Restaurant Calories

How do you estimate calories when you eat out at a restaurant? I try to search for something similar from the database and overestimate the size a little bit to compensate for the fact that they probably cook with more butter/salt/oil in restaurants than I do at home. What are your tips?


  • lizscottdrake
    lizscottdrake Posts: 5 Member
    I do the same and will usually go with the highest calorie selection
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    See if you can find a website of the place you plan to eat. some post calories of their food. Before I do out to eat, I look at my MFP app on my phone look for low calorie foods. when i order my food, I ask the waiter to box up half of it before he brings it to me. I am not happy with the high calories at resturants so hardly ever eat out.