Sounds like an excuse i know...........



  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Yes, you can lose weight if you do not exercise. Staying at a caloric deficit is all that really matters with regards to your question.
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    You seem really active to me, maybe try playing active games with your children to spend time with them and increase your exercise that way if you'd like to increase it?

  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    Maintain a healthy diet and a calorie deficit and you will see weight start to come off. Once you have gotten to a certain point and if YOU choose to incorporate some exercise you can most definitely squeeze in things here and there.

    Doing the dishes? Add some calf raises
    In the shower? Add some squats
    Folding laundry? tighten up abs (same for when you are driving - no reason you can't use road time to work on some abs)

    There are countless ways to sneak stuff in - cardio can be tricker time wise but see where your diet gets you and go from there!

    Best of luck :flowerforyou:
  • kritterxx
    kritterxx Posts: 100 Member
    Try speeding up your walking some. I race my grandkids when we're walking (gotta let them win though :smile: ) They're 5 and 6. I also use them as weights. We play, I swing them around, carry them. When I take them to the park I climb with them. I've taken them on 3 mile walks. We've even done a 5K. I take them to Kiddy Ks. They love getting the medals. My 6 year old grand daughter wants to run a mud run. I told her to wait until next year so her brother can do it with her. Make it a family thing.

    This is so great! Making it a family thing is an awesome idea. And that includes the food you're making, you didn't really specify what kind of food you're cooking, but changing the diet of the whole family can be really positive. Not only will you be helping yourself in terms of diet and nutrition, but also educating the kids about healthy food choices.
    I can understand though that maybe running around with the kids, and the above idea about doing the 5k with them etc., might be a bit difficult if your partner has mobility issues - would they feel left out? I think that'd be important to keep in mind. You didn't say much about their condition or health, but I'm sure they'd be super supportive of you, and even join you on your journey.
    The ten minute workouts are great too. There's even an intense 4 minute one that really gets you going (:
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    You can lose weight at a caloric deficit without exercise, but you will maintain lean muscle and optimize your health by exercising. You will never "find" the time, you have to "make" the time. Until then, just work with you caloric deficit.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Exercise doesn't have to be don't have to spend hours in the gym, etc. Try getting up 15 minutes earlier, or, like many suggested, drop the PTA and get yourself a little time. With the energy it gives you, you'll find you will want to do it, and will be able to make time to do it.
  • Emmarogers2008
    And that includes the food you're making, you didn't really specify what kind of food you're cooking, but changing the diet of the whole family can be really positive. Not only will you be helping yourself in terms of diet and nutrition, but also educating the kids about healthy food choices

    The foods we eat are 90% home made. I don't add fats or salt to any cooking and we have a varied meal plan that incoperates tradition, modern and ethnic foods. I even make my own burgers, meatballs, pies, nuggets etc etc
    so on the whole my diet is good, i think the problem i had was not eating enough so my body was in starvation mode. i was only eating a yoghurt for breakfast half a sandwich at lunch then a cooked dinner in the evening
  • athminbri
    athminbri Posts: 51 Member
    You say that you never ask for help from anyone. Maybe you should. Keep in mind that this advice is coming from someone who also has a problem asking for help. I am working on it though. I do not know what your family's lifestyle is already, but some suggestions for you to ask for help:

    Kids can do (more) chores
    Hire a maid
    Trade babysitting time with a friend
    Hire a home nurse for a couple of hours a week

    You could also take the kids to a park and do a workout there. Monkey bars, swings, even the merry-go-round can be great workouts. Look into Once a Month cooking to save time. If once a month is too much, aim for Once a Week cooking. I grill up a ton of chicken breast on Sundays to have it available all week for quick meals. I also have rules about going into certain rooms. Whenever I go into the kitchen, I do 10 pushups off the counter. I go into the bathroom and do 10 squats. It only takes a minute or so each time but definitely adds up over the day.

    Everyone else has had some great ideas also.

  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I lost my first 10kg (22 pounds or so) without exercising at all!! People may say that you will become 'skinny fat' but in my opinion that is better than fat fat :happy: Also it sounds as though you are burning calories by living a very busy life. Once you lose a bit of weight you may find that you feel like doing some extra exercise (I did plus I like being able to eat a bit more).

    Being skinny fat is not better than fat fat. Both are facing with health risks associated with obesity. The only advantage of the skinny fat is that they have easier time correcting their body composition than with the fat fat since they don't have a lot of weight to lose.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    As others have said, you can lose weight simply by calorie deficit (moderate deficit & not VLCD). As for your workouts, perhaps if you can instead of walking 3.5mph (assuming you're doing it this way), why not doing it like 4.0mph on some days.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    well, what I would suggest might be time consuming but I'd start logging here at mfp...planning meals and sticking as closely as possible to it might help... and then I'd buy a heart rate monitor and start tracking the little things... walks to and from bus might be able to be extended and even a different route might help. ( I found that if I walk around my neighborhood going UP first instead of down, I burn about 40 less calories per trip... strange but little things...) good luck
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I lost my first 10kg (22 pounds or so) without exercising at all!! People may say that you will become 'skinny fat' but in my opinion that is better than fat fat :happy: Also it sounds as though you are burning calories by living a very busy life. Once you lose a bit of weight you may find that you feel like doing some extra exercise (I did plus I like being able to eat a bit more).

    Being skinny fat is not better than fat fat.

    Well, I disagree, but that is the way of the world!! :flowerforyou:
  • suzihead
    suzihead Posts: 14
    how about skip to school on the school run? get the kids to scoot so you can jog to school- that would be enough higher bits of activity to kickstart because as you say you are already busy. You have my full understanding- i'm bits of you and your partner. Sorry that sounds odd and makes me sound like a fruitcake but what i wanted to say is that i have long term health conditions which mean that the bulk of things fall to my partner whilst i try to do what i can. If he's away then it all falls to me, so i end up having to be very careful so that i can still feed the boys in the evening, get them to clubs etc.
  • Emmarogers2008
    I usually run behing my littlest on her bike as she has a problem with her eyes that affects her balance so i have to steady her most of the way. the walk to school is a about 1 m ile awayand it takes me with the kids 20 minutes and on my own 10 minutes.
    Tomorrow i have volunteered to go on a school trip to a wildlife park that s all outdoors walking etc
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    Is your health and life not worth 10 minutes out of 24 hours in a day? Come on. I work full time and have 3 boys. I still find time. Just get up and do it.