Now that I'm 18 I can post my success story on MFP ;-)

Sorry, that title just tickles me because I was kicked off of this website for being under 18. But today's my birthday <3

Anywho, if I was talking about my 18th birthday in 2011 this is what I would've said: "When I turn 18, I'm gonna go to the gas station and buy my first pack of smokes and a lotto ticket. Then, I'm gonna pick out a tattoo and head over to the tattoo shop. YES!!!!"

But after I've joined MFP, my whole outlook has changed. When I think about smoking, I smack myself because it will inhibit my jogging. Lotto tickets are so small compared to what really matters to me in life. And that tattoo? Well, I will get that when I reach my goal! :D

Let me tell you my story: I was a fat kid. Sometimes I look back on my life and think, why didn't anyone keep me from eating so much? Why did my parents even keep packaged foods in the house for their kids? But there's no need to play the blame game. I had eaten myself into being FAT.

I have always been an extremely tall girl. I still remember the moment in 4th grade when everyone in class measured themselves; I was the tallest in the class, at 5'0".

During my middle school years is when I put on most of the weight. But still, people would look at me and say "you're just a big person". I was chubby, for all anyone cared. But I wasn't fat.

Sure, my weight was spread out over my tall frame, I was pretty darn flabby all over and completely out of shape. When I had to run a mile for gym class my sophomore year, it took me 12 minutes between jogging and walking it.

My highest weight was somewhere up around the 220s before I started my job my junior year, but when I started MFP I was around 210.

I have wanted to be skinny and tried to limit what I ate through most of my high school years, and I never though MFP would work. When I joined in February of 2012 and saw some of the weight drop off a bit, I was excited beyond belief.

I got an inner ear infection in April that made my jaw swell up and I couldn't really eat for a week. I had my neck propped in a certain way so that I could breathe and I never wanted to leave the couch, even to eat. All that fasting successfully dropped 5 pounds off of me that week, and in a way it had cleansed me to where I didn't want to shovel gross food into my stomach all the time when I didn't really need it.

I haven't come across the same trials as other users on this website, I have found. I lose 2 pounds a week minimum, and when I ONLY lose 2 pounds I get super mad at myself. I always shyed away from sports because I was a fat kid, but through this journey I have found that I am SUPER competitive. I WANT TO GET TO MY GOAL. SO BAD.

Though this whole post is majorly ironic because last week was the first week I have not lost a pound. Instead, I have been bouncing between 169 and 170 aaaaallll week. Even when I let myself go the week of my graduation because i had relatives in town, etc. I found myself dropping the pounds earlier the next week.

Maybe posting my first success story will reinspire me to push myself harder, eh? :)

SW: 210lbs (BMI: 29.3)
CW: 169.8lbs (BMI: 23.7)
Height: 5'11"
Starting size: dress 17/18, pants 17, shirt L/XL womens
Current size: dress 13/14, pants 15, shirt M/L womens
Forms of exercise: running and yoga!!!

(BEFORE PHOTO) This may be one of my senior photos, but it is definitely not the highlight of my life. And this is the one I thought I looked best in :(

(BEFORE PHOTO) You don't even want to know what position I had my head in to make myself look like that.


(-15ish pounds)

(-20 pounds)

(-mid 20s pounds)

(-34 pounds) My graduation dress!!

(-40 pounds) That is a shirt from FIFTH GRADE!!!! AAAAHHHH!!!!


  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member
    Great job keep up the good work. I was the fat kid in my school as well....but Im much shorter lol. Only 5'4" so when I was 160-170 it looked like I was well over 200....I'm turning 25 next month and am the smallest I have ever been even in middle school. I weigh 142 and wear a size 7/8 in juniors and a 6 in women. It feels great but unlike you I have been stuck for several months at this weight....I'm really only wanting to drop like another 7lbs or even drop major inches b/c I'm satisfied in my size clothes just not how they feel :). But you look amazing I wish when I was your age I would have done something with my weight.
  • JustineDianaD
    JustineDianaD Posts: 51 Member
    WTG Hun! :) Great story, You never looked chubby, but you look very fit & healthy now!
    And so glad your against smoking! Such an awful habit!

    Keep it up the great work, although I'm not sure how much farther you have to go! I'd love to look like that!
  • screwedfrombirth
    screwedfrombirth Posts: 7 Member
    Great job so far!

    BTW, I went to MVNU and I really like that shirt. Where did you get it?
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    awesome job! i can totally relate since i was the fat kid. unfortunately i graduated as the fat kid too. i'm 27 now and finally getting my butt into shape and i look younger than i did when i was 18. you have done a fantastic job! you are beautiful!
  • tuneweplay
    tuneweplay Posts: 36 Member
    "Anywho, if I was talking about my 18th birthday in 2011 this is what I would've said: "When I turn 18, I'm gonna go to the gas station and buy my first pack of smokes and a lotto ticket. Then, I'm gonna pick out a tattoo and head over to the tattoo shop. YES!!!!"

    But after I've joined MFP, my whole outlook has changed. When I think about smoking, I smack myself because it will inhibit my jogging. Lotto tickets are so small compared to what really matters to me in life. "

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! There is so much pressure to give in to temptation - especially in your age group. I have a 16 year old son walking through some of that now. I'm so happy for you - not for your struggles, but the success that has come out of it. Be strong, run the good race, fight the good fight, never give up.....but don't be too hard on your self when you have weeks you don't loose 2 pounds - simply stay the course and make this a life long change. Way to go!!
  • Great job so far!

    BTW, I went to MVNU and I really like that shirt. Where did you get it?

    I got it on a college visit day back in 2011. It is like wearing sweatpants as a shirt, super comfy xP
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Way to be healthy! So many girls your age "diet" for the wrong reasons or in the wrong way but you seem to have found a good balance and start a healthy lifestyle early. Happy Birthday!
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    Congratulations and Happy Birthday!
  • fawndam
    fawndam Posts: 595 Member
  • Maris165
    Maris165 Posts: 175 Member
    Congrats on making you way to your goals! Your look great begore (you hid that 210 very very well!!!) and you look amazing after! Keep up the great work!
    Ooo.....and Happy Birthday!!!!
  • jcamby
    jcamby Posts: 200 Member
    Congratulations! You look fantastic! proud of you girl!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    way to go!
  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    You look fantastic!!! So proud of you. Congrats to you for taking control of your life and having a great head on your shoulders. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  • Happy Birthday! I wish i had taken charge of my weight when I was your age! I'm tall as well and its not fun being the tall chubby girl. I want to be the tall thin, you should be a model girl! Don't forget a loss is a loss!! I was only losing ounces there for a while, but they add up quickly! Don't get discouraged because the weight isn't coming off as fast, the point is it will and you will get there!! You have done amazing so far!
  • apamapandapa
    apamapandapa Posts: 31 Member
    Congrats :)
    I have to say, in some of the before photos you look soo thin that it is impossible to tell that you are 210lbs. I am now 220lbs and I think I look twice as big :D
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