Does it just take time?

Mandino788 Posts: 226 Member
I'm trying to completely retrain my way of thinking when it comes to food, going back to childhood. It's ALWAYS been "lets just eat out" or microwave something quick. I feel like I'm never going to get to the point where I can plan out a week of meals at home. I've changed my "normal" drive thru place from Wendy's or McDonald's to Chick-Fil-A, where I 99% of the time will get a grilled chicken salad but I'm thinking this is hurting more than it's helping. I should be able to make that at home but it's my first instinct to just jump in the car and head over to Chick-Fil-A. Other than that the majority of my "diet" meals are microwavable. It's nice to know "ok, this has 300 calories" and just scan the box with my MFP app.

Should I just completely cut out fast food, even the healthier stuff like the salad? Will it ever get easier to make a meal?

How do you do something like change a habit that you've had since childhood?


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    It's time to give up childish things. Educate yourself. It's not about only eating salad. It's about Healthy foods and portion control. It does get easier.
  • Mandino788
    Mandino788 Posts: 226 Member
    I'll also add, I still live with my mother, who is never going to change her views on eating out, and will get upset if I don't go out to eat with her when I'm invited. I'm working on moving out, when I do, I think it will be very good for my eating habits. I also won't have as much extra money to be able to eat out as often as I do.
  • lnkd
    lnkd Posts: 5
    First let me start out by saying that I love Sonic Drive Thru....OMG the burgers and strawberry limeades are amazing but its also 1500 calories! I started making them at home, the limeade has 35 calories and the burger has about 400 and it tastes great. Try and make the grilled chicken salad at home, most times it will have way less calories and taste better. One thing you can try with your family is to say "Lets have a take out night once a week" and then pick a place you like and try to recreate that AT HOME. I have also noticed that making this stuff at home saves me tons of money (I have a family of 4) I can basically make 4 full meals (16 servings) on the price that I spend eating out.
  • hermione_ar
    hermione_ar Posts: 68 Member
    Good on you for making the changes you have so far, and for being on here asking for support! It does get easier, just start with small changes. Try some fresh ready chopped stif-fry veges, chicken or meat, and some soy sauce and garlic for a quick meal. Tinned flavoured tuna and quick cup brown rice is great with some veges - it's almost instant and you can add fresh or frozen veges. There are heaps of other ideas, check out the recipies thread and have a look for some things that sound do-able for you. Omelets are good too! :)
  • seekingstrengthX2
    1. Dont blame your mother. You are making your choices.
    2. Chick Fil A's grilled chicken salad is not healthy.
    3. I eat fast food now and then. Most people do. But as it seems to be a problem for you, i would implement a fast food ban until you get your mind in the right place.
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    Just take every opportunity to make a meal at home. If you usually eat food around the same time and you know your Mom is going to want to go out and get something to eat. Prepare a meal for you and her before she decides she wants to go out. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't let food go to waste, I know my family wouldn't put up with that lol.

    I remember a few years ago I couldn't even boil an egg. Today, I'm cooking up stir fries, chicken dishes, fish dishes, pasta's, big breakfasts and even go by my own recipes and try something different. I've not long turned 20 and I make 80% of my meals on my own. I even make meals for my parents if they are at work and don't have time to make something.
  • jessicak0614
    jessicak0614 Posts: 42 Member
    Honestly, I've been huge on eating out since I was 18 or so. I made it a bad habit and used to spend hundreds of dollars a month on eating out. I have not completely cut it out, but now bring my lunch to work and eat dinner at home. It's really hard to eat healthy eating out. I would cut it out slowly. Maybe eat at home all week and treat yourself to one meal a week eating out.
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    I personally don't find it easier to jump in the car to get some fast food... It's easier for me to grab some salad out of the fridge and toss a piece of chicken on top. BAM! Salad!

    I cook a lot of food over the weekend so that I don't have to cook a lot during the week. I have my breakfasts and lunches ready to go so I don't even have to think about it.

    It really helps that I'm poor and don't have the money to spend on eating out :happy:
  • karlichelle18
    karlichelle18 Posts: 13 Member
    Watch Food, Inc and Forks Over Knives. If you can still honestly want fast food after that, go for it. lol
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'll also add, I still live with my mother, who is never going to change her views on eating out, and will get upset if I don't go out to eat with her when I'm invited. I'm working on moving out, when I do, I think it will be very good for my eating habits. I also won't have as much extra money to be able to eat out as often as I do.
    If your mom gets upset, she gets upset. She's a grown woman. She'll live.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I'm trying to completely retrain my way of thinking when it comes to food, going back to childhood. It's ALWAYS been "lets just eat out" or microwave something quick. I feel like I'm never going to get to the point where I can plan out a week of meals at home. I've changed my "normal" drive thru place from Wendy's or McDonald's to Chick-Fil-A, where I 99% of the time will get a grilled chicken salad but I'm thinking this is hurting more than it's helping. I should be able to make that at home but it's my first instinct to just jump in the car and head over to Chick-Fil-A. Other than that the majority of my "diet" meals are microwavable. It's nice to know "ok, this has 300 calories" and just scan the box with my MFP app.

    Should I just completely cut out fast food, even the healthier stuff like the salad? Will it ever get easier to make a meal?

    How do you do something like change a habit that you've had since childhood?

    Start small. If you would normally get a salad from Chick Fil A, get ingredients for a salad you can make at home, and make it. And since you'll probably have more than you need for one salad, keep using them until they're all gone. Then next week, add in another type of meal you can make fresh.

    Make a meal plan. Find some recipes that you can handle, and make a list. Then fill them into a calendar. If they don't fill the whole calendar for the week, that's really ok. Just do a few. Then gradually add more. If you have a plan, you won't have to think about it when it's time to eat, so you'll be less likely to take the "easy" route and just go pick up something.

    Eventually, you'll get to a point where you have a designated fast food day. You can only get fast food on that day. And then after you've been doing that for a while, cut it back to every other week, then once a month.
  • JPFleming77
    JPFleming77 Posts: 13 Member
    I had some of the same problems. My family always wants to eat out (my kids mainly). I have always tried to plan ahead with meals for the week and the times that I dont I seem to spend a ton of money. Since getting serious with my weightloss, I started using Cooking light cookbooks. They are AMAZING!!! 5 ingredients or less and/or 15 minute prep time. All of the nutritional information is with EVERY receipe and most of them are searchable with the MFP app. I can not rave about this series of cookbooks. I have 2 out of 3 and will be picking up the 3rd one soon.
    My kids beg to go out to eat. I created these monsters by letting it happen. It is my responsibility to help them change their eating habits. If they dont like what we are serving for dinner then they go hungry. In your case, I would tell your mom that if she wants to eat what you are cooking GREAT, but if she wants something else she has to go get it herself. This might change her opinion on what she is eating.
    Yes this is a hard life style change but in the long run it is what is best for you! Good Luck to you! I know that if your mind is set to change anything is possible!!!!!

    I am not on a diet, I am changing my life!
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    A lot of people may disagree with me, but if you completely cut something're gonna end up going way overboard with it the next time you DO get fast food. For example....I had Taco Bell the other day and I got THREE items off the menu lol. And I gained a pound haha! I've since then lost that pound and even one more...but maybe I wouldn't have gone so overboard if I hadn't been thinking 'Oh I've been so good and haven't had Taco Bell is so long, let me just be a pig this time since I don't often do it.'

    Try only having one microwave meal a day. Obviously the meal where you have the least amount of time (maybe when you're at work). Try fruits and yogurt for breakfast. A microwave meal for whenever you're at work, and cook something for the other meal.

    Mandy.....I KNOW you can cook lol. You're great at it! Matt has been making lots of delicious, healthy stuff for us lately. I don't cook...I could burn water. But for someone like you, a lot of the stuff that Matt's been making seems fairly simple.
    Baked chicken...all he does is add some seasoning, maybe a little bit of marinade, then throws it in the oven for 45-60 minutes and bam, there's a delicious dinner. And maybe some veggies as a side. We've also been getting a lot of fish from Sam's club. That's even less in calories and literally only takes like 20 minutes in the over.

    If you wanna come over and cook with us one day so Matt can show you a few things, you're welcome to!
  • tansygreen
    tansygreen Posts: 85 Member
    It took me at least 4 weeks to really get to grips with this, but when I did, it just got easier and easier. The most important thing for me was not to panic that it was taking up a lot of my time, because it only does in the first few weeks while you get accustomed to it, and get some recipes set up in your database.

    I went online, looked at quite a few websites such as skinnytaste, bbc good food, most big foodie websites have a healthy recipe section.

    I planned out meals for the following 2 weeks, then set up the recipes in my database. Then I wrote shopping lists for what I needed to buy for 4 shopping trips over 2 weeks. Whenever I cook something suitable for freezing, I make enough for two or three times, then freeze in portions.

    This all might sound a bit much, but it was what I needed to do to get into a routine. I was never ever thinking more than a few hours ahead in terms of food, and actually it takes up a lot of time ordering and going out, or waiting in for fast food.

    If you really want to do this, stick with it, and plan on having take-out one night per week, so if you mess up one day and run out of time, that can be your day.

    If you're like me, you should find it all gets easier after a few weeks. In the long run, you should soon make up for extra time and money you might have spent in the first couple of weeks.

    Crockpots and salads are really good for saving time. No excuses! Good luck :)
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    Even the "healthy" foods at a restaurant aren't as healthy as you could make it at home.

    How is scanning your boxed meal any different from scanning a couple of different items and controlling the serving size? Isn't that just an additional scan or two? It also doesn't take very long to log in and just type boneless skinless chicken breast and get an accurate calorie amount.

    I agree that you should cut the fast food out slowly. You can make a good, well balanced meal at home in 20 minutes when it would likely take you at least that long to drive to the fast food place, wait for your food and drive home. Bake a piece of chicken, boil some rice and steam some veggies. Quick, easy and delicious.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Do you have any cooking experience / knowledge at all? Maybe what you need is a primer on basic cooking skills. You will be amazed at how easy it actually is, and how much money and calories you'll save. This applies to fast food as well as those boxed meals. A little pasta, simple sauce, spices, some diced veggies or broccoli florets -- voila! Cheaper, better for you "lean cuisine". You can even purchase grilled chicken strips already cut up and frozen. They aren't the best option, but they are a great stepping stone toward creating your own meals.

    Hell, a salad doesn't require any cooking skills at all.

    I agree with Q up there -- your mother is a grown adult. Hopefully she will act like one.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    You'll get there. It takes time. I was taught growing up that you COOKED dinner, every night, without fail. My Mom was a stay at home Mom until I was 12, and even then she'd be home by 4 to cook dinner. But I was also taught that you had a protein, a veggie and a starch, every meal and you cleaned your plate (regardless of hunger or dessert).

    I'm a baker (amateur, not professional), been since a very early age, when I baked bread and pies with my Nana. I decorate cakes semi-professionally. At the beginning of my journey I just had to say "if you can't not eat it, don't make it". So, I only made baked goods (or bought them) when I had a way of getting rid of most of them.

    It's all a learning process, and a progression. You'll learn what you can do and what you won't live without...
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I'll also add, I still live with my mother, who is never going to change her views on eating out, and will get upset if I don't go out to eat with her when I'm invited. I'm working on moving out, when I do, I think it will be very good for my eating habits. I also won't have as much extra money to be able to eat out as often as I do.

    I think it would be good to change habits for positive reasons, moving out of your Mom's house and NOT having enough money to go out may back fire at a later date. It does not say anything about YOUR resolve to do better. Also, YOU can "Grow-up" while living at "home." Meaning make some decisions for what your Mom gets upset if you don't eat what she eats or you don't go out with her. Most "good" Mom's want the Best for their kids; CLEARLY, YOU have to be the one to CHANGE Family Culture around food...the way food is eaten and eating out. Frankly, MOST of us had/have to do that, being the Change Agent for a Family Culture of Bad Habits around food is NOT easy, but "WE" are doing it and it takes COURAGE and Maturity. Go for IT!
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    It does take time but if you're going to cut it fast food out, it's better (in my opinion) to do it cold turkey. Both my husband and I cut it out completely once we started to lose weight. If we HAD to do fast food because of travel, we went to Subway or a local place that does asian rice bowls - they grill everything and we had a list of calories for both. We picked things that were within our calorie goal for the day.

    Salads seem like a healthy choice, but the fast food ones can still be loaded with calories - especially the dressing!

    It's difficult to switch to cooking at home every night. But there are great recipes out there (and quick too). I know I'd be happy to share some with you if you send me a message.

    Good Luck!
  • LCBinGA
    LCBinGA Posts: 102 Member
    It is amazing what kind of "control" our parents/grandparents have over us. I get it. They mean well, and if it were the "old days" where portion size and fat/sodium counts were different it wouldn't be the worst; however this is today, and things have changed. Offer to cook for your mom. Go to the grocery store to stock your fridge/pantry and then you've got a good reasoning "I've already spent so much on all this great food let's not let it go to waste".

    Did you know Chic-fil-a marinates their chicken in the dill pickle juice that they put on everything. SODIUM and LOTS and LOTS of SODIUM!! check out their website, tons and tons of sodium on all their entrees.

    Best of luck to you.