I'm soooo hungry.



  • dhoddy
    dhoddy Posts: 35
    Ah! I LOVE watermelon! Glad I'm not the only one that users it to get by on the low calorie days. I'm doing Insanity right now, but on the rest days when I need to stick strictly to 1200 calories, I have a bowl of it with a teensy bit of salt for breakfast. 4-6 cups is less than 200 calories!

    I would also like to suggest suger-free gum! I'm currently addicted to Trident Layers right now, so whenever I want a taste in my mouth and something to chew on, I just grab a piece of gum! It's a big help in keeping me from needlessly snacking.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Protein will keep you feeling full for longer, try fish, chicken and lean steak.
  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225
    i found that when i first started cutting down the calories, i was starving all the time. after a week or two, my body adjusted. so maybe that will happen for you. the only other times i've been really starving was when i started an exercise routine and was apparently burning more calories than i estimated...i realized when the scale took a sudden drop a couple of weeks later. i changed my estimation a little, because while it's nice to drop the weight, it's not fun to be hungry all the time.

    adjust your calories/exercise until you find the sweet spot - where the weight is coming off but you aren't starving all the time. it can happen! i found that increasing too much or too little led me to drive myself crazy - too little and i would get too hungry and snack-binge, too much and i'd get used to being full, and i'd get lazy about sticking to the calorie limit. ;o) there's a place that works for me - i still have to pay attention and curb my urges, but not starve myself - for me, that's 1650 right now (between 1 and 1 1/2 pounds a week, for my height/weight).

    filling snacks i like: a boiled egg; dill pickles (i keep a huge jar of GIANT dills in my fridge - about 26 calories each and i can barely eat a whole one, and it stops my craving for salty snack foods - also works late at night when i've used up my calories for the day and i get hungry/snacky, because it's not enough calories over my allotment to totally trash my resolve, lol); reduced-fat wheat thins and hummus (half serving of each = about 100 calories, for a snack - full serving of each is good for lunch); smart-pop popcorn, a 100-calorie bag; V-8 juice (50 calories a cup and surprisingly substantial).
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    Very few people need 1200 calories to lose weight. Most would actually do BETTER overall to increase their calorie amount.s

    ^this^ :)
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    1200 a day was way too low for me. I did not start losing weight until I went to 1400, then 1500. I am 5'3" and 43 years old. Not only did I get down to 114, I lost 4 more lbs eating 1500 a day and moved up to 1600 so I would stop losing.

    Do not go hungry, that is not fun.

    I also recommend filling those calories with foods that are low on the glycemic index such as quinoa or sweet potatoes.

    Good luck.
    Same here! I didn't lose a thing until I started eating at least 1500. I don't think anybody NEEDS to eat only 1200 a day to lose weight.
  • hjoyk
    hjoyk Posts: 6 Member
    Good points here... I am already a huge water drinker but it is always good to reach for that first.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    What is your protein intake at? Likely you could intake more than what you are and that will help you feel full longer. Protein, fat and fiber are good at making you feel full. Try swapping out some carbs for those and see how you feel.

    I have been on 1200 for quite some time and many days I have to eat a handful of nuts to reach that. I also eat 100+ grams of protein every day.
  • Please add me I'm failing I just had 5 hot Pockets when I came home from work... I work a full time job and I ate right all day but when I got home I got so hungry :(