C25k challenge?



  • Devona14
    Devona14 Posts: 171
    I'm getting ready to start W7D1. I have probably lost about 10lbs since starting. But as a previous poster said, I have noticed changes in my body. My legs have muscles buried under all that fat! I can actually see them taking shape. I'm also wearing a size smaller workout clothes. It's an awesome feeling.

    I do dread starting W7 as these next few days are going to feel like living on the sun. So, I'm going to try to find somewhere that has a treadmill I can use. I don't want to lose my progress thus far.
  • Drastiic
    Drastiic Posts: 322 Member
    I'm doing Week 5 Day 3 tomorrow morning. Week 1 Day 1 I felt like I was going to die, so I've come a long way. Haven't repeated any days YET.

    The caloric deficit that I create with my diet and exercise is what is making me lose weight. I'm doing C25K, because I want to be a runner. If you don't like running or want to be a runner, any other form of exercise combined with proper nutrition will help you lose weight. If you take up C25K and your goal is to lose weight, but you don't lose weight, it's because you're either not supplementing more exercise in and/or you're eating too much.
  • LeslePG
    LeslePG Posts: 105 Member
    My husband & I started this together, and just finished W6D3 today.......had a hard time going the whole 22 minutes (had to stop 3 times for about 10 sec. to get a drink of water) I have lost 7 pounds, hubby 24. I could barely run a quarter mile without feeling like I was going to die before we started, which is sad for me to say b/c I ran track in high school. I love the program, it's made a huge difference in my running abiliy and my confidence. Oh, the best results I've had from this? My blood pressure is waaaayy down! It has been high 150/100 or so) the past 3 times I've been to the doctor and she asked how I felt about being on blood pressure medication. I went to the doctor on Monday, and it was 100/78. THAT'S made it all worth it :smile:

    Best of luck to you!
  • I'm on W4D1 of the C25K, but I've only lost 4 pounds. I didn't start the program to lose weight, but thought it might be a nice side effect. I don't eat back exercised calories, so that may be why the weight loss is so slow. I also like to think (and I'm probably just making this up) that running gains a lot of muscle and that might contribute to the scale staying the same. Either way, the program makes me feel strong, so I'll keep it up! :happy:
  • LeslePG
    LeslePG Posts: 105 Member
    I'm getting ready to start W7D1. I have probably lost about 10lbs since starting. But as a previous poster said, I have noticed changes in my body. My legs have muscles buried under all that fat! I can actually see them taking shape. I'm also wearing a size smaller workout clothes. It's an awesome feeling.

    I do dread starting W7 as these next few days are going to feel like living on the sun. So, I'm going to try to find somewhere that has a treadmill I can use. I don't want to lose my progress thus far.

    And totally understand the "living on the sun" comment! Supposed to be 100+ for the next several days here in Nashville.....which is why we get to the park around 5 am to do our run:happy: I keep telling my husband we need to actually run in the heat if we are going to try to run a 5K since they occur during daylight hours~ lol!
  • Homa24
    Homa24 Posts: 33
    I'm doing Week 6 Run 3 tomorrow, I did repeat Week 4 all the way through because I was struggling but once I got over that I've been fine. Ran my first 5k June 2nd but my goal 5k is in October. I've lost 8 lbs. in 60 days doing calorie counting, Couch to 5k, and I am a week into 30 Day Shred. I think that even more exciting than weight loss is getting better at running. I am NOT athletic and the fact that I ran 20 minutes without stopping last week still boggles my mind. It is a great feeling that helps when the scale is not really budging.
  • IRun4Me_12
    IRun4Me_12 Posts: 240 Member
    I started C25K in January of this year. I could barely jog for 30 seconds without sucking air. I made it through week 7 before just doing it on my own. I am now regularly running 5k's for workouts. They take me around 40 minutes to complete, but I'm not doing them for speed at this point.

    From January until now, I have lost 34 pounds. I try to eat as little processed foods as possible, and I drink lots of water.

    Good luck to you!
  • I just started this program last night, week 1, day 1...totally thought I was going to drop dead...but I pushed it through it and afterwards I felt as though I could have kept running/walking some more! I'm so excited to keep going and hear the "Rocky" music in my head each time I finish:) I'm using this, calorie counting and on the alternate days a video workout in the air conditioned living room.
  • liyuke
    liyuke Posts: 3 Member
    i just completed week 1 day 1 and i have to say that 60 sec was like forever, i just waited for that beep so that i cud walk again .... day 1 was unbearable ... forecast for day 2 - i'd have to say killing , i dun see myself picking up pace in just one day ... looks like id have to do week 1 again b4 i can go on to week 2 coz 60 secs was like that longest minute .... but i know i can and i will do it ....oh btw i never loved cool down as much i as loved it today ...
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    I am doing Week 1 day 2 tonight. I plan on doing it on the treadmill but I am going to do day 3 outside Saturday.
  • uhohitstaylor
    uhohitstaylor Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in week 3, haven't repeated any weeks... Week 4 really kicks it up a notch, so we'll see. I'm very happy with my progress. My husband is a runner, and I'm a walker. I've been wanting to surprise him m by signing us up or a 5k when he gets home from deployment. I'm very confident I'll be ready with this program.