Trying not to do this on my own



  • DeniseK66
    DeniseK66 Posts: 15 Member
    That is the story of my life! Started with a personal trainer 2 weeks ago because my GP said I need to be held accountable. I have lost 5 pounds in the two weeks. :smile: Feel free to add me. I could use some friends too!
  • mormadu1
    mormadu1 Posts: 11
    Please add me as well! I just started this last week and need help with motivation like many of the members. I'd love to hear about your journey.
  • FreedomReigns
    FreedomReigns Posts: 195 Member
    Sending a request! We all need friends :)
  • you can do it! whatever you set your mind to, it can be accomplished :) i love mfp, have only been on here for a few mo's or less but it's def helped me keep myself more accountable and lose another 5lbs and countless inches. i'm on here frequently and have sent you a friend request. i'm on here for support as well so i'm here for ya :)
  • ti2gr
    ti2gr Posts: 2
    You can add me as a friend too :) I've only been on Myfitnesspal for about 6 mo., but I've been working on losing weight consistently for a little over a year. Over all I've lost 37 lbs and 8 pants sizes. I've done so good using this site and using Beach Body's site (since I'm using their workouts) that I've become a coach. I'd love to help any way I can and not to sell you anything. I became a coach to help others, to Pay it Forward, since someone else who is a coach did that for me.
  • samadora
    samadora Posts: 7
    I added you! You can do it.. I'm pretty sedentary myself... corporate office, job in a cublcle... bla bla bla. lol.
    I try to workout when I can "sneak away" from the kids...

    Side Note - Plese don't take this seriously people but why does most people reply and say, "Add me". We all need motivation. Add the lady already.... don't wait!! Lol.
  • majones_orl
    majones_orl Posts: 195 Member
    You have come to the right place, lots of friends here for motication. and MFP will give you the food help to achieve your goal.
    I am sending a food request.
