

  • sej1990
    sej1990 Posts: 96 Member
    yeah i can be an emotinal eater i have been very depressed lately and my weight isnt help i know i need more protein but i cant afford certain foods cause i do not have the money for it and if i dont work some junk food like PIZZA or COCO PUFFS then my craving will get worse at least i work it into it. It also doesnt help that my boyfriend doesnt want me to lose weight he likes thick girls and he eats horribly and i cant help it cause when he buys is what i eat and i have no say cause i have no job so i try and work stuff into my calories and work out the best i can i just want my confidence back
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I just restarted my diet 3 days ago THIS IS NOT A DIET IT IS AN EDUCATION TO LEARNING TO LIVE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE i have been doing pretty good on my calories and exercising but today i slipped up and craved chips and salsa but i dont want to add it to my calories :^( LOG EVERYTHING, YOU HAVE YOUR TARGET AND IF YOU GO OVER, WELL TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY. LOOK AT THE CALORIE INTAKE/DEFICIT OVER A WHOLE WEEK IT WILL PROBABLY AVERAGE OUT i cant work out until tomorrow cause my calfs need a rest from the 2 days i have been working out they are extremely sore EASE INTO EXERCISE, DON'T INJURE YOURSELF, WARM UP FIRST, AND DRINK WATER. GENTLE EXERCISE WHEN YOU ARE SORE MIGHT HELP i just want to stop my hunger and i have no idea how to do it. IF YOU ARE REALLY HUNGRY, AND NOT JUST BORED OR HUNGRY OUT OF HABIT, THEN HAVE A DRINK OF WATER. GO DO SOMETHING FOR 10 MINS, THEN IF YOU ARE STILL HUNGRY, EAT SOMETHING GOOD, NOT JUST CARBS

    any ideas?

    Hi :flowerforyou:
    Words of wisdom from an old aussie here :laugh: - I see you are 21, so with youth comes lots of good things, like energy, but also impetuosity, knowing everything, and impatience!

    Some of my comments are in CAPS above.

    Just log everything - everything, this is for you to learn, not a race or something to be ashamed of - we fall off the wagon at times, but this is for life and we have to live;
    eat a protein (not necessarily those shakes, but a good breakfast - eg eggs or yogurt);
    try and eat your bigger serves of carbs in the morning / mid day, this gives you energy whilst you are probably at your most active
    cut down on processed food;
    try and eat some fresh fruit / vegetables each day.
    drink water, enough to quench your thirst - more if you take in a lot of sodium - I find this helps me
    If you are hungry - eat. This is not about turning yourself into a rabbit for 4 weeks to lose weight, it is about re-educating yourself. I have learnt so much since I have been on MFP

    Good luck, relax, be kind to yourself, look at diaries of people who have lost lots of weight and see what they eat / do and how long it took.
  • lauren518
    lauren518 Posts: 20 Member
    your diary is also pretty high on processed foods and low on fresh ones! all calories are not made the same, so even if your meeting your calorie goal, you should be trying to meet nutritional goals too. try switching up your snacks to fruit and veggies and have a salad before lunch and/or dinner and watch your sodium intake. all processed foods are high on soduim and that makes you retain water so if you cut the sodium youll probably see a few lbs loss of water weight which is always encouraging :)
    and i had this same problem with alwyas being hungry but if corrected it by eating about 250 calorie meals 6 times a day and honestly im always STUFFED. obviously you can adjust that to your own preferences but its a great way to control portions bc you can have like a piece of friut and a source of protein and be satisfied just long enough to eat again in a few hours
    good luck:)
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Me again, I just saw your lat comment - truely if you can I think you should see a GP, sounds like you could be depressed. St John's Wort is a natural herbal anti depressant but shouldn't be taken with prescription anti depressants. Also just get out of the house and walk, some exercise might lift your mood and also burn some calories.

    Difficult if your boyfriend is not supportive and buys crap.

    Take care of you :flowerforyou:
  • sej1990
    sej1990 Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks everyone for the help if you can possibly tell me some food options that help keep me full that are not expensive that would be great so i can put some on the grocery list

    thank u
  • salfally
    salfally Posts: 6
    I dont know if ythis will apply to u but day 3 is usually a very hungry day for me especially bcuz of cutting back on or cutting out sugars. I have withdrawals; tired, hungry, cravings, and the like. Im in that phase right now but today is better than yesterday.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I was always hungry to until I changed my mindset on food. I no longer make it my first priority. I look at it like its just fuel for my body.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I buy Slim Fast because I hate eating breakfast but I know it contains lot vitamins and protein. Every now and then i will have one for lunch. i buy lots of things to make salad with. i also eat small grilled burgers with lite mayo, chopped lettuce and no bread
  • Eat peanuts and dry roasted edamame! Since I added these and raw sunflower seeds to my diet (not on my diary much yet since I just started) I feel fuller. I am slowly dropping the soda. I freaked and drank more yesterday because I was so full where do I fit the calories in?? I am doing a metabolism reboot for 2 weeks eating at my TDEE (is that right?) then will slowly lower my intake to help me lose weight. It is also hard to eat back my exercise calories. I got so used to eating so little. I had no idea I was starving myself...anywho, nuts are a good thing to snack on and are generally pretty healthy.
  • lauren518
    lauren518 Posts: 20 Member
    yogurt is great. the big tubs of fat free yogurt are great buys. they are way cheaper than buying the same voume in the prepackaged containers. and try throwing some frozen fruit in with it. frozen veggies are probable a good option for you if your budgets tight, because you only have to make one serving at a time and it wont go bad quickly and its cheaper than fresh, but also i wuld jsut suggest looking for whatevers on sale in the produce section. try and go grocery shopping with your boyfriend maybe?
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Produce -- look for in season (you can google to see what is in season where you live) and check out the "last chance" veggies. Frozen veggies are also economical and most are flash steamed to maintain nutrients.

    Cheap protein: beans (be sure to rinse them if you use canned) -- these also have a ton of fiber, eggs, canned chicken and tuna -- yes, these are higher in sodium than their fresh counterparts, but if you are making small steps on the cheap -- this is a step in the right direction.

    I do full fat dairy (except milk) -- it's cheaper and I find personally, more filling and fulfilling.

    Snack foods -- hummus, cheese, yogurt

    Carbs are CHEAP -- noodles are like what, a buck? Potatoes too! You just have to make sure you don't making them the base of your meal. But seriously, two servings of regular pasta cooked with a bouillon cube is 20 calories more than Ramen -- you get a lot more food.

    Other things that are cheap that I happen to love -- the Walmart Brand of Rotel Tomatoes and chilies.

    Do not, I repeat do not buy into the notion you need to do "diet food". You can make your own 100 calorie packs of chips from the cheapest brand on the shelf.
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    Try shopping at a local Chinese supermarket or in Chinatown or a Chinese grocery stores... They are usually very very cheap compared to other grocery stores. The veggies don't last past 3-4 days but it does the job and the variety is usually greater than regular grocery stores. I used to shop at a Chinese supermarket when I was in school and didn't have much money for groceries. Walmart has beans for 79 cents. Also, you could check online for store coupons. sometimes supermarkets have certain grocery items for almost 50-70% off the normal price for limited amounts of time. Don't lose heart. It isn't that hard :) Good luck!