

  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I used to say I was going to get my bottom navel pierced (most people get the top part, I already have the top and want the bottom too) when I hit 150. I'm not really sure if I'm still going to do that. It's going to be awhile before I hit it anyway, I'm 5 pounds away but I lose so slowly.
  • Tonya0605
    Tonya0605 Posts: 111 Member
    I think a reward at ANY milestone is worthy and helps to motivate you forward. 10 lbs might not seem like a lot to some but to others that loss might be all it takes to keep ones motivation up. I tend not to reward with food just bc I know I'll want more than I really need. When (not if) I meet my 10lb loss by June 30, my reward will be a new pair of shoes. I desperately need them and I've worked hard for them, too. So, yes....rewards are good - you know what you can handle.
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    Get a manicure. Get a facial. Get a massage. Enjoy the food you love in a healthy way in every day life. Break the habit of food being a reward.
  • cnewlin86
    cnewlin86 Posts: 87
    There are certain foods I have to stay away from, like pepsi. If I reward myself with it, I'll want another, than another and another, so that before I know it I'm slipping back into all my bad habits again. I work so hard to burn 300 calories, that I don't want to waste it on a 32oz fountain pop anymore. So I don't reward myself with dangerous foods. But If I want something, I make sure I use portion control and work out so that I don't go drastically go over my calorie count. That way I can feel good about what I ate and enjoy it!

    My long term rewards of losing weight is the satisfaction that I did it, that I won't be the beach whale at the lake, pool, or river. I don't want to be the fat mom that my kids are embarrassed to be seen with. I want to be the mom that takes her kids out and teaches them to eat healthy and exercise so that they have the best in life as well. And I will feel such a great sense of accomplishment when I get back to what I use to be and prove to people that it can be done! I don't have to keep an extra 50lbs if I don't want to!

    So, in essence my life time reward will be teaching my children to be healthy and giving them the best start in life. As well as giving myself more years to see them grow up instead of being unhealhty and headed to an early grave.
  • HausOfTina
    HausOfTina Posts: 92
    I have rewarded myself with a new case for my Macbook and a few glittery iPhone cases. They are all inexpensive and motivate me to work for what I want. I try to reward myself for every 10lb. My next reward will be a new workout DVD! It is working for me!
  • payupalice
    payupalice Posts: 126 Member
    I don't make my rewards food related. It's a slippery slope for me. My first reward was to buy a new outfit for working out in. I think my next one is going to be a roller skating class (I never learned as a kid - my mom wouldn't let me go!). The one after that is to go through all my old clothes and get rid of anything I don't like. It should be like having a new wardrobe, because that weight will be slightly less than when I fit into those clothes. I'm going on a trip to the beach in September, so whatever goal I hit right before that will be the buy a new swimsuit (bikini???) reward. Those are just some examples!
  • dragonfly__
    dragonfly__ Posts: 172 Member
    Stop thinking of food as a reward. That doesn't mean cut out all the foods you love, eat them in moderation and love every minute of it. Just don't reward yourself with food, it is a trap. Reward yourself with a nice purse, pair of shoes, dress... etc.!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I told myself when I began MFP about 1 month ago that I would reward myself with some wonderful favorite food when I got to the 10pds lost point...I am at 8 pounds so that 10 pd point is approaching. Just curious if this is a good idea or not? Does anyone reward themselves and if so..with food? is that too dangerous?

    Using food as a reward or punishment got me to being the size that I am. Food is nourishment. Period. I second what MizSaz said about getting a manicure, a facial, a massage.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Food can be a dangerous reward.

    I rewarded myself with a FitBit after I was convinced I was really losing some weight.

    I just purchased a summer rainjacket and a new belt after losing some more - but I don't want to buy a lot of clothes until the ones I have are looking too stupidly loose, otherwise I can go broke changing clothes every month. When winter comes I will go crazy.
  • gypsycoyote
    Rewarding oneself is a key motivator for the majority of the human race. It is a tangible reminder of how far we have come. Jewelry, clothes, shoes and anything else that is not a single serving reward is the best - it is something you can see, and keep seeing. And, having those tangible, long lasting rewards cuts out most issues with feeling guilty later on, or freaking out. When I hit 175, I am getting my hair cut. 150, a massage :D; 135 I am going to get my nose pierced, and 126 I will be getting a tattoo AND a new wardrobe <-- the clothes are a practical necessity. :D

    Those are tangible, lasting rewards. Food is single serving, and has the possibility of causing guilt and freak outs, as well as a relapse into bad eating habits and the potential to just backfire. But in the end, it is all up to you. I say, way the pros and cons, and also make a list of all the things you want for yourself - like a new necklace, a movie night, or a special day with your friends (spa day?? :D )

    That is my opinion. However, once a week I do get rewarded by my partner with a 500 calorie Starbucks Green Tea Frap :D But that is HIS reward for me, because it does not work to cut the things you love completely, only to cut back and consume in moderation. Hope this helps <3 Good Luck!
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    I reward myself with whatever I want, be it a juicy cheeseburger or a mani/pedi. This is YOUR journey. There is no right or wrong. :smile:
  • rekus73
    rekus73 Posts: 37 Member
    The way I look at it why deprive yourself...???it makes you crave food even more. I try to have 1 "free" meal a week just so I don't feel deprived...I eat clean all's what you do and eat everyday...not once in a great I say once you hit your 10 lbs mark...go ahead and have something that you like...keep the portions sensible...and enjoy the flavor and the presentation of the food...and not the is not the enemy...but everything has to be in moderation... That is what gets us in trouble...portion sizes and not knowing when to stop...
    Like other people said before...I would do some extra cardio...get dressed up...and enjoy your favorite meal... :) Good luck...It is your journey after all...
  • Less0Beth
    Less0Beth Posts: 16
    I have to ask...why reward yourself with food when more than likely it was food that got you to the size you are now. Don't get me wrong....I "reward" myself with something I desire eats wise if I have truly earned it. What do I mean.....I just burned off several calories working my butt off, literally, to get things done at the house. I wanted a small Skinny Cow ice cream bar. I ATE the ice cream bar, something I don't always allow myself. It was just what I wanted, but far below the calories that I just burned off. Instead, when I get down to a goal "plateau", like losing 20 pounds, I reward myself with wearing something special I purchased. As an added incentive, I will purchase what I just saw (it is usually on sale), a size smaller than what I normally wear. I hang this prominently where I will see it, daily. It is my sweet incentive to gain this reward. But never use food as your focus to get down the weight....all it is is a vicious cycle that takes it off to put it on. Not what you want.
  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    Everything in moderation! so you don't have to 'reward' yourself with food. Plus getting new smaller clothes, or new running shoes or workout outfit is way more Awesome and will last longer than food!!
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    If you reward yourself with the thing that got you unhealthy in the first place, you will only be working so hard only to backstep right to the beginning again. Don't make the rewards about the food you are not allowing yourself to have. Continuously work at changing your entire lifestyle, not being good for the time being so when you are done you can go back to the way you were, that will get you nowhere and the weight will pile back on faster than you can blink. Allow yourself to have cravings and allow yourself to enjoy what your are craving IN MODERATION. Change your lifestyle! If you are wanting to reward yourself, do it with something long lasting that you can see and show yourself how much you've changed and how hard you've worked every time you see or wear it depending on what you chose. You will only feel guilty about halting your progress if you binge on unhealthyness because you attained a goal. You will be left with nothing to show for it besides, bloating, guilt, and frustration with yourself. I would have a goal of 20 lbs or more in between rewards so you really deserve it rather than an excuse to reward yourself.
  • mpaige1969
    mpaige1969 Posts: 52
    thanks for all the great advice! a lot of things pointed out that I wouldn't have considered! still a bit torn...afraid that if I never have certain foods I will end up going off the deep end with it but at the same time I know it is a very short lived maybe a reward of another kind would be better.... something that lasts! well I still have 2 more pounds to think about it!
  • MelMena
    MelMena Posts: 152 Member
    Yeah, food wouldn't work for me...I eat pretty much anything I want as it is!

    My reward will be not looking like a beached whale when I am in Cuba with all the hot latinas 9 days. :smokin: