Wii for Exercise?



  • deej87
    deej87 Posts: 6 Member
    I just started using the UFC Trainer for Wii and found that it gives a very good work out. It's a great total body workout with different levels and programs.
  • KenDubya74
    KenDubya74 Posts: 196 Member
    On days when I cannot make it to the gym I use Wii Sports - Boxing which gives a good workout and I also use The Biggest Loser. I will usually combine the two into an hour workout.
  • lilspringchicken
    lilspringchicken Posts: 14 Member
    I second Will Zumba and the Just Dance series. It's super fun to do, and my 11 week old smiles so big when she watches me do it. I sing along and wave at her while I work out. The Wii games are like any exercise you do — you burn how hard you work. If you move your arms and your feet, you'll get a good workout. (One exception is the Wii Fit. Really fun games, but not really cardio. You'd be better off jogging in place or stepping up and down stairs.)
  • adbartram
    adbartram Posts: 3 Member
    I have the Wii fit and several work out programs I love. However, I am with the others on the Just Dance programs, they are fun and get you moving!!! We do them in groups and always have a blast!!
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    We have Xbox 360 with Kinect. We do Dance Central every single night. It is so much FUN. That is a key point. To have fun with what you do!
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    I've just come out from an hours boxing, jogging, hula hooping and stepping, and I'm red as a beetroot and dripping like a hippo. I'm sore as hell. But its easy to do, plus its bloody good fun!

    Sure if you're very fit it wont challenge you, but it sure as **** challenges me!!
  • abencase
    abencase Posts: 34 Member
    Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum. It has rowing, boxing, running, etc. You move the entire time you do anything on this game! She also has tips and timed workouts. I will say there are only about 15 different "exercises" on here so I wouldn't use it everyday. It might get boring.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Personally, I prefer this program: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keWCS942iFM

    "If you find it's distracting to look at the weight...just look away and focus on the burn."
  • Tricialew32
    Tricialew32 Posts: 96 Member
    Skip the first Zumba and go with Zumba 2. Any of the Just Dance games and EA Active2. While the game PUNCH OUT! is not billed as a fitness game, I use it with the Balance board and get a better workout than with EA Active sometimes!
  • kristen_lynn
    kristen_lynn Posts: 75 Member
    i used the Wii Fit as my main source of exercise during my first 6 months on MFP and lost about 40 pounds. i would start with boxing (once you get to advanced, it's 10 minutes, and for me burned over 100 calories), and also do hula hoop, step, and the strength training exercises, interspersed with Island Run and yoga for cooldown. A few months ago I also got the EA Sports Active game for Wii, that one is much more difficult. i'd also rent the Just Dance from Redbox occasionally for mixing it up, and log my exercise with a HRM. It's definitely an option for those who want to stay home but still get moving, i lost my first 50 pounds as a stay-at-home mom with a toddler underfoot so i had to make sure he was included in all things.... including a few exercises while holding him! haha. good luck! it's definitely possible. just gotta get that heart rate up!
  • hottiebikerchick
    hottiebikerchick Posts: 187 Member
    I do Just Dance and I love it - so fun....we exercise and laugh the whole time!!! its about 100 calories per half hour!
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    I have been using Wii Fit Plus and EA Sports Active 2. Have been using EA Sports Active 2 for 45 weeks in conjunction with walking and jogging and have shed 40 lbs and 7 inches in 1 year. Wonderful programs. If you add dumbells and Ankle and Wrist weights you can make as challenging as you are comfortable with. Also looking forward to trying out NFL Training Camp.
  • VickiG36
    VickiG36 Posts: 350 Member
    I have a Wii balance board and the Wii Fit "game". It does have some pretty fun games in it, but I just don't get the burn from it. The free run is kind of fun but again not very challenging. I'm a working mom to and the only way to get my exercise in is to do it before the kiddos wake up. So yes I'm having to wake up early but I'm getting my exercise in. I try to do DVD's that are only 20-30 minutes long. If I have the energy at the end of the day I go for a bike ride or swim with the kids. Every little bit counts.
  • rcwible83
    rcwible83 Posts: 42
    WII Active!! LOVE IT! :love: myself and my 13 year old does it. it is an actual work out. complete with water skiing, rowing, squash, kick boxing, skipping rope, obstacle course etc. It's a must try! you only need the excercise band and numchuck. u can use the WII board too for a better experience but not required. also if u get the WII board it comes with 100 "fun" excercise games to try. tight rope walking, snow skiiing, skate boarding, ets. My family is always trying to beat each others scores. (But I always win.....of course! jk) :bigsmile:
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I use the Wii EA Sports Active, More Active, and Active 2. I love those! I get a pretty good workout and can definitely tell that I've worked out when I'm done.
  • Sixalicious
    Sixalicious Posts: 283 Member
    Dance Dance Revolution is what got me to working out. It has a variety of songs with different tempos. I havent used it in a while, but it also has an exercise mode that would play multiple songs back to back. It was a fun way to workout without actually thinking about it as working out.
  • Joanne_8595
    Joanne_8595 Posts: 64 Member
    I think with any exercise it's what you put into it that really matters. I can do the free step for 30 minutes and barely break a sweat, but if I add full arm movements and quicken my pace it makes it a much better workout. The Wii counts it as the same calorie burn, but I find that it gives me a better workout then walking in my field for 30 minutes. The dog likes the field better, but I like to sweat a little bit more. I have been using it for 30 minutes every day, and every other day I have been using my gazelle which gives me a good workout too. The days I don't use the gazelle I do a toning/stretching routine in the wii fit plus for an extra 30 minutes. Honestly this is a good work out for someone getting starting and getting fit, it also helps if you have balance issues. I am actually looking at getting the ea Active 2 personal trainer program because it has a resistance band and allows you to use weights, which is lacking in what I am doing right now.

    I am really uncoordinated so I stay away from things that require me to have to coordinate arm and leg movements, because I just end up falling all over the place. The advanced step requires I step on and off the board to the front and side and have to keep pace with the counter or it gets upset, so I don't use that one. I am also a lousy dancer, so to even consider that would be "fun" makes me shudder. I do however put all effort into what I am doing, so probably burn more than the normal person does for these things. Like full arm movements for me means I swing my hand from slightly behind my back all the way up to behind my head and tighten my muscles as much as possible. At first I did this off and on, but I have worked up to the point where I do it the whole thirty minutes. Just really don't know how many calories I burn, so use what it tells me which is always 143 no matter how many steps I take or if I use the wide arm movements.

    Anyway, just remember that anything you do that you enjoy and that gets you moving is a good thing! Every day that I exercise my body feels so much better, it's just hard to explain how good it feels to move my muscles and do stuff!!!
  • I have Zumba Fitness 2 and I love it. However, the instructions aren't very clear for creating your own playlist. I really want to create one and I can't figure out how to do it. Has anyone created one yet? I'd love some helpful tips, if you have. Thanks!
  • Joanne_8595
    Joanne_8595 Posts: 64 Member
    I bought the Wii Active 2 personal trainer software and am really impressed with it. It's really cheap right now, because they have discontinued the online portion. I would probably never have used that anyway, so that's ok. I love how straight forward it is. I can get my exercise in and waste very little time. It has me jumping, squatting, running, skipping rope, boxing, and so many other activities which really get me sweating! I am only on the easy level, so I can see this is going to be something I can use for a long time to come. I still use my Wii fit plus, for free step and weighing in, but this is definitely a straight forward exercise program.
  • cmason516
    cmason516 Posts: 62
    I have used EA Sports Active 2 and I have been using Wii Exerbeat lately. I really like the exerbeat. I can work up quite a sweat using it. It also is fun to use instead of my bike and other home workouts.