What motivated you to loose weight?



  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    It seems like a silly thing, but........I have a very specific "turning point" story.

    Every girl has that first "celebrity crush" when they're a teenager....the one who's pictures you tore out of Teen Beat magazine and hung all over your room?? Well, I was no different and when I was 36 years old, I got the rare opportunity, 20+ years after "falling in love" with him, to meet mine.

    I saw pictures of me outside the concert venue with my "dream guy" and his bodyguard and realized.....I was the same size as his bodyguard. :(
    It was devestating to me, because I knew I'd put on weight, but I always told myself "I'm tall and I can carry it ok. I don't look that bad." Well, as it turns out, even at 5'9" tall, 250 pounds and a 41inch waist is not cute. :/

    I made a change the very next day, and I've actually had the opportunity since that day in 2008 to meet my long time crush several more times, only now when I get a hug, his arms can go all the way around my now 28 inch waist and my 160 pound frame. :)
  • Coming from a small private school, I was considered the "fat girl" all throughout elementary and middle school. All the kids made fun of me where I came home crying every single day. I was depressed and suicidal at such a young age. I didn't have too many problems throughout high school, seeing that it was a public school with a lot more variety of people, so I lost the depression. A couple people made fun of me, but it was a lot better than being made fun of by the same people for years. I'm tired of being that "fat girl." I want to prove them all wrong! If I ever run into them again, I want them to be shocked. I'm still the same good person from all those years ago, but I will have the body to match.
  • CopyCat97
    CopyCat97 Posts: 75 Member
    My main motivations
    - To surprise family on our upcoming Family reunion in August.
    - Getting off medications
    - Feeling better about myself
    - To be active again

    Minor Motivations
    - Love riding roller coasters and thrill rides but cant ride a lot of them because i cant fit in them.
    - Been fluffy all my life and don't want to be anymore
  • I was getting all these aches and pains. I was 210 at 5'4", and my back was hurting me, as well as I couldn't pick up things or tie my shoes without feeling pain in my stomach. Then, when I was walking and trying to do something about it, I was really weak in my muscles and could hardly walk very fast. I went to the doctor, and he said I was prediabetic and that sugar was the culprit and that I should go on an Atkins type diet. Well, I did, and the difference is phenomenal. I have more energy, and when I do eat sugar, it makes me tired. I've lost 14 pounds in 14 days on this diet (with exercise), and I feel great. Someone who wants to go on the Atkins diet should consult their doctor first though. And I had to get special orthopedic shoes- MVP's because I'm obese and my feet were flattening out- so after that, my feet and legs felt really good. Then I could walk a mile lickety split! I am so happy now!
  • rah_jetta
    rah_jetta Posts: 1 Member
    My Boyfriend and Going public keeps me motivated. Let everyone you know your trying to loose weight. I work at walmart and that way I think everyone is watching me. Im not gonna lie... Its sooooo hard, especially when your trying to do it alone. Its been almost a month since I started the diet and I have only lost 8 pounds but that has made a difference in the way my clothes fit the way Wayne ( the boyfriend) looks at me and tells me he is so proud. I have to MAKE myself get up and walk everyday and i count the calories. Some days are better and I use my ellipitical (which burns more calories in the same amount of time that I walk) 20 min... Im only 5 foot tall and im down to 127 which alot of people doesnt think is alot but number 1: i carry it all in my upper body (stomache, arms and back) 2: i should only weight around 115 according to my doctor for my frame. I hate that it seems to be comming off of everywhere except my tummy but in all honesty it is... I measured inches also. Just not as much as i want.. The more friends you make on here and in life the easier it gets!! God Bless and Good Luck darlin!!
  • wendye1960
    wendye1960 Posts: 60 Member
    I've not been happy with my weight for years and have yoyoed so many times I've lost count but the main thing that motivated me this time if I'm being totally honest is the possibility of being made redundant and having to look for work in a job market full of younger, fitter people that aren't over 50 like me.

    Yes I want to be healthier, though apart from my arthritis and and blood pressure - which only ever goes up when I gain weight I am reasonably healthy but it has to be my appearance that gets to me more then most. I didn't know about MFP until I saw a colleague/friend who now works in another city mention it on his facebook page. His wife is amongst my friends on here now and she told me more about it. I hadn't tried a calorie plan in at least 20 years and had opted for low fat plans but I always found that as soon as I stopped I put some back on because I hadn't really learned portion control properly I am determined that this should be the last time.
  • graceylou222
    graceylou222 Posts: 198 Member
    I knew I was at the heaviest I had ever been in my life, had 3 different people within a 2 week period tell me congrats on being pregnant.... i was and am not pregnant! joined the gym, got a trainer, and joined MFP. I'm now halfway to my goal weight!!! :)
  • deejaycee114
    deejaycee114 Posts: 139 Member
    a friend of mine is getting married next week. i initially wanted to lose weight so i could look good in a dress. lol. but, as my journey continues, it's more than just looking cute in a dress. i want to look AND feel good...and i wanna be a good example for my son. :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    vanity and adventure
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 687 Member
    When nothing in my closet fit me. Everything was too snug and I knew I didn't want to go up another size. I already had a whole wardrobe in the back of my closet that I couldn't fit into anymore from when i was a smaller size. Little by little I am starting to be able to wear the smaller clothes in my closet again. It's the best motivation when you try something on that you haven't been able to wear in years and it fits
  • The short version, I looked in the mirror and decided I was done being the fat girl with the cute face.

    ^^ This and my daughter. I want to be able to keep up with her when she gets older.
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    Saw myself cross the screen in the background of a TV interview. That huge troll is me? OUCH. :embarassed:
  • FreedomReigns
    FreedomReigns Posts: 195 Member
    The very last picture in my profile pics is what motivated my *kitten* to get off of the couch and i am so glad i did!

    My new motivation to keep going is the fact that my dad just died this year of a massive heart attack a week before he was to turn 60 and my mom has severe osteoporosis, severe arthritis, fibromyalgia and just had her hip replaced last week and she is only in her mid 50's

    I am not going to end up like my parents....i refuse!!!!
  • slw0418
    slw0418 Posts: 3 Member
    I decided I spent my 20's getting fatter, and I refuse to hit 30 and be this overweight... oh and my most favorite pair of jeans..must...wear...them...again!
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    I'm so glad to read all of this. I'm notorious for saying I need to loose weight and then I go and eat whatever I want and do nothing else to help loose the weight. Reading all of these posts make me realize that you are all just like me. I'm at my heaviest weight ever right now 212 and I it feels awful. How do you stay motivated?

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    It's a part of me now, my lifestyle. That is what it is about is change. Making it fit your lifestyle. I kept telling my self over and over on that treadmil, only six weeks to break a habit, six weeks to make it. It worked I did it. Am doing it still. I am unmotivated that I am plateaued but I am not gaining it back, just stuck. Loose inches. Happy about that, I'll take any step closer to my goal even small ones.
  • Miribg
    Miribg Posts: 149 Member
    I saw my sister in law after about 3 years and she was really big, then I found out we weighed the same :brokenheart: Enough to get me going.
  • labberto
    labberto Posts: 18 Member
    to be able to have a baby....... my doc told me losing weight will help...(after 4 yrs trying unsuccessfully)
    my wedding in november... i dont want to look at my pictures and regret doing anything.....
    to be able to have the energy to do 'something with my day... right now i feel fatiqued ALL the time :(:(
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    Saw pictures of myself after a vacation and really didn't think I was that big. So they were a huge freaking shocker. I decided that it was time to get rid of that.. I got to a size 12, then got stuck and haven't moved in months, even put some more weight back on. Back on track now with my goal of a size 7/8, working towards a 50 pound loss.

    Months here stuck how did you break it?
  • jennt_22
    jennt_22 Posts: 155 Member
    I was motivated once I realized my clothes weren't shrinking in the wash - I was actually just getting fatter (dumb I know, but I was SO naive and clueless).
    I hated how I looked in all my clothes at the time... they were tight, uncomfortable, just yuck!

    Then I took a 'before' photo - and was like OMG that's REALLY how I look!!??!!
    I thought I looked better then I really did.... seeing myself for how I truly looked was the biggest wake up call. I still look back on those pictures today and cannot believe I let myself get that bad.

    I was also motivated because my BF worked out a lot and to be honest - I want my man looking good (doesn't need to have a 6 pack but I want to be physically attracted to them). I felt like I was a huge hypocrite and that my BF deserved better and I wanted to look hot for him too (still working on this lol).

    Lastly, throughout this journey Jillian Michales has motivated me through her DVD's, books, podcasts, emails, etc. Love her!

    Today my main motivation is just the want to be healthy and fit and also to look good in a bikini and nakey :)
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