Thursday Check In Group - November 19th

magglett Posts: 2,000
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Good Morning my Thursday friends. I've stayed the same this week ... I'm sure things with start changing now that I'm going to the gym. Good luck to you all.

YEAR END GOAL: I would like to be 20 lbs. lighter by then ... that would bring me to 169 lbs.
July 16 - 189 lbs.
July 23 - 187.5 lbs. (-1.5 lbs.)
July 30 - 186 lbs. (-1.5 lbs. this week)(-3 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Aug 6 - 184.5 lbs. (-1.5 lbs. this week)(-4.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Aug 13 - 185 lbs (+.5 lbs. this week) (-4 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Aug 20 - 183 lbs (-2 lbs. this week) (-6 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Aug 27 - 180.5 lbs (-2.5 lbs. this week) (-8.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Sept 3 - 181.5 lbs (+1 lb. this week) (-7.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Sept 10 - 179.5 (-2 lb. this week) (-9.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Sept 17 - 176.5 (-3 lb. this week) (-12.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Sept 24 - 174.5 (-2 lb. this week) (-15 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Oct 1 - 176 (+1.5 lb. this week) (-13.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Oct 8 - 177 (+1 lb. this week) (-12.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Oct 15 - 176 (-1 lb. this week) (-13.5 lbs. since the Thursday group formed)
Oct 22 - 176 (stayed the same this week)
Oct 29 - 174 (-2 lb. this week) (-15.5 lbs total)
Nov 5 - 173½ (-½ lb. this week) (-16 lbs. total)
Nov 12 - 176 (+2½ lbs. this week) (-13.5 lbs. total)
Nov 19 - 176 (stayed the same this week)
Nov 26
Dec 3
Dec 10
Dec 17



  • 1 lb lost this week. I am okay with that considering the great number I pulled last week. Maggie I am sure you are going to get a good number soon. All that exercise will start to show really soon. Have you been taking your measurments? Although you are not seeing it on the scale your measurments are probably going down. Back over the summer I was frozen at 182 for almost 2 months. Yet somehow I mananged to go from a tight 14 to a comfortable 12 in those 2 months. I am sure it was all the exercise I was doing.
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Hi Guys so even with my TOM, I managed to loose 1 pound this week, maybe I lost more but I am soo bloated right now. I agree with what Rdy2Lose128 said Maggie, try to take measurements, I am sure you proabably lost inches. I try to take my measurements once a month to see the difference that way as well. Hope everyone has a great day and I'll talk to all of you soon.

    July 30th - 154 pounds
    August 6th - 150 pounds
    August 13th- 150 pounds
    August 20th - 147 pounds
    August 27th - 144 pounds
    September 3rd - 144 pounds
    September 10th - 144 pounds
    September 17th - 144 pounds
    September 24th - 142 pounds
    October 1st - 143 pounds
    October 8th - 141 pounds
    October 15th - 140 pounds
    October 22th - 139 pounds
    October 29th - 137 pounds
    November 5th - 140 pounds
    November 12th - 137 pounds
    November 19th - 136 pounds


  • Hi All!

    Love the measurement idea. It is a great idea, especially when you are not getting that gratification from the scales.

    I lost 4 this week. I am happy, but for some reason questioning it. weighed myself 3 times. Is anyone like this...sees good results but on some level doesn't believe them ,basically 'sabbotaging' their hard work??? Hoping someone says yes{!!} If not then I sound like a freak, but if someone feels /does this.....what the heck is that??!!!

    Oct 8 - 201
    Oct 15 - 197
    Oct 22-198
    Oct 29-196
    Nov 5-195
    Nov 12-193
    Nov 19-189
    Nov 26
    Dec 3
    Dec 10
    Dec 17
    Dec 24
    Dec 31
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    lisaaan, you are doing a great job. The weight loss varies from week to week and I guess you are doing somethng right because 4 pounds is a great loss for a week. Don't dought yourself, your on the right track:drinker:

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Oh My God ... What A Stressful Day At Work!!!! Thank Goodness I have a Zumba Class tonight to help me de-stress!!

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Well ... I lifted something wrong at work today, on top of everything else that was going on ... So no Zumba for me tonight ... ouch! I really did work up a sweat today in the Print Shop so I don't feel any guilt ... but Zumba would have been way fun. Oh well, I'll take it as my higher power's way of telling me to take a rest.
  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    So in my town we have a community center with a gym thats free for everyone to use in our town and we pay for it in our taxes, so I don't know why I did'nt think of it before, but I am going to start going there with my hubby 3 days a week and work out. Hopefully I will loose weight quicker that way and the best part, its FREE:bigsmile:

    Oh, I lost another pound from yesturday so I am at my lowest right now at 135. Hope you have a better day today Maggie. Sometimes things don't go your way, happens to me all the time. Thank goodness its friday.


  • a gym that's freeTanya, Thats fantastic!!!! sounds like it would not be much in travel time and Gas as well...!!!Hooray...
    Wow 135, you did it!!!

  • tanya7712
    tanya7712 Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks lisaaan! Since my last post I did gain a pound but we'll see how I do the rest. Hope everyone else has a great weekend and I'll talk to you all soon.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there my friends. Sorry I haven't been posting lately. I seriously have some kind of bad karma going on around me ... it's almost comical ... machines breaking down at work, dropping things, car breaking down, home computer breaking down, throwing out my back, fighting with the cell phone company, going to a computer place that was highly recommended and finding it went out of business, waitress getting my order wrong and blaming me, TOM coming almost a week early ... and it goes on and on. Needless to say ... I have my computer up and running for the moment so I thought I would jump in and post ... but who knows how long that will last. LOL

    The stars will change soon I'm sure and things will start going right. I'm going back to the gym today after missing about 5 days with my sore back. I have an appointment with my trainer to do a 1/2 hour boxing thing so that should burn some major calories. I look forward to the opportunity to punch her ... LOL Anyway I just wanted to touch base and read your posts because you all inspire me. Have an awesome day.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Here's the new thread for this week ... have a good one.
  • Hi All,
    Not sure how this happened, feeling a bit ashamed..
    Gained 7 pounds this week.
    Clothes feel better on me,my boobs aren't falling out of my bra and the waistband of my pants is not gouging me...Do not know how this happened. thought I had a good week..
    But i gotta swallow it I guess

    Next time i want to question losing 4 pounds in a week, please remind me of this humbling experience.

    Oct 8 - 201
    Oct 15 - 197
    Oct 22-198
    Oct 29-196
    Nov 5-195
    Nov 12-193
    Nov 19-189
    Nov 26-196
    Dec 3
    Dec 10
    Dec 17
    Dec 24
    Dec 31
This discussion has been closed.