Only person trying to eat right in the house

My household consists of my two children, husband and I. My husband tends to waffle back and forth when it comes to diet and exercise, and right now he's off. He bought some groceries today, and bought a ton of junk! My willpower is pretty good, but geesh, it's gonna be hard. I know he'll get back on the wagon, but he's not there yet.

How do you get through when others in the household aren't doing what you're doing?

I'm not into forcing others to do what I'm doing, so totally overhauling the fridge and the cupboards when the rest of the family is not on board is something I wouldn't do.

Has anyone else gone through something similar?


  • kfitzpa
    kfitzpa Posts: 326
    Yes, I deal with this all the time. I'm basically the only skinny person in my family. Everyone is overweight and eats junk all the time. It drives me insane because I hate having these things in the house. Yesterday I came home and was starving and just completely binged on cookies and cereal and everything that I don't want around me. It made me feel awful.

    I try to stay away from the kitchen as much as possible and plan my meals in advance and I don't stray from the plans.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Your children need healthy food just as much as you do. Not forcing them to eat healthy food along with junk food can set them up for weight and health issues as they get older.

    So, it's really not just you who needs to eat right. It's fine IMO to have junk food in the house as long as there is plenty of good, healthy food too. I don't deny my family the junk but I keep fruit and veggies on hand to balance it out.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    Couple things you can do: make what you know to be healthy for dinner. If your husband wants to supplement with some junk but that's on him. Try to find ways to makeover some of your husbands favorite meals to be healthier so he can see healthy isn't evil and you're not trying to spite him (I make super low cal stuffed peppers and mushrooms for my husband. Oh and I cut my mashed potatoes with puréed steamed cauliflower I cut carbs and calories). The more you include him the more likely he is to back on board with you, especially if you ask for help (ex: help finding new recipes, ideas to change things up ect...). Try not to take it personally!! And good luck :)
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I have my own refrigerator and locked food cupboard.
    I keep my health stuff there while others are free to have whatever they want. I am much more forgiving with the kids, yet we don't allow junk food, sweets, sodas or breads.
    We try to eat one meal together, and you can always tell from my diary which one it was. Today? Chinese take out. Yesterday: fried catfish po boys.
    Life is to be lived:drinker:
  • tamtamzz
    tamtamzz Posts: 142
    Couple things you can do: make what you know to be healthy for dinner. If your husband wants to supplement with some junk but that's on him. Try to find ways to makeover some of your husbands favorite meals to be healthier so he can see healthy isn't evil and you're not trying to spite him (I make super low cal stuffed peppers and mushrooms for my husband. Oh and I cut my mashed potatoes with puréed steamed cauliflower I cut carbs and calories). The more you include him the more likely he is to back on board with you, especially if you ask for help (ex: help finding new recipes, ideas to change things up ect...). Try not to take it personally!! And good luck :)

    This is a good idea! I will try this.

    The issue is my husband is a snacker. He likes cakes, cookies, soda; that sort of thing, and the truth is, so do I! However, if it's not around I'm OK. If I'm really having a hankering for some sugar I'll walk to the store to get it. I work from home, so I have to sit here all day knowing there is donuts in the cabinet and ice cream in the freezer, ugh!

    When it comes to my kids, I can regulate what they eat. Letting them drink soda and candy and crap all the time is a no go. Regulating myself is the hard part.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Only one in my house watching. I have been at this since February 1st so I am used to it now. I make the dinners, so I get to control that meal. I make healthy stuff and they can have as much as they want. I limit my portion. But I always pick and make dinners that I know will do the job for me. I keep healthy snacks in the house. I also keep dark chocolate in the house for when I want something sweet.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Yes! When I was losing weight as a teen and ever since I moved back home after my layoff 4 yrs ago. Mom stockpiles ice cream (I'm allergic to milk proteins so can't have it all the time), my diabetic father brought home Entemann's donut holes last week for me and mom, not realizing what i'm tryin to do with my eating. I'm not heavy so I guess he figures it's no problem. It's hard...I'm not gonna lie. It's hard to eat grilled chicken when you're still smelling the Dietz & Watson beef franks the folks had for dinner. So I visualize what I want to be and it usually works unless I have PMS. Then all bets are off! lol. Sometimes I go ahead and throw out the junk besides my dad's sugar free Tasty Kakes or whatever he has on hand for his diabetes and his need for a night snacky. I do keep choc chip cookies in the house and can limit myself to just one or two if I wanna have a cheat snack but that's about the only goodie I have any self control over. Visualize yourself meeting your goal and what you want to look like. Also, when faced with the foods try to look past them like they aren't there. If you get the urge and it's not a "schedule" cheat, distract yourself by going on the puter or whatever. That's also a trick I do. Or I'll play w my new rescue kitties. It only takes 7 minutes for a craving to pass so if you can distract yourself during that time, you will make it thru. And keep visualizing what you want to be. I can't stress that enough. When I was losing my weight back in high school I still have that clear picture of what I wanted my stomach to look like. And my abs have surpassed that mental picture in my head so many years ago. Hope this helps :)
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Also there are some GREAT family friendly healthy recipes on Skinny'd never know they were healthy and the gal that wrote the recipes has fussy kids and a husband...
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    Im in the same boat. the family i live with eats only crap. they dont believe in vegetables. seriously. tomato sauce is the only "vegetable" they will touch. makes its hard when i go binging cuz there is so much junk available. that and they throw out my healthy food to make room for their junk. that and they make fun of me for eating so healthy.
  • babesintow
    babesintow Posts: 59
    Yes your family should be healthy too...however until you can do it for you don't worry about it. Once you have developed good eating habits you will be hard pressed to do it for your will come don't worry about it.

    I have the same thing going on in my household. I asked them to stop buying my favorites but by all means continue to have theirs. I even bought it for them, just to keep them from buying the things I couldn't say no to.

    Next....freezer food can be your friend. I buy lots of steamer vegetables and other healthy side dishes. Bagged salad is another great help. I get whole chickens cook them in the crock pot and use the meat for my salads, omelets and sandwiches...quick items. When we have pizza for dinner, I make it. I can add all of the toppings they want but control what I put on mine...extra sauce, veggies, fewer pepperoni if at all...leftover chicken...whatever I feel like. When they want pasta for dinner I make it but I also make a steamer bag of veggies and a salad for myself. It is there if anyone wants it and one day they will come around but they are at an age where it is difficult to force them (I am sure someone here will disagree but I don't care and I have enough to worry about) I can eat my salad and veggies if I am still hungry I will have a bit of pasta.

    I have been working on this for a year now and my hubby has finally gotten on board. As he worries about what he is eating he stops bringing home all of the may have taken a while but it is better than fighting over something that wasn't in my control. My youngest has always been a healthier eater than my other two but even he is watching the labels now. It is a matter of time don't worry.

    I hope these suggestions help. Trying to change everyone's diet at the same time is overwhelming it will be easier and more successful once you can do it for you first.
  • lucylou9701
    lucylou9701 Posts: 194
    I am the only one in my household who eats healthy aswell. It is tough sometime like tonight, my entire family had pizza hut pepperoni pizza and Iced tea so I had to cook myself a salmon fillet and zuchinni nooodles. Sure the pizza smelt really goooood and ya i wanted it but i sat down ate my dinner and it was also really good. I have to do this a lot because my family does not eat healthy at all. At the end of the day I know that I feel like crap if I eat that stuff so I just sit down and eat my healthy food and who cares if they make fun of me for eating healthy.... its my body, my life and its ultimately my choice of how I want to treat myself and I am deciding to treat myself good because I am worth it :) And before you go to binge on those cookies and cakes just think about how you want to treat yourself. Think about your goals and what kind of body you want.
  • BHRussell
    BHRussell Posts: 83 Member
    Yes I deal with this constantly, My mom and Dad just don't care about their weight. I do but I am the Chef my mom is the meal planner. So not only do I cook it I serve it to my disabled parents. Cake pie desserts , french fries, pasta with butter. Help!!!!It is so frustrating so I just have to deal. And get enough strenghth to get through.
  • Ulfgard
    Ulfgard Posts: 49 Member
    You can treat meals and food like my family did. Mom cooked and did most of the grocery shopping, everyone ate it if you didnt like it or wanted something other than what was provided, go find your own food with your own money.

    In my house my wife was the one that wanted to get healthy. It was just easier to go along with it, so now here I am
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    This is a good idea! I will try this.

    The issue is my husband is a snacker. He likes cakes, cookies, soda; that sort of thing, and the truth is, so do I! However, if it's not around I'm OK. If I'm really having a hankering for some sugar I'll walk to the store to get it. I work from home, so I have to sit here all day knowing there is donuts in the cabinet and ice cream in the freezer, ugh!

    When it comes to my kids, I can regulate what they eat. Letting them drink soda and candy and crap all the time is a no go. Regulating myself is the hard part.

    Oh I am SOOOOO with you on the "if its there" issue. The only thing thats helped this is to spend an hour or so every time I grocery shop to set up a bunch of easy to grab snacks that I know what the calorie counts will be. One benefit of my snackishness is that I tend to be lazy about it so yeah there's ice cream in the freezer but that involves a bowl, a spoon, a scoop and cleanup whereas the baggie of celery already nicely chopped up with the little container of hummus is right there. It helps me anyway (when I'm not having a total off day and just eat straight out of the tub of icecream.... but luckily I've been a lot better about that!!!)
  • tamtamzz
    tamtamzz Posts: 142
    You can treat meals and food like my family did. Mom cooked and did most of the grocery shopping, everyone ate it if you didnt like it or wanted something other than what was provided, go find your own food with your own money.

    In my house my wife was the one that wanted to get healthy. It was just easier to go along with it, so now here I am

    Yes! it was like this when I was growing up, too; old school! My grandma was hardcore, and junk food?! Yeah, right.

    And for my kids it will be the same deal, but I can't force a grown man to do what I want him to. Well, change that. I have no desire to do that. I'll encourage and lead by example. I think I'm just going to have to have my food, and he can have his. As I mentioned before, sooner or later he'll come around, but right now he's still out the pasture.

    It is FANTASTIC that I am not alone out here! I really thought I was the only one dealing with this. After reading the posts last night, it was a lot easier for me to resist the urge to grab a donut.