can somebody give me a 1200 meal example ?



  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    DesireeLovesOrganic Posts: 456 Member
    I agree, I would add 500 for breastfeeding. When I had my daughter in Dec 2005, I started "dieting" Jan 2006 when she was about 3 weeks old but I added 500 for breastfeeding (so approx 1700) and even that was too low I think, the weight came off so fast, it left me with some saggy skin. She's 6 now (nursed until 2 years) but I gained a bit back from losing so fast but I just lost it again, much more slowly and my skin is not as bad as it was...

    I miss those nursing calories though, I joke with my husband that I should have just pumped until I was old so I could eat more. HAHAHA!
  • The breast feeding will help you lose too my wife lost alot of weight with our first born just breast feeding alone.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Breakfast: Bran flakes with skim milk and a banana with a cup of green tea. 240 cals

    Lunch: Bean salad (light on the dressing) 210 calories

    Dinner: Homemade meatballs with homemade marinara sauce on whole wheat spaghetti. 555 calories

    Snack: 2 Milano cookies and a cup of skim milk. 185 calories.

    I personally think as someone who has just had a baby AND is breastfeeding, you need to be eating more than 1200 calories a day. Talk to your doctor, please, and good luck with everything.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    1200 calorie meal? A lot of my lunches are 1200 calories and my diary is wide open, so have a look (but I doubt that's what you actually meant).


  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,795 Member
    I know you want to get into shape but I wanted to share a personal experience with you. 22 years ago I gave birth to my son. I lost 65 pounds in 6 months, I looked and felt awesome but my little boy would never sleep through the night, wanted to nurse constatntly and didnt seem to thrive. I was advised that until they are closer to 6 months or you are not nursing exclusively that you really need to eat as they cannot get the proper nutrients,. There has also been some studies on toxins being released into the breast milk with rapid weight loss
  • reynosofamily
    reynosofamily Posts: 7 Member
    thanks so much! to everybody! im gonna increase my calorie intake! and im gonna try to do it in a healthy way!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Your body needs to heal, and if you're breastfeeding, your baby needs to eat.
    Please please please talk to a doctor before going on a diet right now.

    ^^^^ this!!! You should not be cutting cals if you are breastfeeding. Did your doctor tell you to eat only 1200/day? If anyone else suggested that, you may not have gotten good health info for either you or your baby!! Call you OB before you eat at this low level!!!