Fit for the Holidays!

Here we are just 8 days away from Thanksgiving and we are all getting mentally ready to eat everything in sight!!! This is the time of year that most people fall off their diet and exercise programs and end up gaining back most of the weight they worked so hard through the year to lose.

Proper nutrition and consistent exercise can be down right hard to do this time of the year. But if you stay committed to your workouts and do your best to eat a nutritious diet, you can get through the holidays with minimal damage and even if you "cheat" and enjoy your holiday feasts with all the gusto you have in past years, if you stick to your workouts, you will limit the damage and get right back on track faster than those who just give up for the next 2 months. We don't want to have our New Year's resolution to start over with our quest for a lean and healthy body. Do we?

So lets get together and work as a team to help each other through the winter months with a goal to get our Beachbodys ready for next summer. This is a good opportunity to get a head start on that effort.

I started my fitness quest on 5 Jan 09. I was 234 pounds and was in the worse shape of my life. I decided to give Beachbody a try and after going through 3 cycles of their workout programs and using their nutrition guides and supplements like a multi-vitamin, calcium Supplement and Omega 2s, I am happy to say that today I am a leaner 195 pounds with less total body fat and more lean muscle mass.

I have created a team called the "Fitness Mercenaries" and would like you all to join me. Our mission is to "Defeat the obesity epedimic, one body at a time." The government can't solve our problem, we have to be responsible and do it ourselves. The only proven way to do so is through a good exercise program, proper nutrition and supplementation and a network of like-minded people willing to support each other in helping everyone achieve success.

Successful people DO the things un-successful people are not Willing to do. If you have decided you want to get healthy and fit, and you are willing to commit to at least 90 days toward that objective, I can help you succeed with the help of Team Beachbody. If you want to get in the best shape of your life and win cash and prizes while you workout, you should check out the Free Team Beachbody Community! There are tons of people who are members and use MyFitnessPal as a tool for achieving their goals.

I am a Team Beachbody Coach and winner of the Septenber 09 Million Dollar Body Game body transformation contest and I won $1000 for just doing my best and working out every day. I am now eligible for a $10,000 quarterly prize which will be announced pretty soon. It cost nothing to join the community and log your workouts in the WOWY supergym. Everytime you log a workout you can get a chance to win from $300 - $1000 in cash and prizes. Best of all it is totally free!

To find out more, go to and see what it is all about.

To your health and fitness!



  • taylorgirl
    Thanks for your post! The thought of the approaching holidays have truly been on my mine as well as how I was going to deal with them, especially after having reached my ultimate goal weight lost of 65 pds. I started out at 230 in May of 2008 and want to continue taking off a little more, however as you stated holiday eating can often leave us with pounds on instead of off. With continuing my workouts and training, and sticking to watching my nutrition (mostly sweets in moderation :tongue: ) I'm looking forward to NO WEIGHT come New Year!
  • JimWyatt
    Hi Taylorgirl!

    Congratulations on losing 65 pounds! Whoot! Everything in moderation. The trick it to watch your portion sizes. If you feel you have to eat everything you see, just limit yourself to one bite! Then you can taste it all and still manage your waste line through the holidays.

    I personally think it is OK to have a cheat day every once in a while. I usually do one at least 1 time a month. This gets it out of my system and helps me stay committed to my lifestyle of exercise and healthy nutrition. If you manage to do your workouts as scheduled, you will minimize the damage and will be able to recover more easily.

    We don't need to punish ourselves for living a healthy lifestyle. We just need to be aware of it and make sure we don't jump off the boat altogether. Hope you and yours have a great holiday!
