why am i starving!!!



  • You need to eat more; and I saw in an earlier comment that you don't put the calories back after you burn them. That's bad. If you eat generally 1200 calories a day, then you burn 700 hundred, that's like eating only 500 calories a day, and your body is starting to starve. Anything less than 1000 a day sets you into starvation mode. I say if you begin to eat a little bit more each day, your body will eventually get itself out of starvation mode and begin to get more used to the calories you're eating. REMEMBER: NOTHING LESS THAN 1000 A DAY OR YOU'RE GOING TO STAY LIKE THIS. <Just to get straight to the point.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    once again, you feel like this because you aren't eating enough. Regardless of whether you've been eating this way for the last few months or not, this is your body's way of telling you it's had enough of that and it's hungry. You run the risk of binges right now because of the way you feel

  • Spiritwarrior3000
    Spiritwarrior3000 Posts: 322 Member
    Someone who exercises on a regular basis is gonna need to eat more calories than someone someone who dont. By this i mean heathy foods so that you get a nutritional benefit. Your calorie intake is too ow thus why your feeling hungry
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    1200-1300 and about 8 bottles of water a day
    Is that net??
    No, her net is 500-600.
  • thank you,, but to those who say im not eating enough i have been eating this way for 4 months why this week am i starving lol

    You are now starving because your body is starving. You are depriving your body of needed nutrients and calories. Before your body was ok with it because it was new. Now your body has reached the point where it is saying, "HEY, whoa, where is the food? What are you doing? I need more fuel!" If you do not increase your intake your body will put on weight trying to keep you from dying. It is proven fact.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    1200-1300 and about 8 bottles of water a day
    Is that net??
    No, her net is 500-600.

    On a daily basis??? If that's true no wonder she's starving. And it's counterproductive. But her diary isn't open. How do you know this?
  • adbohls
    adbohls Posts: 156 Member
    It could be the heat. You may be losing fluids this week. Since your body does not have a signal for being thirsty besides a dry mouth, it sends a hungry signal to your brain. Try increasing your fluids when you are out in the heat for extended periods of time.

    If that doesn't work, more fiber and protein is the way to go. You can get better food choices that will fill you up without increasing your caloric intake. As an example, I had a 3 oz fish fillet and an entire package of vegetables. It was under 400 calories and I was so stuffed I did not want to eat breakfast the next day.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    1200-1300 and about 8 bottles of water a day
    Is that net??
    No, her net is 500-600.

    On a daily basis??? If that's true no wonder she's starving. And it's counterproductive. But her diary isn't open. How do you know this?

    Yesterday she wrote:
    my goal is 1,400 for the day i eat 1,200 and burn 700 and do NOT eat back the calories I burn
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    thank you,, but to those who say im not eating enough i have been eating this way for 4 months why this week am i starving lol

    what's the lol for? You are asking for advice, you are telling us you hardly eat any food, what did you expect people to say? Learn to love your body and the responses it gives to you. The fact that you have done it for 4 months is telling me that your body had made adjustments to survive on the low calories and is now telling you it wants more nourishment.

    Edited to add, people who starve to death probably don't feel that bad until after they haven't eaten anything for a few days...
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    . REMEMBER: NOTHING LESS THAN 1000 A DAY OR YOU'RE GOING TO STAY LIKE THIS. <Just to get straight to the point.

    I disagree! Nothing less than your BMR. If you don't know BMR, google it or go to Fat2FitRadio.com or check out the Eat More To Weigh Less Group or Fuel The Machine group. There is tons of info out there. Educate yourself on BMR and TDEE, you will be glad you did!
  • shady1987dre
    shady1987dre Posts: 186 Member
    If you are hungry eat. Going over one day one mess your diet up. I did it once i ate over 3500 calories on day. Then the next day i weighted myself i lost weight. You are hungry because your body needs food.
  • rlpalomino
    rlpalomino Posts: 27
    Why are we so afraid of listening to what our bodies are telling us?
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    1200-1300 and about 8 bottles of water a day
    Is that net??
    No, her net is 500-600.

    On a daily basis??? If that's true no wonder she's starving. And it's counterproductive. But her diary isn't open. How do you know this?

    Because this was mentioned earlier:
    Yesterday you posted:
    my goal is 1,400 for the day i eat 1,200 and burn 700 and do NOT eat back the calories I burn

    Perhaps you wouldn't be as hungry if you ate more.

    Simple math. That's all.
  • Yesterday you posted:
    my goal is 1,400 for the day i eat 1,200 and burn 700 and do NOT eat back the calories I burn

    Perhaps you wouldn't be as hungry if you ate more.
    ^^ This

    Mhmm ^that
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    1200-1300 and about 8 bottles of water a day
    Is that net??
    No, her net is 500-600.

    On a daily basis??? If that's true no wonder she's starving. And it's counterproductive. But her diary isn't open. How do you know this?

    Because this was mentioned earlier:
    Yesterday you posted:
    my goal is 1,400 for the day i eat 1,200 and burn 700 and do NOT eat back the calories I burn

    Perhaps you wouldn't be as hungry if you ate more.

    Simple math. That's all.

    I get that....thanks! But without her diary being opened we don't know for sure. Assuming she logs everything everyday.
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    thank you,, but to those who say im not eating enough i have been eating this way for 4 months why this week am i starving lol

    Because its finally catching up with you!
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    without actually seeing your food diary i really could not say why you are starving. the nutritionist saw told me to eat more protien and less carbs because carbs make you hungy and protien will make you fuller longer. some people on the board suggested protien shakes made from whey protien powder. they actually have chocolate flavored ones. also eat a series of small meals through out the day instead of 3 big meals. drink a l glass of water before you go for food. it will help you to feel full and it will help to give you energy and clean your body of toxins. keep some almonds around for a pick me up. a small pick me up. 14 have about 145 calories and 6 grams of protien. if you are only limiting yourself to 1200 calories and are exercising 700 calories away then you really do need to eat more. good sources of protien are eggs, meat, poultry, fish (salmon, tuna, octopus and gooeyduck have the most), cheese and nuts. if you like cereal special k protien plus is pretty filling. 3/3 of a cup has 10 grams of protien and 100 calories. if you used light soy milk 1/2 cup is 35 calories and 3 grams of protien.
  • jeanninecurran
    jeanninecurran Posts: 63 Member
    sometimes our bodies confuse thirst and hunger. Are you drinking enough water?
  • You are starving because your body is trying to tell it needs more healthy calories. When you deprive yourself of food you will end up with vitamin and mineral deficits. As a woman you need to make sure you are getting enough Iron,Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc.

    Filling foods include those with fiber and protein. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, milk (even skim), yogurt, (smoothies are great low cal filling snacks), unbuttered popcorn, apples, bananas are good choices. So is lean meats and fish.

    By eating too few calories and becoming starving you are also more likely to binge. My sister was over weight as a teenager and lost a lot of weight on her own. When she hit a plateau she starved herself. When her body would shake she would binge. Then her stomach would hurt and she would use laxatives or throw up. She is now 51 and no amount of therapy has been able to break her bulimia/anorexia cycle. She cannot eat a normal meal. She never meant for this to happen. And all of this started because of a number on a scale.

    Please keep this in mind and good luck, sweetie!