My hair sucks, and I'm depressed.



  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I have the same issue only I just have an oily scalp...the rest is dry. After having hair is now frizzy, dry and wavy,,,great but scalp is still an oil slick. Sometimes even after washing it at the end of the day I am greasy! I MUST wash everyday and it sucks for styling! Dry afraid to buy it in fear it won't work as I tried baby powder and it is basically the same and no go. Here are some things I do.....

    Dont buy any shampoo for moisture...clarifying works great.
    when washing her, massage scalp REALLY good
    product only on the ends
    try putting up in a high bun after shower for a bit...this gives volume and helps with the oiliness
    If you aren't afraid to dye your hair this gives body and makes hair drier too!

    We can't all be blessed with model-like is what it is hun!
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    Over washing, like every day will actually make it worse, thats why I suggested not massaging the roots when you wash as it stimulates the oil secreation. I'm currently blonde but was very dark brown before & like anotehr poster said, after you spray it on, brush through your hair as it not only gets rid of the residue from the spray but also helps coat the hair all the way through. I carry dry shampoo with me all day in my handbag, it saves so many bad hair days.
  • scarlettgeorgia4
    scarlettgeorgia4 Posts: 99 Member
    just regular talcum powder and its not expensive either and lasts ages
  • dorkusmalorkus
    depends on what shampoo and conditioner and styling products you have. if you have naturally oily hair, you need a balancing shampoo because a clarifying can dry it too much making your scalp produce more oil. and a LIGHT conditioner if any at all. and dont go to the store getting treseme or garnie or pantene. those things are filled with additives and the main ingredient for floor wax. go to a salon and ask them for advice. styling products should be light too. oil based, mouses, cremes, pastes are out of the picture. waxes too. bed head queen for a day is a root booster that is a light spray you use before blow drying that gives body and thickends the strands. you dont feel it either. that or a boost powder by big sexy hair.the powder sucks up oil. like i said, go to a salon, ask for advice, CHALK UP THE MONEY because its worth it! i have fine thin hair (there is a difference between fine and thin. fine being texture of the strand thin being density) i use nioxin shampoo conditioner and scalp treatment along with queen for a day and boost powder.
  • majones_orl
    majones_orl Posts: 195 Member
    I use WEN hair care products, suppose to be good for all types of hair. I love them. I watched the infomercial and thought, that is nto gonna work on my hair.
    It does not have all the chemical in it to strip you natrual hair oils. I like it.
    I also use biotin becaue my hair was thinking, and it appears to work.
  • Corryn78
    Corryn78 Posts: 215
    baby powder on the roots can help also.
  • siliisobel
    siliisobel Posts: 49
    I have the same problem, I generally use dry shampoo so I dont have to wash every day. I have heard very good reports about coal tar shampoo, I think you can get it in the pharmacy. Give it a go!
  • Krazy_Kat
    Krazy_Kat Posts: 212
    I was using a natural organic, PABA and everything free, but I didn't notice much difference.

    Everyones responses have cheered me up a bit!

    I am sure I overuse the conditioner, I just love the soft feeling and my ends get dry, and my hair gets sooooo knotty.

    If find it darn near impossible to find any products for oily hair, they just don't seem to have them, or I am looking in the wrong spot. There are a zillion products for dry hair, frizz ease, deep conditioning masks, hot oil treatment, this and that....but for oily hair, not so much.

    I rarely use any product, I am a bit of a farmer. I don't spend much time primping and priming. But damnit I am losing weight, taking care of my health and I'd like to look nice when I brave society and I'd like to get hit on again.

    I am going to the hairdresser next week, I will get foils as I can't afford to go on a regular basis.
  • Corryn78
    Corryn78 Posts: 215
    Maybe you could wash only, then use a spray in conditioner on the ends?
  • cristaine
    cristaine Posts: 87
    I feel your pain, in the humid heat here in the summer I have to shampoo my hair daily without fail, for me not so much because it LOOKS oily but the roots end up looking way darker because of the oil than the ends (I have strawberry blonde hair that decides to try a dark blonde look at the roots when I exercise or it gets dirty) So, an oil problem of a different sort, but still I know the difference it can have on your perception of your hair. My sister has fine AND thin hair so hers looks oilier fast. I have a *lot * of hair, but it is really really fine so when its wet or sweaty, it looks sad and limp and yup.... i hate it. The longer it is the more it is noticeable probably too. My sister cut her hair edgy and short and now I don't even notice the oiliness on her at all. Plus she looks edgy and stylish.... I'd do that if I were thinner.....grrrrr, but I digress.

    I recently switched shampoos and was AMAZED at the difference in my hair. If you can, nab yourself something specifically designed for fine thin hair (and oily too, if you have oily hair) You may even want to grab a small clarifying shampoo as I have found a LOT of products use silicone in them now and those build up and weigh fine hair down. Don't use that every day after a few uses though, but alternate it every couple of weeks to take your hair down to basics again. :)

    For fine or thin hair though, I truly believe products DO make a huge difference, so don't just try one and give up. A tendency to have oily hair (which it sounds like you have) coupled with products that don't work for you will just magnify the prob. Use mousse based styling products instead of gel-based etc. The lighter the better.

    Also the biotin/protein suggestion won't hurt to try either.

    Also, after your daily morning shower - try to limit the amount you brush/touch your hair, as it will distribute those oils also.

    Strangely enough, an oily look to the roots of the hair is REALLY popular on the runways coming up for Fall 2012 apparently. I saw the pictures and given how I struggle with my hair in the summer I shook my head and thought I would pass on purposely trying that look come fall. =)
  • Lmaxwell
    Lmaxwell Posts: 42 Member
    When I had this problem I used witch hazel( google it) BTW washing everyday only makes the problem worse. When you do wash use a gentle/baby shampoo. Good luck.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I feel like my hairy is super greasy, no matter how I've washed/what I've washed with, if I don't blow dry immediately after. I know that can give its own host of problems, but maybe (if you do indeed air dry, I don't know if that was mentioned) you could blow dry instead.

    Also, if you can spare a day when you're at home/not going anywhere, OVER-washing can stimulate more oil. So skip a shower when you get the chances.

    And of course, good shampoo goes without saying. Might be worth it to go splurge and see a stylist at a good salon to see what kind of products they can recommend.

    You'll find something eventually!!!!!!!
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Didn't read all the responses, but....

    Talk to your doctor about aldactone (spironolactone) - it really helps control oil production of the skin and hair

    Sephora sells a shampoo called Her Cut for Oily Hair that helps tremendously - it is $8 a bottle but I swear it helps A LOT

    Suave sells a dry shampoo (talc like spray) for $3 or so that you spray at the roots - it's great for adding volume and soaking up excess oil
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    My roommate had a problem like this. She washed her hair with dish soap once a week and it seemed to work, her hair is lovely! If it cuts grease on dishes, why not on hair, I guess?

    Just thought I'd throw that out there!
  • mrowrmeowmrowr
    mrowrmeowmrowr Posts: 288 Member
    I used to have that problem! I'd wash my hair twice a day, I felt so icky.

    1. Do you have any interest in dying your hair? I find now that I dye mine, I can go a day without washing it.
    2. Blow dry your hair and HAIRSPRAY. The alcohol in the hairspray does a good job of getting rid of the grease.
    3. Dry shampoo. Treseme is okay, but I really like PSSST (or something obnoxious like that). You can buy it at Walmart and I've seen it at some CVSs.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I know it sounds counterproductive, but try washing with conditioner only. Youve probably stripped your scalp of oils from shampoo and its reacting by overproducing sebum.
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    I tried dry shampoo once. It was expensive and hard to find, and I wasn't wowed. I could try another brand. (what brands do you use?)

    Not sure where you're located, but I use TRESemme dry shampoo:
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Ok, now we all wanna see your hair! I am also hair challenged and I have to wash every 2 days and sometimes every day due to oil, I also think you should try dry shampoo, especially at the roots. I also think a short little bob or something shorter would help with the oil spill..........let us all know how it turns out!
  • artica30
    artica30 Posts: 5 Member
    Gve yourself a plain white vinegar rinse. If that does not work, go to a salon just for a hair wash. You will love it.
  • amyjunglebeats
    amyjunglebeats Posts: 1 Member
    I've never had a problem with the colored dry shampoo, give it a go :)