does body by vi work?

Hi there, Im thinking of trying the body by Vi, i know alot of you are going to say that eating right and exercise will make me lose weight.... well that doesn't work for me, i am now on a 1200 calorie diet from a nutritionist that doesn't know what else to try for me. and even if i exercise i cant eat more then 1200 calories a day. Unfortunately that isnt working for me either. and yes i have had my thyroid checked. I am limited to the exercise i can do due to medical conditions but i NEED to lose weight because of my medical conditions.
So with Eating a 1200 calorie diet with fruit veggies and healthy food and with exercising do you think the body by vi would work for me? I want honest opinions here, I would be using it for breakfast and lunch with a healthy supper by the canada food guide. Please let me know what you think.


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Hi there, Im thinking of trying the body by Vi, i know alot of you are going to say that eating right and exercise will make me lose weight.... well that doesn't work for me, i am now on a 1200 calorie diet from a nutritionist that doesn't know what else to try for me. and even if i exercise i cant eat more then 1200 calories a day. Unfortunately that isnt working for me either. and yes i have had my thyroid checked. I am limited to the exercise i can do due to medical conditions but i NEED to lose weight because of my medical conditions.
    So with Eating a 1200 calorie diet with fruit veggies and healthy food and with exercising do you think the body by vi would work for me? I want honest opinions here, I would be using it for breakfast and lunch with a healthy supper by the canada food guide. Please let me know what you think.

    They probably won't in your case.

    The inclusion of shakes to your diet will not, by itself, induce weight loss.

    The way that meal replacement shakes work is as follows:

    Replace real food with shakes. Calories in shakes are going to be less than the calories that you would have eaten in food. Result = you are eating less calories.

    If you are already eating 1200 calories and you are not losing weight you have probably have one of two things going on:

    1) You are counting calories incorrectly.
    2) You have something medically wrong with you.

    EDIT: I don't mean the above to be rude in any way, just trying to give you my opinion on this.
  • TriggerStorm1309
    TriggerStorm1309 Posts: 82 Member
    i do have alot of medical conditions, i find the 1200 calorie diet hard to stick with, and also i know i should eat breakfast pretty much right after i wake up but i find that hard to do witch is why i want to try the shakes. some people say they work others say that they are just a bunch of bull.... i feel like ive tried everything and even my dr dont really know whats going on and why im not losing.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    Its just calorie restriction, which is what youre already doing. I'd get checked up again if youre really not losing weight on 1200 a day. You could also make sure youre logging every little bite - you never know, you might be eating close to maintenance and not even know it.
  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    Have you tried eating more? Maybe 1200 calories isn't enough food.

    Plus, this should be a lifestyle change. Are you going to want to drink shakes for the rest of your life?
  • lthacks
    lthacks Posts: 15
    I used to drink Body by Vi, but the trainer that I had said that it was loaded with "hidden" things that weren't supposed to be in a protein shake.

    He switched me to Isopure or Isosenation because it's protein, and that's about it. No hidden fats, lactose, gluten, etc.
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    Are you weighing and measuring out your food?

    Honestly I think you need to try eating more. Change your settings on here to 1lb loss a week, try that for 2 months, and see if you start losing weight again.

    I have a friend that sells body by vi and I hear the sales pitch a lot. They have less than 100 calories per shake. If you replace 2 meals with them that means you have 1000 calories left for snacks and your 3rd meal. When you buy a bag of mix you are just getting the base flavor, but the nice thing about BBV is that you can add in flavor packs to change it up so you don't get bored. You can also buy their 90 day challenge, that comes with a bunch of other stuff other than just the shake mix.

    Personally when it comes to meal replacement shakes I prefer IdealShape, it gets better reviews when compared to JUST the meal replacement shake (not all the add ins you can buy). It's cheaper and doesn't come with high pressured sales.

    If you do want to stick to 1200 cals a day and you are having trouble with that a meal replacement shake can be a great tool.
  • Jenn81
    Jenn81 Posts: 36 Member
    Hows your protein intake?? I just upped my calories to 1700 and eat alot of protein, egg whites, lean chicken, fish, and turkey. I also take a fat burner to help burn off the calories. I don't eat 1700 cals a day but the more you eat the more you lose
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Hi there, Im thinking of trying the body by Vi, i know alot of you are going to say that eating right and exercise will make me lose weight.... well that doesn't work for me, i am now on a 1200 calorie diet from a nutritionist that doesn't know what else to try for me. and even if i exercise i cant eat more then 1200 calories a day. Unfortunately that isnt working for me either. and yes i have had my thyroid checked. I am limited to the exercise i can do due to medical conditions but i NEED to lose weight because of my medical conditions.
    So with Eating a 1200 calorie diet with fruit veggies and healthy food and with exercising do you think the body by vi would work for me? I want honest opinions here, I would be using it for breakfast and lunch with a healthy supper by the canada food guide. Please let me know what you think.

    They probably won't in your case.

    The inclusion of shakes to your diet will not, by itself, induce weight loss.

    The way that meal replacement shakes work is as follows:

    Replace real food with shakes. Calories in shakes are going to be less than the calories that you would have eaten in food. Result = you are eating less calories.

    If you are already eating 1200 calories and you are not losing weight you have probably have one of two things going on:

    1) You are counting calories incorrectly.
    2) You have something medically wrong with you.

    EDIT: I don't mean the above to be rude in any way, just trying to give you my opinion on this.

    This is the first time I have seen the first reply in a body by vi post use logic. You so get a flashy gold star.

    In other news if you are not losing on such little food it is likely caused by the fact you are eating to little, you have a thyroid problem, you have some other sort of disease or all of the above.

    You should absolutely avoid these shakes at all cost especially if you have a thyroid problem,, or other metabolic disease.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    1. You aren't logging foods, it's impossible for others to give you constructive advice on ways to improve without spending money on shakes.

    2. When you did log your protein was low or they quality of foods was poor. Not saying you have to eat high protein or that you have to eat clean, but for many people it really helps.

    3. What types of exercises can/can't you do. Without knowing this people can't make suggestions on things to do. There are plenty of people on here with physical and medical limitations who are losing weight.

    4. My impression is you are looking for something easy. The effort of cooking real foods is worth doing. If you insist on doing meal replacement do a search on the message boards for body by vi and check out some lower priced but equally as good/better quality suggestions. No need to buy into a name.
  • shelbiejo
    shelbiejo Posts: 283 Member
    I do Body by Vi. I've been on it for two weeks and lost 5lbs (I have little to loose) and have lost a lot of inches. I like it. I stay full and have energy. That is me though. A lot of people are against it...But 85% of those people haven't tried it either. And everyone says you deal with pushy sells people when you do it...I haven't dealt with any and wasn't pressured into buying it.
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    If you actually look at the ingredients that are in Body by Vi it's kind of scary. For instance one of the ingredients that scares me the most is MSG. Look it up!
  • TriggerStorm1309
    TriggerStorm1309 Posts: 82 Member
    i have tried all different calorie intakes, my dr said i may have a VERY small window that i need to stay in between to lose weight, currently the nutritionist said the 1200 calorie one. im finding that one hard to follow as my medications tend to make me hungry and the nutritionist said i cant eat more then 6 servings of veggies a day. i have also tried a diet done up by a personal trainer being high protein as i was seeing him 3 times a week doing cardio and weigh training and in 6 weeks still didn't lose a pound. im seeming to be a medical mystery here lol
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    i have tried all different calorie intakes, my dr said i may have a VERY small window that i need to stay in between to lose weight, currently the nutritionist said the 1200 calorie one. im finding that one hard to follow as my medications tend to make me hungry and the nutritionist said i cant eat more then 6 servings of veggies a day. i have also tried a diet done up by a personal trainer being high protein as i was seeing him 3 times a week doing cardio and weigh training and in 6 weeks still didn't lose a pound. im seeming to be a medical mystery here lol
    Meds for what? All the more reason to eat a variety of food inatead of 1 soy based beverage.

    Don't even get me started on links showing how to much soy relates to thyroid diseases and how my friend was told by her doctor that her thyroid problems were soy based and how thyroid problems are linked to a low metabolism
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    If you actually look at the ingredients that are in Body by Vi it's kind of scary. For instance one of the ingredients that scares me the most is MSG. Look it up!

    I thought MSG was in the "should be avoided" category at worst.
  • TriggerStorm1309
    TriggerStorm1309 Posts: 82 Member
    just want to lose
  • TriggerStorm1309
    TriggerStorm1309 Posts: 82 Member
    1. You aren't logging foods, it's impossible for others to give you constructive advice on ways to improve without spending money on shakes.

    2. When you did log your protein was low or they quality of foods was poor. Not saying you have to eat high protein or that you have to eat clean, but for many people it really helps.

    3. What types of exercises can/can't you do. Without knowing this people can't make suggestions on things to do. There are plenty of people on here with physical and medical limitations who are losing weight.

    4. My impression is you are looking for something easy. The effort of cooking real foods is worth doing. If you insist on doing meal replacement do a search on the message boards for body by vi and check out some lower priced but equally as good/better quality suggestions. No need to buy into a name.

    i did a meal plan done by my personal trainer that consisted of 3 meals a day of boneless skinless chicken breast, lots of veggies, protein shakes flax seed fish oils and NO Fruit. It cost me over 100$ a week to buy this food and i did it for 6 weeks with NO results! i am NOT looking for a quick fix or i would accept my doctors offer on the free surgery to take the 100lbs of fat off! I don't want a quick fix i want to do it on my own But nothing so far has worked. Just looking for something i can do without surgery to lose the weight. I am 22 years old and im a single mother and i would like to stay alive to see my 2 year old grow up. I have COPD and have had half of my lung removed due to it collapsing and almost killing me, I also have alot of stress on my heart and at a high risk of heart attack due to a weak heart. So Please if you know something that will work let me know.
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    SmilingSelena- Thanks for posting those articles.
    I too was looking at Body by Vi.
    The articles have really opened my eyes.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    i have tried all different calorie intakes, my dr said i may have a VERY small window that i need to stay in between to lose weight, currently the nutritionist said the 1200 calorie one. im finding that one hard to follow as my medications tend to make me hungry and the nutritionist said i cant eat more then 6 servings of veggies a day. i have also tried a diet done up by a personal trainer being high protein as i was seeing him 3 times a week doing cardio and weigh training and in 6 weeks still didn't lose a pound. im seeming to be a medical mystery here lol

    Start logging everything. Do this for two weeks. No cheating, log everything. Come back to the discussion boards and ask for help again if nothing changes. A study was done on individuals who stated they ate 1200 calories yet couldn't lose weight. These people were contained and fed exactly 1200 calories and they lost weight. I can't find the study at the moment but I will be back.
  • gettinfitmama
    gettinfitmama Posts: 164 Member
    Along these same lines, has anyone tried the Advocare line of products?