Insanity vs P90x?

My husband and I are thinking about starting the insanity or P90x workouts, but I do not know anyone that has done them before. Has anyone completed these workouts? Did you like them? Did they work for you?


  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    I've done them both. I would suggest P90X, then Insanity.
  • joeysims
    joeysims Posts: 12
    I did the P90x a while back and it was very effective but you need quite a bit of equipment to do it and I understand Instanity does not require weights or bands or chin up bars. If I was gonna buy one to do at home it would be Insanity. If that helps. :)
  • BNDelarosa
    My brother in law and sister in law have done them and love them. They swear by them. They have lost inches and toned up as well. Therefore I am about to start them as well. They don't seem that bad. I have done a few. Going to go full force starting Monday, for the next 90 days. Good luck to you.
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    I have done P90X. It is a tough workout but it works for sure. My husband has also done it. Honestly though, the guy doing the DVD drives me nuts... but some find him funny... I believe Insanity is more hard care cardio based, plyometrics and such whereas P90X is more weights but mixed in with a plyometric routine, 1.5 hour yoga routine, and a kickboxing routine. Depends on what you are looking for.
  • jgrodzicki
    jgrodzicki Posts: 83
    LOVED P90X. I did the program a few years ago and am dying to do it again because the results were wonderful if you stick it out through the whole program. My metabolism was through the roof!
  • 1LRoy
    1LRoy Posts: 95 Member
    I haven't done Insanity but I have done P90X. I got through 6 solid weeks of it last fall before life threw me a curve ball and forced me to take some time off. I am actually starting P90X again on July 1st and I look forward to finishing it this time. I took "before" pictures last time and by 30 days you could really see a difference. Here's the stats I posted on my Facebook page after 4 weeks:

    Weight lost: 4.5lbs (with plenty of muscle gained!)
    Previous Six-pack? No... zero-pack.
    Current six-pack? No... four-pack and counting!
    Previous resting heart rate: 85 bpm
    Current resting heart rate: 63 bpm
    Previous distance from toes when reaching: -5inches
    Current distance from toes when reaching: +2 past the toes
    Previous amount of time working out before I want to quit: 5 minutes in...
    Current amount of time working out before I want to quit: Quitting is for chumps!

    That being said, I also know people who swear by Insanity. I would do plenty of research online, look at as many video as possible, and see which one seems to fit your workout personality better.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    What are your goals?
    If you want to get cardio fit, Insanity is the best option
    If you want some muscle definition, increased strength, and improved cardio, P90X would be the way to go.

    Insanity is more Intense, but P90X is more well rounded.
  • 1LRoy
    1LRoy Posts: 95 Member
    My brother in law and sister in law have done them and love them. They swear by them. They have lost inches and toned up as well. Therefore I am about to start them as well. They don't seem that bad. I have done a few. Going to go full force starting Monday, for the next 90 days. Good luck to you.

    I'm starting again on Sunday! =)
  • ScottRy76
    ScottRy76 Posts: 31 Member
    I have done both
    p90x was a nice workout toward the end though my pullup bar came off my door frame and i pulled something in my bicep from the fall and had to stop at about 80 days but did see results

    Insanity for me was great best cardio workout i ever got, however my pet peeve with it is by the end of the 3rd week your legs have pretty much had ZERO recovery time and constantly were sore everyday I finished all 60 days but the whole idea behind getting in shape is to give your muscles a chance to recover, with insanity my legs never got a good chance to recover only pet peeve with it.

    I found insanity to be a killer cardio workout, P90x he focus alot on superset muscle workouts his cardio routines are ok but if your looking for a good cardio workout go with insanity. Both I got good results as well, probably better had my diet been on track
  • ramgi
    ramgi Posts: 196 Member
    I've done insanity and only peeped at P90x. I think P90x is too slow. I think you could build more muscle with P90x. I love insanity but it's not for everyone.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    They both work. But for two different things.

    I have completed p90x and am on day 8 of Insanity.

    They are both amazing workouts and would suggest to anyone.

    p90x requires equipment and it made for you to gain strength. Insanity is meant for cardio endurance and to get you really lean.

    Again, great workouts. Definitely suggest them!
  • ttesta20
    ttesta20 Posts: 35 Member
    My husband and I did the traditional P90X routine last year, and the results were awesome. My muscles were more defined and I noticed a HUGE difference in my running stamina. Now I'm doing the P90X Lean routine, which is basically more cardio and less weight lifting. I still try to sneak in a quick 10-15 on the elliptical on days that I'm lifting weights, but my body has always responded better to a heavier amount of cardio. The Kenpo X routine is my favorite - nothing like an hour of kicking and punching your worries away!
  • joec63
    joec63 Posts: 56 Member
    Absolutely work. Done both several times. The caveat of course is if your trying to shed weight you have to be in a calorie defict. This little detail trips up most people that fail to see results. The P90X meal plan in the nutrition guide is tough to follow verbatim. I just do my own thing with the meals while following the macro requirements and track here.

    I would rate insanity as more intense than P90X . Either one can be tough for the uninitiated.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    If I were starting, I would start with P90X. Then do Insanity. Insanity is way more intense and not for someone beginning. You will experience a tiny bit of the Insanity workout in the P90X Plyometrics workout. If you enjoy that, then you'll love Insanity.

    What a lot of people do after they do both is combine them. Do they P90X weight workouts, and then do Insanity for all the cardio P90X workouts, instead of the P90X workouts, if that makes sense. This way, you get a better cardio workout on the Insanity days, and a great upperbody and Leg workouts on the P90X days. It's a great combo.

    I do P90X regularly. I am gearing up for a potential half marathon again. I will replace all cardio workouts with running, and just do the P90X strength training on those days.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    If the goal is to lose weight I would do Insanity. You can skip buying all the weights and stuff. You will still build some muscle.
  • AmandaLou4319
    AmandaLou4319 Posts: 73 Member
    They do work! You just need to complete the program and follow the nurtion plan.
    Abs are made in the kitchen- Fitness is 70% diet, 30% workout.

    Also pick one that fits your life style. Inansity does not need equipment. P90x you need weight/bands/pull up bar/ chairs.

    I did Insanity because I travel most weeks for work and I cannot rely on hotels having the weights I need.
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    What are your goals?
    If you want to get cardio fit, Insanity is the best option
    If you want some muscle definition, increased strength, and improved cardio, P90X would be the way to go.

    Insanity is more Intense, but P90X is more well rounded.

    I am doing INSANITY and INSANITY: The Asylum, until I get closer to goal where I want to get more toning in. i need a lot of cardio for weight loss. I will be doing P90X when I get closer to goal. There is no equipment with INSANITY, but you do muscle work using your own body. There is not a lot of stretching, so you may want to supplement.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    my profile pic is from p90x where I lost 25lbs.. I started insanity after life made me regain what I lost and find it a good workout but hell on your joints so I'm backing off for now
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    What are your goals?
    If you want to get cardio fit, Insanity is the best option
    If you want some muscle definition, increased strength, and improved cardio, P90X would be the way to go.

    Insanity is more Intense, but P90X is more well rounded.

    I am doing INSANITY and INSANITY: The Asylum, until I get closer to goal where I want to get more toning in. i need a lot of cardio for weight loss. I will be doing P90X when I get closer to goal. There is no equipment with INSANITY, but you do muscle work using your own body. There is not a lot of stretching, so you may want to supplement.
    It's NEVER too soon to start with some weights. Don't feel like you have to lose all your weight before you try. I did Insanity and lost a ton of weight, and ended up skinny-fat. I've been struggling to put on some muscle now, so I don't look like a flabby stick :smile: