For anyone who doesn't take themselves so seriously...

Anyone else starting a new diet or fitness plan but still dreaming about Reese's Peanut Butter Cup cereal? I mean, geez. I've never even eaten that crap in my entire life, but my subconscious fatty is trying to lure me back in! I've started calorie counting with some zeal, I chase around my toddler, exercise when I have time, try to make the best decisions but sometimes settle for mediocre ones, eat at odd hours, sometimes eat my exercise calories back and sometimes not, and gasp! Sometimes just don't get to eat much at all.

For anyone out there who isn't perfect but would still like support and encouragement, I need some more friends to add to my profile to help me along in my journey. So in a world where Fatties Anonymous support groups get together, introduce themselves with "Hi, my name is Sara, and I'm addicted to carbs!" and you all reply, "Hi, Sara!" and then I ramble for a bit, sit down awkwardly, and drink stale coffee minus the sugar... we can make things happen!


  • LoseSMoore
    LoseSMoore Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Sarah! Feel free to add me.
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    best opening post ever!
  • lindaschultz45
    lindaschultz45 Posts: 60 Member
    Feel free to add me! Would love to encourage you along your journey! If we can't laugh at ourselves...who can we laugh at? ; )
  • I will totally be your friend if you'd like. I am trying to lose the weight, but I'm doing so at a pratical matter. Today my exersize will consit of walking the dog aroudn the block twice (and it's a small block) at a leisurely pace. I will track what I eat and think before I eat, but not every day will be perfect.
  • best opening post ever!

    I like to think I'm pretty hilarious... but not everyone thinks so. Just ask my mother. ;)
  • SusieGirlRN
    SusieGirlRN Posts: 104 Member
    Hahaha! Comical ~ thanks for the laugh ... and in answer to your question: I definately do not take myself too seriously. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like :happy:
  • airbent
    airbent Posts: 150 Member
    *whispers* still haven't found it in me to throw out the last of the peanut butter m&ms.

    even if i've managed not to eat them so far, it's comforting to just look at them sometimes.
  • Oh man. I went through my cabinets and rid myself of all the carb-heavy and processed foods on the shelves. It looked like I had been robbed. Oh well, my father-in-law and local food pantry benefited from my crazy food raid.

    I did, however, keep a six pack of import beer that I can't find ANYWHERE in the South. Don't tell anyone.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I'm offended by your post, OP. Simply offended.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    best opening post ever!

    I like to think I'm pretty hilarious... but not everyone thinks so. Just ask my mother. ;)

    OMG - we must be sisters! My mom has NO sense of humor whatsoever, and only laughs at me because she thinks she should. I'm sure she's wishing that she hadn't said yes to my dad that night....
  • kaajay
    kaajay Posts: 62 Member
    I did, however, keep a six pack of import beer that I can't find ANYWHERE in the South. Don't tell anyone.

    I like your style. I won't tell anyone else. :)

    Loved your introduction, feel free to add me.
  • hello sarah! I am also a carb addict! Feel free to add me and we can help each other...:flowerforyou:
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I'm here :) Hi
  • cuatromommy
    cuatromommy Posts: 120 Member
    Hi Sarah! I'm Lisa. Feel free to add me.
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    Reese's rock my socks. Peanut butter rocks my socks. Unfortunately, they do not rock my pants... *le sigh*
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    Hi Sarah. I had Reese's Puffs for breakfast this morning....................really!

    We sound like kindred spirits
  • chubalina
    chubalina Posts: 30 Member
    LOL - you crack me up! Please add me, I would love to help support you :happy:
  • chi18
    chi18 Posts: 95 Member
    *whispers* still haven't found it in me to throw out the last of the peanut butter m&ms.

    even if i've managed not to eat them so far, it's comforting to just look at them sometimes.

    Psssst! I still have some Easter candy... It's an emergency stash and it's turned into a weird test of my willpower to see it and choose not to eat it.

    OP, loved your post. Feel free to add me - I'm looking for more funny ladies on here.
  • Em_runs_away
    Em_runs_away Posts: 194 Member
    Glad you kept some naughtiness from your clear out. Add me too please. I'm doing my best but far from perfect and it's always nice to have company on the way.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Hi Sarah **sais the group together** feel free to add me I have a toddler too she is 3 and I have 2 teens 15 and 11