Help! Alcoholic weekend is approaching!



  • Moniqua1
    Moniqua1 Posts: 195 Member
    I put in my alcohol points before even going out, so I know exactly how many I'm allowed to have. And I high ball it, so I'll factor in 6 vodka sodas with fresh lime which is 300 calories or something. Then I know I will have a good buzz, but still not enough to get so drunk I don't care what I drink/eat.

    I am with you on the beer lover thing...

    This is a totally unhealthy suggestion but, well, 4 beers for dinner and giant low calorie salads all day?

    Probably unhealthy, but also more likely. I'm sure by day 3 I won't be up for much drinking. Temporary, but doable. I think extra gym time will also be included. Only 300 cal for 6 vodka sodas?! I'll have to try these! 300 cal isn't even 2 beers!
  • ZoeyRobinson
    ZoeyRobinson Posts: 301
    Why is drinking not an option? You aren't allowed to say "no"?

    If you want to drink then do it in moderation. If you don't want to drink then don't. If you feel peer pressure then you need to get better friends.

    Either way be safe and don't drink and drive.
  • dunc289
    dunc289 Posts: 54 Member
    Firstly, forget the "Strong beer's, I'll drink less of them" idea.

    You'll get drunk, then you'll get drunker, which of course will be fun, then you'll stop counting.
    Then you'll end up challenging passers by to pull up competitions in the street at 2 am, fall off the bar and bugger up your ankle.
    (Well thats the sort of thing that happens to me sometimes.)

    Seriously though, I thought the interval training idea had merit.

    1 real drink. (Small glass wine/ half pint beer)
    1 soft drink. (BIG glass anything)


    If you think about it, you just need enough to get a buzz going, then maintain an even strain from there.
    I'm not saying I could do it, but I probably should.
    Might even make the night more fun.

    To all those saying "You don't need to drink", you're not really in the right thread.
  • bri131s
    bri131s Posts: 2 Member
    Thats a good one. Figure about what youll drink and eat the night before and get up early and bust out a bike ride or swim some laps to pre-counter act them. Want very few calories go with silver rum(or vodka) strite zero and a dash of your favorite mio. For me though its whiskey and sprite zero.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    I have a heavy weekend of socialising too, food and drink.

    My plan at times like this is to plan in advance, even a guestimate on what alcohol you'll have will let you see the calories you need, then add in your food - but make sure you eat properly, if you're eating at home go for low calorie/low fat food but with lots of nutrients so a good stirfry with loads of veg and noodles or rice, some fruit.

    Then when you're out you know that your calories are taken care of, within reason but you can then make further decisions.

    So once you know what your calorie spend is looking like maybe do an extra workout to take back a few extra calories which will all help in the end.

    I will often have a soft drink inbetween, a sparkling water or a tonic water, if you feel peer pressure to drink you can always get away saying its a gin & tonic or a vodka & coke.... only works if you're buying though.

    And dont feel guilty, yes you want to lose weight & be healthy but you also want to live a little, after all enjoying life is what its about. I dont know you or seen your diary so I apologise if you already do these things, but make more healthy choices the rest of the week but not at the expense of cutting down calories to compensate.

    Have fun and I hope your friend is ok.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I would also vote for Vodka and diet mixer! or,if you want something sweet malibu and diet coke/lemonaide etc. Very low cal. At home I have started drinking wine with diet lemonaide so that I drink less cals and less alcohol so sprizters might be an option for you too. As it comes in a tall glass it will take you a while to drink so you are not onto the next one really quick! oh and if you do go down the spirit option, make sure you have it with the diet mixer in a tall glass (lots of coke etc) otherwise you will be moving onto the next drink far to quick again. I would have the odd water in there too, between drinks.
    What about going for a meal with your friend rather than drinking all night and then have a bottle of wine with the meal and a large jug of water!
    If it must be beer, again drink shandys (half beer half lemonaide)
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    PS I am camping this weekend too with a load of friends so know there will be drinking round the camp fire but packing the car with camping gear, putting up the tent and walking the dog (he is coming with me) all adds up to exercise cals so I know I can drink without cutting back on normal food!
  • dunc289
    dunc289 Posts: 54 Member
    Also, little tip.

    Apparently protein before drinking helps confuse the stomach into dealing with the food for a while, before it gets on to adding the alcohol to your bloodstream.

    You'll still see all that booze eventually, but you might be safely back in bed by then.
  • jk262
    jk262 Posts: 1,597 Member
    I do vodka sodas and alternate with soda water with lime every other one. Everyone thinks I'm drinking a gin and tonic, even though I could care less, and you keep hydrated so you're not hungover the next day! I love beer though too so sometimes I add one in there.
  • bellasmum75
    bellasmum75 Posts: 1 Member
    New to this forum, but thought I would chip in! We all have friends like that, and sometimes its easier to take the path of least resistance and join in!

    My latest tactic is to switch from wine and beer, to gin or vodka with soda water. Im not a fan of low cal drinks, but if thats all that was available I would drink it.

    The nice thing with something like gin and soda, is that when its your round, you can switch to just soda and noone need know you have decided to abstain for that drink!

    A bottle of wine or two at home was seriously stalling me, but I now buy a big bottle of gin and keep plenty of sparkling mineral water in the cupboard. If I want a drink, instead of popping to the shop and spending a fiver on a bottle of wine, I now know that I can pour myself a gin and enjoy it. Im drinking much less, enjoying it more and spending a lot less money!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Why is drinking not an option? You aren't allowed to say "no"?

    If you want to drink then do it in moderation. If you don't want to drink then don't. If you feel peer pressure then you need to get better friends.

    Either way be safe and don't drink and drive.

    Thanks Mum!

    Let's face it most of us like a drink and why not booze with some guidelines? Even if we say to hell with them halfway through the evening when we have just met our new beshtest friend ;)

    I offer this as a guide, just click the search button for a full list, it is based on bang-for-buck calorie-wise:

    My booze rules are from best to worst: Spirits --> Red Wine --> White Wine --> Lagery Psuedobeer --> Proper Beer (Ale)

    Having said that I also had many pints of Guinness some Fridays ago and felt not a jot of regret, the social effects (and a job lead that seems to have paid off) outweighed any poxy calorie or carb count.

    As long as you are doing OK generally with whatever magic nutritional numbers work for you then have the occasional booze blow-out, it won't kill you or make you fat overnight.

    OK, it may kill you, depending on the size of the blow-out ;)
  • Gin and Silmline Tonic or Rum and Diet Coke
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Why is drinking not an option? You aren't allowed to say "no"? :laugh:
    Not drinking is always an option.
    This is about choice and priorities.
    I used to hang around guys who liked to party hard with food and booze. We were all fat, heavy drinkers.
    They still are, but I am not.
    And when we meet up, they all marvel at my weight loss, but when they ask my "secret", all I say is "EAT LESS-MOVE MORE".
    They don't want to hear the truth, and I know when to stifle my mouth.
    A few months ago, I attended a funeral of the wife of one such friend, and the unspoken reality was how lifestyle contributed to her early death. Whatever...
    I am in control of me, and while they are still fat drunks, and am fit, healthy and sober.
    I have a few drinks here and there, but it's all accounted for in my log.
    Life is about choices and values, and life is to be lived.
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    You dont have to drink. I go out all the time and dont drink and still have a good time
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    and if you do wana drink dont go over your cals !
  • Moniqua1
    Moniqua1 Posts: 195 Member
    Hahaha! I'm honestly surprised with the options out there! If I'm not commenting back to your comment please know, it has been read and I'm thankful and weighing my options.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    You dont have to drink. I go out all the time and dont drink and still have a good time

    Well done you.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    Eat nothing all day to 'save' your calories, have a few shots, pass out after three and thereby prove to your mates you're still "a good laugh".

    [ps that was irony]
  • Moniqua1
    Moniqua1 Posts: 195 Member
    Why is drinking not an option? You aren't allowed to say "no"? :laugh:
    Not drinking is always an option.
    This is about choice and priorities.
    I used to hang around guys who liked to party hard with food and booze. We were all fat, heavy drinkers.
    They still are, but I am not.
    And when we meet up, they all marvel at my weight loss, but when they ask my "secret", all I say is "EAT LESS-MOVE MORE".
    They don't want to hear the truth, and I know when to stifle my mouth.
    A few months ago, I attended a funeral of one such friend, and the unspoken reality was how lifestyle contributed to this early death. Whatever...
    I am in control of me, and while they are still fat drunks, and am fit, healthy and sober.
    I have a few drinks here and there, but it's all accounted for in my log.
    Life is about choices and values, and life is to be lived.

    I'm sorry about your friend. Congrats on your sober, fit life. I'm not a fat drunk and I'm healthy. Your path is not the one I choose to take at this point in my life. I enjoy social drinking. I enjoy letting go, and I enjoy not looking at my friends as being somewhat less than I, because of their lifestyle choices. Honestly, good for you for doing what's best for you. I hope you don't judge others because their choices are not the same as yours.
  • Hope502012
    Hope502012 Posts: 98 Member
    You could try drinking an equal amount of soda water with ice and lemon after each beer. It will be better for you and you probably won't want to drink so much alcohol anyway. (also helps to banish the hangover!):smile: