Motivation to get back to what I used to look like

Been on MFP for a while, but mainly on my phone application so I've not used the forums before. I've decided enough is enough and I've got to get back to what I used to look like 5 years ago - the final straw came when I printed out some old photos of myself as motivation and showed them to some people at work, one person said they wouldn't have guessed it was me if I hadn't told them :S

I've been looking at all the photos on the success forum and it is inspiring - I hope I'll be able to add some photos of my own on there in due course!

I want to lose about 30 pounds overall, but with little goals of 10 pounds in between so that goal doesn't feel as hard to reach.


  • I know the feeling XP It reaaaallllyyy stinks. The best of luck to you, though!
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    I'm sure you'll do great! I might even recommend you work in some mini-mini goals along the way (the mental endurance part of all this is key, IMO), and maybe also some goals that are not weight-related too, eg change in clothing sizes, increased strength and flexibility, improved mile times, etc.

    Best of luck to you!
    NYFLA Posts: 8 Member


    I also know the feeling and that is why I am here. We can do this! We can -- We Can
  • Thanks everyone.

    Mini mini goals sound good. I think I'll always be size 14 trousers - even when I was at my skinniest I only had one pair that were a size 12, on the plus side no one believed me when I told them I wore size 14. I think it would just be nice to feel better in the clothes I have at first and to be able to wear some of those size 14 jeans that are currently folded up in the top of my wardrobe!
  • haeffel2
    haeffel2 Posts: 34
    I like your attitude:] It's not so much about size as it is about how good you feel in your own body. I'm in the same position as you, I know I'll probably stay this same size, but I really want to be healthier. Friend me if you'd like!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! I'm in the same boat. I've been using the phone app off and on, but now I really want to get serious. I just turned 30 and it hit me kind of hard. I really want to get back into the shape I was in a few years ago, which means I have to lose about 20 pounds and tone up. I used to love to exercise but lately it's been so hard to motivate between work, friends and my boyfriend. It used to be very easy for me to manage my diet, so I'm hoping that will come more naturally.

    The big kicker for me is that my boyfriend and I are moving in together in September. I feel like if I don't get on track by then, Ill run the risk of getting too comfortable and/or picking up his food habits (he's one of those people that can eat anything and gain nothing) and gaining more weight.

    So, good luck to you! We can do it!
  • I know exactly how you feel! I'm in the same boat. I've been using the phone app off and on, but now I really want to get serious. I just turned 30 and it hit me kind of hard. I really want to get back into the shape I was in a few years ago, which means I have to lose about 20 pounds and tone up. I used to love to exercise but lately it's been so hard to motivate between work, friends and my boyfriend. It used to be very easy for me to manage my diet, so I'm hoping that will come more naturally.

    The big kicker for me is that my boyfriend and I are moving in together in September. I feel like if I don't get on track by then, Ill run the risk of getting too comfortable and/or picking up his food habits (he's one of those people that can eat anything and gain nothing) and gaining more weight.

    So, good luck to you! We can do it!

    My boyfriend is like yours too - he's 5'7" so a good few inches shorter than me, but I don't like the fact that he's also just 2/3rds of my body weight, the man is supposed to weigh more! I definately put on weight when we moved in together - probably down to his obsession with chips. He's very fussy and ends up eating chips with almost every meal as he doesn't like much else like any other form of potato, salad, veg etc.

    I never used to be into exercise and I'm still not in the sense that I don't think I could ever set foot in a proper gym, but I do have a rickety old exercise bike I use for a few minutes in the evening while watching TV and I live in a lovely country town with lots of fields around - I've really got into going for a couple of miles walk after night fall as I find it peaceful walking around the quiet streets (although that probably makes me a bit odd).
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    My boyfriend is like yours too - he's 5'7" so a good few inches shorter than me, but I don't like the fact that he's also just 2/3rds of my body weight, the man is supposed to weigh more! I definately put on weight when we moved in together - probably down to his obsession with chips. He's very fussy and ends up eating chips with almost every meal as he doesn't like much else like any other form of potato, salad, veg etc.

    Amen. I weigh more than mine, too. He likes my curves, but it sure does make me self conscious. I want to work on getting over this though because it's never going to change much, even if I do get back in shape.
    I never used to be into exercise and I'm still not in the sense that I don't think I could ever set foot in a proper gym, but I do have a rickety old exercise bike I use for a few minutes in the evening while watching TV and I live in a lovely country town with lots of fields around - I've really got into going for a couple of miles walk after night fall as I find it peaceful walking around the quiet streets (although that probably makes me a bit odd).

    Not odd at all! I live in a sleep country town as well and I LOVE walking through some of the bridal paths along the countryside. It's the most enjoyable kind of exercise :-)
  • i am not new either i lost 80lbs felt great then let it all slip away now i gained back 30and feel horrible. i need the motivation back too and don't ever wanna slip again. i am looking for as many friends as i can since all my old ones quit. please add me i am very into this and love to comment give mpotivation and need motivation to please!! i am 186 5'5 and really need to loose at least 30 my husband os also much smaller than me which sucks!
  • monicalord
    monicalord Posts: 26 Member
    I know the feeling, I need to set smaller goals too because 37 pounds feels like forever away! Thanks for the inspiration!
  • I'm sure we can all do it in the end - we might slip some days but as long as we don't let that get us down to much and pick up the next day where we left off then it's not the end of the world.

    If anyone wants to see some comparison photos of me (the wrong way round to what people usually post!) here they are...

    In 2007 I was approximately 12.6 stone (I'm 5'11") and wore size 14 trousers with size 10 tops (on average). I'm currently about 15 stone wearing size 16 trousers and size 12/14 tops.

    Here's a photo of me at my heaviest (around 15.10 stone) last year and below are the photos of what I used to look like ie. ones my work colleagues said didn't look like me: