SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo! Nov 16

Happy Monday!
I'm trying to be chipper! I don't feel so well today thanks to the dumb eating choices that I made over the weekend, but at least I am motivated again. I'm actually looking forward to working out today.
My goals this week are:
to workout 5x (Mon-Fri)
to stick to a lower carb/higher protein diet
get the house under control
spend less time on the computer (goal is to keep it off till other things are done. not starting out so well. :laugh: )
Personal goals:
spend more time with Alex
figure out Christmas spending/budget
pull out winter clothes (which I didn't manage last week)

I guess that's it. Have a great day!
Recovering from the weekend boogaloo!


  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    I would like to take the gift giving, for those over 18 years of age, out of Christmas. I used to enjoy it, now it just feels like a chore. My family no longer exchanges gifts, thank goodness. My husband's family is small, so there's not too many things we need to buy.

    Anyway, we rode to yoga, did a little under an hour of yoga, and that was it. I was tired yesterday, and I allowed myself to be tired. I made whole wheat scones - I don't think they are sweet enough to count as dessert, so I had one dessert last week. Goal is the same this week. I did 9 yoga sessions last week. 5 will be fine this week. My bicep is still sore, so I need to avoid yoga push-up today. Gym is on the schedule today as well as yoga.

    MM - I bought these weird bread things at Central Market - it's puffed rice/wheat/corn mix - sorta like a rice cake - only 15 calories each ($3 a package) - I thought of you with the low carb thing. They might have them at HEB as well, if you have one anywhere nearby. They are about the shape of tostadas and come in a big bag.

    Cold wind a'blowin, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi pebbs,

    Welcome to a new week. I'm with you, MM, trying to be chipper. My glands are still all puffy, and I can't hear. Other than that, I feel better. If the glands are still like this in a few days, I'm going back to the doctor. I'm concerned about my thyroid (I don't think it got tested last year when I was sick, and my whole throat feels constricted).
    Mary, "allowed myself to be tired." is a statement I can completely relate to. It's hard to allow myself to be tired, or sick, or just still.

    Goals for the week are:
    Move on exercise days (M,T, Th, Sa,Su) no matter what
    (yep, that's five instead of four. . .four doesn't seem like enough, especially when I'm not able to do hardcore workouts yet). Today I'm planning on a walk.

    Eat one meal a day that is all or mostly fruit/veg.
    (a yogurt-based salad dressing is OK, big hunk of cheese isn't) The reason here is twofold: I want to cut some calories, and I need the nutrients.

    Only one dessert, and two breads a week.
    I've been relying on big, bread-y things (like homemade pizza/soup with biscuits) too much. I think wheat doesn't necessarily give me problems, but it seems to trigger me to want sweets or more bread. Also, this is another way to cut calories without really thinking about it. I had dessert last night, and it was sort of disappointing. It involved "goat cheese caramel" which, although intriguing, is not my new favorite thing.

    New week boogaloo!:flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hello, pebbles. I had a fun weekend, but didn't exercise except for pushups. That's OK. My dessert fizzled a bit - I ended up with an assortment of Girl Scout cookies and a couple of little tootsie rolls that I had set aside on Halloween. The main impact seemed to be that I got really sleepy and had a headache for a while afterwards - not impressed. But, now I've had some of the cookies, so I know I don't really need any more.

    Goals are:
    Belly dance 1x
    Pushups 3x
    Run 1x
    3+ other workouts (mix of cardio/strength)
    One more week of 1 dessert before family comes
    In bed by 11:30, shoot for 11

    I am also going to try to not work so late, and also not spend as much of my home time on the computer.

    Lots to do, boogaloo!
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Nice job hanging on last week ladies! :flowerforyou: I didn't do so hot, but came down with severe strep on thursday (got kicked out of work & sent to dr who I successfully disgusted! :bigsmile: ) I love it when I can gross out a doctor; at least then you KNOW you don't just not feel good 'cause you're lazy, it's legit!

    The only goal I met last week was the weight loss, and that was more of a side effect of not eating for nearly 2 days. I have my waterbottle and an apple sitting on my desk and need to go for a quick jog... Next week is Thanksgiving, so let's muddle through till then (as we all seem in a slump) :drinker:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Sorry you got sick Arianne. Glad you are doing better now. Way to go on grossing out the doc! :wink:
    V, it wouldn't hurt to get your thyroid checked. Could be why you are sick a lot and having a hard time losing weight. I hope nothing's wrong with it though.
    Mary, yoga nine times? Wow. Impressive.
    CP, great job on the push ups. I keep telling myself I will get back to it but I haven't.
    Where's Karen?

    I came back on to say I forgot one of my goals: to eat a fruit/veggie at every meal. I missed lunch today but I have an apple as a snack! I also am hopeful to get my work out in. I am making a meal for friends and cookies for our new neighbors so I am in the kitchen a lot today. Limiting myself to two cookies! I also have to run errands that I was trying to put off.
    Looking forward to a day off. :tongue:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    brrr, 40 degrees, Texas cold.

    I got two walks and yoga in yesterday. I've decided to skip hard yoga for a week and see if everything heals. So today is cardio at gym.

    I'm so looking forward to Thanksgiving next week. My whole family is going to Dallas and staying at a hotel. No cooking or cleaning and some bonus pampering (pedicure). I'll have a place to work out - and if I'm lucky, I'll get a yoga class in as well.

    Give thanks, boogaloo.
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Hi girls, I didn't get near the computer all weekend I was out shopping. One way to get the walking in lol. Yesterday I was out of commission and for awhile I thought I had appendicitis but it was just a major case of gas. It bent me over double and made me feel sick. Today I got up and was a little tender but ok to go.

    Same goals as last week. My daughter bought the walking dvd too this weekend. So I have to try and keep up with her.:laugh: :laugh: She is twenty years younger.

    I have to go pull carrots out of the garden while my homemade minestrone is cooking on the woodstove. See you all later. :bigsmile:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I have to go pull carrots out of the garden while my homemade minestrone is cooking on the woodstove. See you all later. :bigsmile:

    OK, so that's my picture of heaven.:wink:

    Today, I'm aiming for some sort of weight training, either a short JM or the longer one. It's a trade off, as the short ones involve more crazy cardio (mountainclimbers, etc). . .and the longer one is mostly weight stuff, but is longer. Haven't decided yet.

    Also, woke up with a killer sinus headache. I took some medicine, which is helping, but made me sleepy. I may be on my way to a nap. My goal is to workout when I get home from my afternoon appointment. A big challenge, as I usually want to just collapse. Wont' do that today. Promise.

    Naptime boogaloo.:yawn: :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Mary, your Thanksgiving sounds fun and relaxing! I'm looking forward to it as well just because I love being with my family and I love the holidays!
    V, I hope you got a good nap in and are feeling better!
    Karen, the homemade minestrone on the woodstove sounds good. I was just thinking a couple of weeks ago about how my dad made stew on the woodstove. Seems like he had it cooking for days before we could eat it. It smelled so good.
    I am sore today from working out yesterday. I did manage to get 45 minutes of taebo in today anyway. I can see my collar bone reappear so that's motivating! I hope I'm not too sore to meet my goal tomorrow. I'd really like to work out a lot over the next 9 days, so maybe I'll be more inclined to work out over Thanksgiving and not eat so much.
    I'm still learning that I have no self control. Just had a spoonful of leftover icing. Yeah, DH is going to put it in the trash tonight. I have a really hard time doing that. I had to send the cookies I made yesterday with him to work. I had more than two yesterday and I knew I would do it again. Those things are really not easy for me. :cry: (because I had to say goodbye to my cookies. lol) I guess that's it for today!
    Dying to self boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Headache didn't relent. Have switched the scheduled day off from tomorrow to today.

    I owe myself a weight workout tomorrow.

    Three of my friends have migraines today. . .which makes me nervous a weather change (snow? eep!) is coming, I think. . .:grumble:

    MM, I absolutely can't keep any sweets in the house. I will always eat the entire batch. If I have to bake something (like for a potluck or a bake sale) I literally have to take it out of the house still warm. The thing to do is not have it in the house at all. Ever. Sad, but true.
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    I feel the same MM, I hate to throw stuff away too. I had three really ripe bananas and I made banana bread today and have had three tiny slices. So I will try to send it to work with my oldest tomorrow! My Oldest daughter and middle daughter work at the same University up in Burlington so I'm sure there are plenty of grad students that would help them eat it. I haven't gotten any exercise in today, just trying to feel better from yesterday but that still leaves the rest of the week. Well gotta peel potatos for supper. Hubby loves mashed potatos, I'm not so keen on them.

    Oh almost forgot I got on the scale and it said I had lost two lbs. Yea! More motivation to get the exercise in.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Karen, congrats on losing two pounds! :flowerforyou:
    I'm glad I'm not alone on the sweets thing. I did manage to throw out the icing myself. I have really got to find some self control!
    Today is Alex's birthday! I might confuse him by telling him it's today since he thinks it was Friday. I can't believe he's four already. Where did the time go?
    The heater was running this morning and then all of the sudden it started smelling like something was burning. Hubby says it's just dust but I don't think it was. I turned it off. I don't want to burn the house down. I'm paranoid okay! So it's going to be a bit chilly in here today. Motivation to pull my winter clothes out!
    Today is the usual Wednesday:
    horse therapy
    meeting with a friend
    trying to get a work out in
    church tonight
    Busy, busy!
    Have an awesome day!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    What are these winter clothes that you speak of? :wink: I thought the heater always smelled like that the first go round. If it didn't go away, I'd be worried.

    I love to throw stuff away (or give it away) - the feeling of cleanliness that goes with it. I like the way homes look without furniture in them.

    Today: teach two yogas + go to one class = 4 hours of yoga. I need to work on my lesson plan for today and Friday.

    Detachment, boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi pebbs,

    I decided today to not check in until after a workout today. So, that's finished. Congratulations, ladies, you're now my incentive to exercise.:tongue:

    I did JM's "no more trouble zones". . .or at least most of it. There were just a few circuits that I only did one set of (it's all five move circuits two times through). I'm sweating like a crazy person during my workouts.

    Very pleased with myself (wanted to skip working out again desperately). Will now relax for the rest of the day, or maybe clean the kitchen and then relax.

    Rest of the day boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Wow! Nice job ladies!!!! :drinker:

    And I was proud of myself for walking for 40 minutes yesterday, you're all kicking butt!!! I just don't feel ready to run, which with asthma, anything affecting my respiratory tract always scares me away from running. I am headed out to teach an afternoon PE class (volleyball) so I should stay active for the next hour or so. Maybe a dvd tonight for some resistance training?

    Keep up the amazing work :flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Oops... forgot to post this message yesterday...
    Sorry you were sick, Arianne. Karen, that soup sounds yummy. MM, I feel like self-control is kind of like a switch in my brain - once I figure out how to flip it, it's (relatively) easy. But sometimes I forget. Having a plan always helps me, too. Lately I have been drinking red tea whenever I want something sweet - it has a somewhat sweet flavor itself, and usually by the time I am finished sipping a hot drink, I don't feel the craving anymore.

    Good luck not collapsing, V. I am very tired today myself - I got up at 3am to watch the meteor shower, then went back to sleep for a couple hours before getting up for an eye appointment and then work. They dilated my eyes so they have been super tired (as if the lack of sleep weren't enough!). I did my pushup test last night, but then forgot to do the rest of the sets (since I was trying to get to bed early for the meteor shower). So I have to force myself to do those after dance class tonight. :yawn:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Um, yeah the work out isn't going to happen today. :ohwell: I am going to do some serious cleaning in the living room though. I have to get rid of some of Alex's toys. They are all over, especially with the new ones. I sent 45 minutes putting one of his new toys together and a neighbor just brought over more. He's spoiled! lol
    CP, I noticed the same thing with sweets being like a switch. I was doing great a few weeks ago but then I had junk and then that's all I wanted. Once I get my eating back under control I won't want it as much. I'll have to try the hot drink thing and see if that helps.
    V, I was thinking about using you all as incentive to exercise. I shouldn't be allowed to post unless I exercise. :tongue: That may not be such a bad idea.
    I have about two hours to get some cleaning done so I'm gonna get to it. I should be able to make a good dent in the mess.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Mary, I desperately need you to come to my house and throw stuff away. :tongue: I have a really hard time doing it.
    Karen, congrats on the weight loss!

    Well, it is nearly 6:30 and I am still at work. So I may end up bailing on the elliptical today - maybe I can get in some DDR or a DVD when I get home. I just don't want to be here any more, but since I'm on call, I would have to use the gym here instead of going to the Y. At least I did my pushups yesterday!

    Sick of work boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Good morning, Pebbs.
    Have you checked out the new design for the site? Not too shabby. :smile:
    How is everyone this morning? I'm alright I guess. Feeling pressured to get a grocery list made. I'm tired of the same old recipes so I need to start looking around for new ones earlier in the week instead of waiting till the last minute. I have noticed I am in a pattern and it's been going on forever. I will "diet" for about a month (once or twice it was even longer!) then I somehow fall back into eating badly for a weekend and then I just can't get out of it for a while. I have noticed that the time between "diets" is getting shorter. Maybe I'm just more obsessed. :tongue: I also asked myself a question last night that I don't have an answer to: why do I want to lose weight so badly? I'm not obese. Sure I'm a "little overweight", but I'm not that big. Why has it always been such an obsession for me and why do my thoughts about weight loss always involve my family? :huh: When I think about getting smaller, my family pops into my head as motivation. Why? And if I try not to care what others think about me (other than my family), then why do I care so much about what I look like to myself? I am not so sure I am going to lose weight and keep it off until I answer these questions. Also, I have friends who have lost weight and have looked great but the next thing I know they are having to "diet" again because they gained some of it back. It's not encouraging to me because I am kind of a yo-yo, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. :laugh:
    Sorry, went on a tangent. All that being said, I'm still going to keep working at it and hope I find answers along the way.
    I did not get a work out in yesterday (started but got interrupted and ran out of time), but I did pull the winter clothes (long sleeve cotton shirts and a couple of turtle necks :laugh: )out of the closet and put away some of Alex's toys which makes things look better.
    Today is grocery shopping, taebo, cleaning, logging again, and planning our overnight getaway Thanksgiving weekend.
    I'm done rambling...for now. I'm sure I'll post again today since I can't seem to leave MFP alone. :smile:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,783 Member
    It's a very important question, MM. I have two main reasons - I want to look the best I can and I don't want my weight to effect my yoga or other exercises. It's much easier to run, when you have less to move. As far as looking my best, I'm not obsessive about my giggly bits, but I would like them to be gone. I don't think I'm someone that would think I was overweight when I wasn't.

    I think another question we have to ask is: what am I willing to do to lose weight? I'm not willing to be hungry all the time - so I struggle with that and weight loss.

    Anyway - today is gym day. I forgot to ask my teacher about my semi-sore hamstring - I'm not sure she would offer any pearls or wisdom, but just in case there's a pose I should avoid. Tomorrow's class is heavy on the hamstrings - we'll see how it goes. I've heard horror stories about yoga people needing 6 months to recover.

    Life questions, boogaloo!