Last night was a really stressful night for me. I had major issues with the ex hubby after two years of no contact... Anyway I thought today was going to be better.. My hubby and I took our youngest daughter to Toys R Us... I knew that Chevy's was right next door... That is my all time favorite restaurant. Normally I would say no because It is expensive but we had a coupon. Well that was the downfall for today... I totally went over my calorie intake and sad thing is I didn't' even eat much. I had one chicken chimichanga, a little rice, some black beans etc.. I didn't even really go overboard on the chips and salsa like I have done in the past. Well I had no idea of how much fat not to mention calories are in 1 just one chimichanga. Almost a days worth for me. I ordered four and only ate one so I have three in the fridge and I am glad that my hubby loves them cold and praying that he will eat them in the next day or so, so I don't' get tempted to do so. (We try very hard not to waste food).

Praying tomorrow will be a better day and going walking with my friend tonight to work off some of the calories and fat.... That is a necessity as I am a fat cow and need to get fit again!


  • lisahabbe
    lisahabbe Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Don't be so hard on yourself! My trainer teaches to allow one cheat a week wheather it is a dessert or a meal just eat it and don't worry about it. 1 TIME PER WEEK! So today was your cheat day. You can get back on track right now! Good Luck! Stay Strong! You'll get there
  • angelnik03
    I agree! Don't worry about it. You had your off day, and now you're going to get back on track. Good luck! :)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it. Everyone has bad days. And at least you made an effort to have less chips and salsa.

    You can do this!! Instead of disgust, try to be excited about what "future you" will look like!
  • Desiderata
    Dont be so hard on yourself. From what i cant tell, and from past experience, you had a rough day yesterday, and its always feels great to eat when youre down to deal with stress. We all do it. Good thing weight loss is duration of weeks and not days!

    Just make sure that you exercise the rest of the week as normal, maybe pushing yourself a little more, hey it never hurt anyone!

    Also make sure to eat better. You can still maintain the calorie deficit for the week, just try to de-stress in other ways, so youre not as tempted. Exercise is actually THE BEST STRESS MANAGEMENT out of all the things you can think of, like massages, sleep, reading, even eating! And you're rewarded a much bigger prize than any of the other alternatives; losing weight!

    hey it all works out!

    Look to your hubby for support or your friends, when you're feeling tempted to go down the wrong paths. They care about you and will help lift you out of the bad decision mind set you may be in at that time.

    i hope this helped you!
