What kind of dog should I get?



  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Thanks banks, the parsons are adorable, yes thats the first thing I looked for haha I will be getting him out everyday even if its just for a walk.

    ~Leash :heart:
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    How about a Yorky? They are pretty hyper so I am sure they will love to run and they are very sweet. I have a T-cup Yorkie and he's great.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member

    Thanks so much! I will have to look into the jacks, do you think they could run at least 6 miles? I would give it water of course.

    Oh yeah! My Jack wears me out. Although, I have to walk my doxie at a rather slow pace-she's over weight...I can't take all three out at the same time or I'd be pulled in three different directions at different speeds.
    Also, a JRT is a Parson...they just officially switched the breed name a few years back with the AKC-same dog two names, it all has to do with the leg length. British vs. American- same personalty though.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member

    Thanks so much! I will have to look into the jacks, do you think they could run at least 6 miles? I would give it water of course.

    Oh yeah! My Jack wears me out. Although, I have to walk my doxie at a rather slow pace-she's over weight...I can't take all three out at the same time or I'd be pulled in three different directions at different speeds.
    Also, a JRT is a Parson...they just officially switched the breed name a few years back with the AKC-same dog two names, it all has to do with the leg length. British vs. American- same personalty though.

    O ok thank you! O and a couple more things, do they bark? And do they go to sleep? I like to sleep like 8 hours and I don't want a dog waking me up, he would probably sleep in the room next to me. Thanks!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Obviously they bark.. but I mean a lot lol
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Obviously they bark.. but I mean a lot lol

    Nothing as bad as a beagle. Mine rarely barks (she's more like a cat in Jack clothing). My inlaws Jacks only bark when they see a cat in the yard. They are a relatively quiet breed, although they can be distructive if left with nothing to do while you're away at work or the store. I crate mine while I'm away (it's no more than 5 hours at a time), if I'm running to the store I just give her a chew toy or fill a kong toy with PB and by the time I'm back she'll have just finished 'cleaning' it out.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member

    Thanks so much! I will have to look into the jacks, do you think they could run at least 6 miles? I would give it water of course.

    Oh yeah! My Jack wears me out. Although, I have to walk my doxie at a rather slow pace-she's over weight...I can't take all three out at the same time or I'd be pulled in three different directions at different speeds.
    Also, a JRT is a Parson...they just officially switched the breed name a few years back with the AKC-same dog two names, it all has to do with the leg length. British vs. American- same personalty though.

    O ok thank you! O and a couple more things, do they bark? And do they go to sleep? I like to sleep like 8 hours and I don't want a dog waking me up, he would probably sleep in the room next to me. Thanks!

    My jack sleeps like a log! She loves bedtime! As soon as the light goes off, under the covers she goes. My little space heater :bigsmile:

    It seems like you have a pretty set routine, and a Jack will appreciate that. Lois (my dog) knows exactly how the week goes. She knows when it's Monday, she knows when it's Friday. She knows if we take her in the truck we're either going to my parent's (to play with Maggie, Luka, Izzi, & Bridgette (my mom's dogs)) or to DH's parents house 1.5 hours from our house. Oh yeah, she loves riding in the truck.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE adopt a doggie that would otherwise be put to sleep at a shelter! Please don't buy one, and please make sure to get it spayed/neutered! Mutts have many less health problems than full-breeds. A good friend of mine has a pug that she trail runs and hikes with often - and it does awesome, but again, no need to get a full-bread anything! Good luck :)

    Ditto. :flowerforyou:

    But that doesn't mean you can't look for a particular breed mix at the pound. Our last little girl was a border collie mix and she stole our hearts with her playful, energetic attitude. They are generally very smart and trainable, but they NEED stimulation (both physical and mental). So they would make a great 'running dog'.

    Beware of the herding instinct though, Annie tried to herd the toddler, our other dog and even DH sometimes. :laugh:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Mini daschunds are ridiculously cute...I don't know how fast their short little legs could go though. :laugh:
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Obviously they bark.. but I mean a lot lol

    Nothing as bad as a beagle. Mine rarely barks (she's more like a cat in Jack clothing). My inlaws Jacks only bark when they see a cat in the yard. They are a relatively quiet breed, although they can be distructive if left with nothing to do while you're away at work or the store. I crate mine while I'm away (it's no more than 5 hours at a time), if I'm running to the store I just give her a chew toy or fill a kong toy with PB and by the time I'm back she'll have just finished 'cleaning' it out.

    Actually, my dog just recently started barking a lot when she's outside because we got new neighbors with a dog they tie up and it barks so she barks back. It is pretty annoying and I don't like listening to yapping dogs, so I am working with her to stop doing it. I'm confident that with a little discipline, I can get her to stop.

    We've tried to leave her out while at work and she was good for a couple of days and then started getting into stuff. DH is hopefully getting a new job soon where he won't be able to come home at lunch so we are planning on putting a doggy door in for her so she could come in and out of the laundry room to her fenced in back yard.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    haha your dog tried to herd people?! Gosh I have a lot of research to do that is for sure! I think that I will be able to find one that I like though, the shelter that I'm looking at had a lot of options so we'll see...

    ~Leash :heart:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Mini daschunds are ridiculously cute...I don't know how fast their short little legs could go though. :laugh:

    I've always wanted a daschund but yea they can't run far enough! lol
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Since you are adopting, go ahead and go down to the shelter before you worry about the breed. You never know what a shelter will have, so it is hard to go in thinking you are going to get a beagle or a jack and actually wind up leaving with one. Find a dog that attracts you, spend some time with it, and then walk away. Do the research on the breed(s) after you leave and then go back if you decide that is the right dog for you. It may be more work to do it that way and you may end up making multiple trip to various shelters, but a dog should never be an impulse decision. Take your time to find the right dog and it will be worth the work.

    Good luck!!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    Thanks so much! I will have to look into the jacks, do you think they could run at least 6 miles? I would give it water of course.

    Oh yeah! My Jack wears me out. Although, I have to walk my doxie at a rather slow pace-she's over weight...I can't take all three out at the same time or I'd be pulled in three different directions at different speeds.
    Also, a JRT is a Parson...they just officially switched the breed name a few years back with the AKC-same dog two names, it all has to do with the leg length. British vs. American- same personalty though.

    Right, original Jacks are shorter, the american version are taller, and now called a Parsons Russell Terrier instead of a Jack Russell Terrier
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    haha your dog tried to herd people?! Gosh I have a lot of research to do that is for sure! I think that I will be able to find one that I like though, the shelter that I'm looking at had a lot of options so we'll see...

    ~Leash :heart:

    They do, when I was a kid we had a Border and when we visited my aunts house (she has a lake) my dog would jump in and try to herd me back to shore (apparently I wasn't supposed to be out in the water-humans aren't good swimmers lol).
  • vrdz3215
    vrdz3215 Posts: 493
    My Jack doesn't bark very much...and she sleeps just fine. Jacks play hard, but they also crash hard. My Lexie can run forever and ever and not act tired, but as soon as we get back in the house, down she goes! She also knows the weekly routine, she knows when it's bedtime and when she is going to my DBF house or "daddy's" for the night. She also knows if she has to get into her carrier that she is going to my mother's or "grammy's" lol. I could go on and on about her, but I am partial to a Jack, so I will tell you this...when you go to get a dog, when you pick up the dog that is suppossed to be yours, you will know it. When I got my Jack I had intentions of getting another breed, but as soon as I picked up my Lexie I knew she was suppossed to be mine, sounds crazy but it's true..lol
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    We have a German Shepherd and a Shepherd/Husky cross. They love to run, can stay indoors all day and only bark when some other dog dares to walk on their front lawn.
    The fun factor is that the Shepherd/Husky croos ( Munchkin) walks through leaf piles and kicks them around. When it snows she slides herself sideways through the snow ( we call it "doing the fish") and bounces through snow drifts.
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    haha your dog tried to herd people?! Gosh I have a lot of research to do that is for sure! I think that I will be able to find one that I like though, the shelter that I'm looking at had a lot of options so we'll see...

    ~Leash :heart:

    I agree, my dog tries to herd us as well. But I guess since he has some cattle dog in him & we have no cattle..... & we don't have little kids. Never thought about how that would be actually w/a herding dog. Funny, someone posted above about their Jack getting under the covers...our dog (the jack/cattle dog) does this as well. He will not sleep any other way! We've tried sweaters, moving his crate away from air vents, etc. but he just MUST be under our covers.
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    well for obvious reasons I HAD to weigh in on this one.

    First I have a JRT (in the pic), a Beagle, a Shepherd and a Doberman. And I used to work at a shelter so you can get purebreeds at shelters - they're given up on just as often as mixed breeds. Good for you for doing your homework and wanting a dog that is right for you - that is something most people don't do...hence all the dogs given up in shelters!

    Things to consider:

    No trait applies to all dogs of a certain breed - I've met the occassional JRT that is so calm it almost lacks a personality.

    Scent/Sight hounds - sometimes have a reputation for not being the brightest bulbs (beagles, doxi's, greyhounds, etc.) but they're not stupid they're just built for a purpose - they get on a scent...or they see the prey running in the woods and that's it, their mind is now occupied! scent hounds do tend to be barkers because that's part of their job - they bark to call the other pack members or the people to come see the rabbit/squirrel/etc. - this applies to various other things in their domestic lives like the trash truck, the leaf that just blew past the window, and so on.

    Terriers - tend to be high energy and smaller so terriers can be great for a runner even if you live in an appartment. It just means you have to know that if you have a high energy dog (regardless of the breed) you have to keep them busy. they need daily walks (we put our Jack on a treadmill a few times a week while we ride the eliptical and the bike because he loves it and it helps burn energy) and like herding dogs they need a job or they'll find something on their own to do (like eat your shoes, your couch, your cables under the tv, things like that). a job can mean that you sign up for an obedience course with them (highly recommended no matter WHAT kind of dog you pick), and you put them through some paces each night - you can do it while you're making dinner or watching TV - things like sit stays, tricks, games where you hide a treat and they have to find it - simple things that keep the mind involved.

    Toy breeds - not great runners - they're working way harder than you to cover as much distance.

    Pit bulls/Am Stafs/Bull terriers - these are usually very very nice dogs who have usually undeserved bad reputations. Frankly most are happy, friendly dogs who like people and other animals. the trick for ANY dog from the teeny tiny to the huge is this - socialize socialize socialize. Take a class, take them to petco, annoy your friends and relatives by bringing them along with you - get them comfortable and calm in all situations early on and your life with your dog will be WONDERFUL! trust me.

    And my biggest piece of advice to you is this: when you adopt a dog from a shelter they are the canine version of a kid in foster care. They are nervous, they don't know who you are, what you're going to do to them and they sure don't know what you expect of them. so be patient and give the "break in" period a good 2 months.

    Good luck!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    my zack does that with other dogs. When he goes to the dog park, he'll run around all the other dogs while they chase the ball and bark at them to get together, it's pretty comical. Ironically, we brought him to the farm the other day and he didn't want anything to do with the sheep. Course corgi's are for cows, not really sheep, but still.