Are you an office worker?

Anyone else work in an office setting where you are tied to a chair for more than 75% of the day? I read a report today that most people who work in an office eventually have some sort of heart disease, mainly contributed by te sedentary lifestyle. Well, one of the points it made was that too many people are sitting at work for too long. After reading this, I was motivated to make a radical change which raised many questions by coworkers- I got rid of my office chair and have decided to stand at work from now on!

What are some of the ways you guys have changed your work lifestyle?


  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Hi I work at a deskjob also as a Graphic Designer so practically at desk for 8 hours. To compensate this, I walk around during lunch breaks, go directly to a co-worker instead of using a popup message & not to mention that I commute daily plus I walk about 2km from office to the nearest bus station.
  • dottiemay71
    dottiemay71 Posts: 4 Member
    I work in an office in Information Technology Support. I was at my desk nearly all day. The change I've made is for the first part of the day, I'll work at my desk...for the second part of the day, I generally go to the other office building and do support desk to desk rather than from my own desk. I get a lot more walking in and get to know the people I support a little better. I think they enjoy it as well. This change has made my job a lot more tolerable.
  • jgmarkham1
    I am tied to a desk all day as well and I don't think standing all day is the answer. I try to beat the odds by using an exercise ball chair and doing small exercises with a resist-a-band. Sometimes I get weird looks from coworkers, but I do feel better.
  • lauleipop
    lauleipop Posts: 260 Member
    Several of my co-workers smoke. They get smoke breaks. I don't smoke, but I think I'm entitled to the same breaks they are. Every time they smoke, I go walk around the block then drink 10 oz of water. (And I'm usually back before they are....)
  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    Our workplace is currently taking part in the Global Corporate Challenge where you are supposed to walk at least 10, 000 steps a day. It was pretty surprising how little steps I actually take on days I didn't go to the gym.

    I definitely think a pedometer is a worthwhile investment and as an office worker aiming for at least 10, 000 steps a day forces you to get up and move around more :)
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    Yes and NO! I work in construction but this project has me in an office 5 hours away from the my project site. I think I will spend 2 weeks a month on the job site and 2 weeks in the office. Not ideal situation but I will deal with it. On my last project, I had an office on the job site, so I could would walk the job site at least twice a day. I LOVED it when the weather was good LOL