Special K Dieting...



  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Hendrix, thanks. I'll check it out. I actually feel like I had a great solid meal for lunch today, a turkey sandwich and a spinach salad. When I make my own meals, I don't regulate as much as I should and that's why I'm talking about a bowl of cereal for dinner as it's a small portion of food that is controlled. Should I go protein shake w/some meat instead?

    Listen all, I know what it is. I know it's a gimmick, but aren't all food products? Thanks.

    Thing is, if you "don't do diets" and you're trying to make this a permanent lifestyle change, wouldn't you be better off learning to regulate your portion size with proper meals? The problem with any meal replacement plan is that it doesn't help you figure out portion control yourself. It is hard for a lot of people - me included - but getting into the habit of eating healthy amounts of real food gives you much more freedom from "dieting", and control over your lifestyle than any commercial diet can.
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Hendrix, not trying to cause an argument by any means, but rather just a question. Are you talking about "Whole Foods" the supermarket? I LOVE Whole Foods but I don't agree with you that it's not gimmicky. I wouldn't say they are of the same magnitude as other companies, but they are certainly on the dollar train. Everyone is.

    Whole foods, as in, whole grains in place of white. Otherwise, you may get constipated. Oh and healthy fats help with that too!
  • Lkoblara
    Lkoblara Posts: 137 Member
    I don't think it sounds like a healthy diet.... weight loss or no. To be healthy you need variety.

    And I think for it to be effective you'd have eat that Special K 2 times a day forever. Usually with those kinds of diets once you go back to normal eating you gain it all back (sometimes more.)
  • jesska224
    jesska224 Posts: 21 Member
    Riike, that's what I figured but I wanted to clarify.

    Also, thanks for the advice. I will try the veggies > meat portion control and see if I like it.
  • jesska224
    jesska224 Posts: 21 Member
    Jester, thanks for the input. Like you read before, I am not good at portion control and that is why I said I wanted to try this for a few days. It sounds like what you are saying is that I need to eat a "healthy" amount of food for dinner still. What do you eat for dinner?
  • WadeyLady
    WadeyLady Posts: 18
    Hi Jess :) I think the Special K diet is fine and works dependant on several things. First your starting weight, if you have lots to lose it will more likely work. Second, sticking to JUST the 2 weeks and third, making sure the snacks you eat and your main meal are varied and nutritious.
    As with all advertising the Special K ones are misleading, but I think we're all smart enough to realise the slim curvy girl in the ad didn't get there eating Special K!
  • jesska224
    jesska224 Posts: 21 Member
    Wadey Lady, thank you for your perspective.
  • WadeyLady
    WadeyLady Posts: 18
    You are very welcome :)