a study indicating that the levels of vitamins etc in a multi are actually harmful

    What exactly does nupo do to your gut?

    And you include in your title "protein shakes' - what are wrong with these?
  • L33TBl0nde
    L33TBl0nde Posts: 54 Member - Phenylalanin, why it's bad you can also read this several other places. - Quick about vitamins good AND bad and why not to overdo it!
  • L33TBl0nde
    L33TBl0nde Posts: 54 Member - Phenylalanin, why it's bad you can also read this several other places. - Quick about vitamins good AND bad and why not to overdo it!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member - Phenylalanin, why it's bad you can also read this several other places. - Quick about vitamins good AND bad and why not to overdo it!

    The first link is someone's opinion and has no studies or sources cited

    The second link is only regarding vitamin A and does not conclude that excess amounts is actually bad for you "Because vitamin A is fat soluble, the body stores excess amounts, primarily in the liver, and these levels can accumulate. Although excess preformed vitamin A can have significant toxicity (known as hypervitaminosis A), large amounts of beta-carotene and other provitamin A carotenoids are not associated with major adverse effects."
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    i guess I missed the MD after your name.
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