Busy and excercise

Annadel Posts: 146 Member
Am sure a lot of you feel this. My work is getting v hectic, domestic travel. In 2 weeks I have not been excersing, put on 3 lbs:(
What can I do other than trying to find time in my schedules?


  • Aubreestar
    You have to find time. You can't expect results without paying the price. No easy solution. You must put your health higher up on your priority list. Your ability to solve the roadblocks to success correlates with your desire to accomplish your goals. Do you want to want your health or do you really want it.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I head this once:

    Exercising is like brushing your teeth. If you brushed your teeth until they were white, would you not brush your teeth every day after that?

    Exercising should be a part of your routine. I know it's hard with people's schedules, but you can always find a way. You can even do your own quick work outs on the road in your hotel room. You could buy a excercise DVD like pilates or something. Go for a walk, check out the pool at the hotel, etc. There's SO many options.
  • eyouse
    eyouse Posts: 26 Member
    I sit a ton in grad school- and I take10 minute exercise breaks all the time... You have to find something that works for you. Good luck! :)
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I work full time overnights and I also have a part time job during the day. Somehow I find the time to get serious exercise in 6 days a week alternating between lifting heavy and cardio. If you want it bad enough, you'll find the time.
  • Annadel
    Annadel Posts: 146 Member
    U have me inspired! I will be back on track tomorrow!!!
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    Weight gain is caused by over eating your calories. Even if you don't exercise for a couple of weeks, you can keep your weight in check by not overeating your BMR. It is the lack of exercise + overeating your BMR is what cause weight gain not just lack of exercise.
  • StarIsMoving
    StarIsMoving Posts: 437
    You can fit it in, promise... it's a matter of drive and desire though.
    I have 3 kids (2 disabled that require a LOT of appointments), I am in college full time and work full time (takes me from house 12hrs/day) and still manage to find time to exercise. I give up sleep sometimes to do it, but it releases the stress from all the responsibilities and I sleep deeper by doing it. To me, worth the exchange. You can do it! Take a run around the area you are staying at and hit the shower in the evening...anything :)
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Weight gain is caused by over eating your calories. Even if you don't exercise for a couple of weeks, you can keep your weight in check by not overeating your BMR. It is the lack of exercise + overeating your BMR is what cause weight gain not just lack of exercise.
    I think you mean TDEE.
  • roodledoodle
    roodledoodle Posts: 183
    Be selfish about your health and make it a priority. You could go to bed slightly earlier and set your alarm earlier, get up and do a dvd or go for a short run or brisk walk before your busy day begins - plus it will set you up for the day :smile:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Try actually scheduling exercise into your day. Put it in your appointment book. And then, treat it as a must.
  • lissaann22479
    Be selfish about your health and make it a priority. You could go to bed slightly earlier and set your alarm earlier, get up and do a dvd or go for a short run or brisk walk before your busy day begins - plus it will set you up for the day :smile:

    This is really good advice.
  • lilsaph
    lilsaph Posts: 63 Member
    Ever heard of the ten minute solutions DVD's? I love these when I'm super busy, even if you only have a couple of ten minute windows you can get some sweat on. I'll often just do all five workouts if I'm at home but because they're broken down into ten minute sections you can do them when ever possible and break a workout into lots of little time slots.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Am sure a lot of you feel this. My work is getting v hectic, domestic travel. In 2 weeks I have not been excersing, put on 3 lbs:(
    What can I do other than trying to find time in my schedules?
    Other than making the time, nothing.
    It's a simple proposition. Proper diet + good exercise = results, but take away anything from this equation, and you fail.
    Your body does not care about a schedule but only responds to exercise or no exercise.
    Excuses do not alter physiology.
    Good Luck!
  • bryonysten
    bryonysten Posts: 44
    Even when I was out of the house from 6.30am - 8.30pm I found time to exercise, I cycled to the station (exercise+commute=easy win!), and also had a PT 2x a week at 5am. Eek, I know.

    However, now when I travel (and I'm not on the same crazy schedule), I play a workout DVD in my hotel room. My favourite is 30Day Shred as its so short, and if there is no gym in the hotel, you'll still have enough floor space. Use water bottles for weights, or better yet get a set of those weights that you can fill with water or sand and take them with you, like these for example http://www.aquabells.com/specs.html (not involved with them, just a quick google!)

    Good luck, you can do it.
    And remember, you can't out exercise poor nutrition, so when you can't exercise try and keep a handle on your food intake and that should minimise any damage.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Planning workouts really helps me. I travel 3days a week and if i dont plan ahead its a lot harder. You can do it!
  • dajero1
    dajero1 Posts: 78 Member
    Read Jorge Cruise's "eight minutes in the morning" book. Helped me get started.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I just re-read your post. I know that it isn't easy to stay on track when you are traveling. Maybe that is what we need to look at in order to help you. Are you eating in restuaunts regularly? Do you stay at hotels where there are exercise rooms with equipment?
    I am sure that it is harder to incorporate exercising and eating healthy when you are on the go a lot.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    If you want it bad enough, you'll find the time.


    It's a bit about planning & time saving and it's a bit about priorities.

    When I was tri training, even when the Ironman training load grew to 15+ hours a week on top of a full-time job, I found the time. You make time. And friends of mine managed whose lives were much busier than mine, who have kids, two jobs, long commutes etc.

    Plan your meals so you can cook batches and freeze portions, meaning you spend less time standing in the kitchen. If it's possible to cycle to work, try it. Get up an hour earlier and go for a run.

    You can make general changes like simply deciding you will not use a lift anymore and take the stairs whenever it's an option. Park further away when you go to the supermarket, rather than trying to find the closest spot.

    Little changes all add up to make a big difference.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    And if you travel a lot running is just perfect. All you need is your shoes.