Help! Alcoholic weekend is approaching!



  • socalpal
    socalpal Posts: 1
    Yes, I can relate to your dilemna. First of all, remember that'll when you exercise and then drink alcohol your body will burn the calories in the alcohol before burning the calories in you body's fat. Every drink comes with a price - for me it is the number of laps in the pool just to break even. Having said that, here are my tips. If you love beer, try Sam Adams Light or Amstel Light. Wine or champagne have fewer calories and are better choices. The best bang for your caloric buck is vodka mixed with Vitamin Water Zero lemonade or light cranberry juice. Try to work in a few fizzy waters with lemon slices. Also, think about what you are eating with those drinks. Stick with low carb meals, like ahi or salmon salads instead of burgers and fries. Hope this helps.
  • if you really must drink jack daniels only has 55 cals per 25mls (which is what i drink once a night as a treat) then use a diet mixer which adds an extra cal to it

    Agreed. Jack on the rocks.. yum!

    This is my tipple too! Although I do have the odd pint also... All about balance and if you like a drink, have one!! Life is for living, not existing!! :smile:
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Why is drinking not an option? You aren't allowed to say "no"? :laugh:
    Not drinking is always an option.
    This is about choice and priorities.
    I used to hang around guys who liked to party hard with food and booze. We were all fat, heavy drinkers.
    They still are, but I am not.
    And when we meet up, they all marvel at my weight loss, but when they ask my "secret", all I say is "EAT LESS-MOVE MORE".
    They don't want to hear the truth, and I know when to stifle my mouth.
    A few months ago, I attended a funeral of one such friend, and the unspoken reality was how lifestyle contributed to this early death. Whatever...
    I am in control of me, and while they are still fat drunks, and am fit, healthy and sober.
    I have a few drinks here and there, but it's all accounted for in my log.
    Life is about choices and values, and life is to be lived.

    I'm sorry about your friend. Congrats on your sober, fit life. I'm not a fat drunk and I'm healthy. Your path is not the one I choose to take at this point in my life. I enjoy social drinking. I enjoy letting go, and I enjoy not looking at my friends as being somewhat less than I, because of their lifestyle choices. Honestly, good for you for doing what's best for you. I hope you don't judge others because their choices are not the same as yours.
    I don't judge them but their lifestyle.
    I can't be around it and reach my health and fitness goals. Does it make me better? Who knows? It makes me fitter and healthier, and that is my priority over anything else in life.
    Good luck in your journey :flowerforyou:
  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    TheDreadPirateRoberts Posts: 225 Member
    As someone else who like as drink (feel free to verbally flay me alive MFP peeps!), I'd suggest the following:

    Exercise over the weekend if you can, even if its only hiking a little further to a pub you've not tried before.
    Drink milk before your sessions (about a pint) as it lines the stomach and helps stop you absorbing so much.
    Drink water in between alcoholic drinks (cant say I ever do this myself, but I keep "meaning to"), so it flushes the crap out of yoru system and you dont feel so terrible in the morning.
    Drink diet soda / coke and vodka / gin. Again I dont so this as I dont like spirits and I dont like diet drinks. But that will result in the least calories for the most alcoholic kick.

    You could also cut back on what you eat over the weekend and substitute alcohol for meals. This is dumb as it gets you drunk quicker and is not healthy... however it tends to be the method I end up employing not through concious choice, but out of my own stupidity.

    Hope you have a good weekend.

    [Edit] Oh and I'm my ideal weight and healthy...not one of these guys who pats their stomach and says "all bought and paid for". I can run, lift weights, do push ups and also lift beers and crack jokes down the pub :) [/edit]
  • ednawhatnot
    ednawhatnot Posts: 93 Member
    The great thing about weekends is no work! You have all day to build up enough exercise calories to drink whatever you like.
    My typical Saturday consists of swimming a mile, a couple of walks, quick shopping trip then a trip to a pub to see a band. I drink vodka and diet coke, alternated with non-alcoholic drinks and I usually estimate and log my intake before I go out.
    Dancing burns off extra calories too, just avoid the kebab shop on the way home :)
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    Why is drinking not an option? You aren't allowed to say "no"? :laugh:
    Not drinking is always an option.
    This is about choice and priorities.
    I used to hang around guys who liked to party hard with food and booze. We were all fat, heavy drinkers.
    They still are, but I am not.
    And when we meet up, they all marvel at my weight loss, but when they ask my "secret", all I say is "EAT LESS-MOVE MORE".
    They don't want to hear the truth, and I know when to stifle my mouth.
    A few months ago, I attended a funeral of one such friend, and the unspoken reality was how lifestyle contributed to this early death. Whatever...
    I am in control of me, and while they are still fat drunks, and am fit, healthy and sober.
    I have a few drinks here and there, but it's all accounted for in my log.
    Life is about choices and values, and life is to be lived.

    I'm sorry about your friend. Congrats on your sober, fit life. I'm not a fat drunk and I'm healthy. Your path is not the one I choose to take at this point in my life. I enjoy social drinking. I enjoy letting go, and I enjoy not looking at my friends as being somewhat less than I, because of their lifestyle choices. Honestly, good for you for doing what's best for you. I hope you don't judge others because their choices are not the same as yours.

    Nicely put, you could have shot from the hip. It's easy to say you don't have to drink but that is not what you asked. You asked for options.

    @Ednawhatnot - forgot about the exercise, want to drink more, see if you can fit in a bit more exercise!
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    You dont have to drink. I go out all the time and dont drink and still have a good time

    Well done you.

    and well done you
  • Moniqua1
    Moniqua1 Posts: 195 Member
    @Stephenpuk: you always have my back and get what I'm saying! THANK YOU!

    I plan on the extra exercise for sure. Pre-game with activity instead of beer lol!
  • DaveC29
    DaveC29 Posts: 232 Member
    If you are 'gaining' 4 pounds over night it is NOT the calories, it is the liquid. I go out with my friends every Thursday night and drink about 8-10 glasses of Iced Tea and Water and get the same results. I spend the next week 'getting back down to my original weight'.

    The fat has to come from somewhere... 3500 calories stored as fat is literally eating/drinking 15 to 20k calories at a time- it creeps on you, not after one night or weekend

    My advice- have a good time. Have a few drinks, don't over snack and stay on your long term track.
  • Angiesolomon
    Angiesolomon Posts: 144 Member
    I feel your pain this weekend!! Have a good friend staying the weekend and another good friend's birthday on Saturday! I've hurt my ankle so cardio is difficult at the moment!!

    I know its not much help but I'm going to call this one a right off and hopefully get back to my usual diet and exercise on Monday.

    I always have to remind myself there's plenty of time for losing weight! Would I want to spend the rest of my life not enjoying wine on my friends birthdays ;)
  • KimmerzB
    KimmerzB Posts: 37
    I don't know if anyone has mentioned it because didn't have time to read all of the posts or if you are a beer drinker but there are several light options.

    These beers may be better options if you're watching your calorie intake.
    Beck's Premier Light: 64 calories (fewest!)
    Amstel Light: 95 calories
    Anheuser Busch Natural Light: 95 calories
    Michelob Ultra: 95 calories
    Natural Light: 95 calories
    Miller Light: 96 calories
    Heineken Light: 99 calories
    Budweiser Select: 99 calories
    Coors Light: 102 calories
    Corona Light: 105 calories

    or here are a couple links with some other options...hope it helps. :)
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    I don't know if anyone has mentioned it because didn't have time to read all of the posts or if you are a beer drinker but there are several light options.

    These beers may be better options if you're watching your calorie intake.
    Beck's Premier Light: 64 calories (fewest!)
    Amstel Light: 95 calories
    Anheuser Busch Natural Light: 95 calories
    Michelob Ultra: 95 calories
    Natural Light: 95 calories
    Miller Light: 96 calories
    Heineken Light: 99 calories
    Budweiser Select: 99 calories
    Coors Light: 102 calories
    Corona Light: 105 calories

    or here are a couple links with some other options...hope it helps. :)

    Nice info - thank you

    That's less than a thousand calories for all ten - party time especially if you move onto shots afterwards!
  • DonttrythatwithME
    DonttrythatwithME Posts: 214 Member
    neat whiskey, neat vodka, neat rum....

    low cal ... lets get smashed ;) ..................

    Its not usually the booze that gets me so much but the ill chosen dirt box of a takeaway i get on the way home :S haha

    Live it I say..
  • DonttrythatwithME
    DonttrythatwithME Posts: 214 Member
    I dont think i've seen any of those in my local :S as heath conscious as we are for some reason pubs are not, dont get it.....
  • KimmerzB
    KimmerzB Posts: 37
    To Stephenpuk...You're very welcome! :)
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I dont think i've seen any of those in my local :S as heath conscious as we are for some reason pubs are not, dont get it.....
    Mine has Coors Light, I really like it, it makes standard lagers like Fosters taste really sweet band sickly by comparison.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    If I know I will be out for a session, I hit the cardio trail earlier in the day to earn "beer vouchers".
  • DonttrythatwithME
    DonttrythatwithME Posts: 214 Member
    I dont think i've seen any of those in my local :S as heath conscious as we are for some reason pubs are not, dont get it.....
    Mine has Coors Light, I really like it, it makes standard lagers like Fosters taste really sweet band sickly by comparison.

    or maybe im not looking [cant see] i don't really drink lager, i'm more of a cider kind of guy, classy i know
  • jlp100
    jlp100 Posts: 117 Member
    I'd say wine has hidden calories (although I am a fan myself).

    I would recommend vodka and diet lemo or diet coke, or with soda.

    If vodka and soda is not too nice by itself (i have a sweet tooth) try asking for a dash of cordial, maybe lime or blackcurrant for a bit more taste.

    Enjoy the weekend :)
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    We go to the pub practically every Saturday and Sunday afternoon to meet with our friends and I know I'll have at least 3 x ½pts of strong cyder and a bag of cheesy moments or similar bar snack.

    I have it worked into my weekly calories along with my daily chocolate treat.

    And if I go over for the week and put on a couple of lbs, then I know I'll have to work harder the following week and not be a slacker.

    Real life should be something you have to learn to cope with :drinker: :smokin: