Get OFF your BUTT!! *Must Read for Every American!"

A friend of mine posted this the other day, and I must share it as it all makes perfect sense! (and even though he states "young people" this really goes to everyone! Please feel free to share!!! =D

"If more young people just committed to exercising, it would solve a lot of problems are country faces. Exercising keeps you "centered" and enables you to be yourself much easier when you feel healthy about yourself. And when you feel healthy about yourself, you feel motivated to make progress in your life. The human body was designed to be exerting itself, moving around, running, lifting heavy things. American society instills this laziness into people that people fall victim too. And when the lazy people see other people making progress with their life, they feel insecure about themselves causing them to try and make it their goal to bring the other person down. So many people are stuck at rock bottom physically as well as mentally these days. And most of them have never seen the other side because they play the "victim mentality" which is synonymous with co-dependency(look it up). The "victim mentality" is when an individual blames others for their own problems and makes excuses of why they cant do this because of that, or this, or him, or her. The self-discipline is non-existent in these people. Zero independence. But all of these problems can be fixed if people just went to the gym. Burn off all that negativity, and feel the magical cure from the natural drug which is GOOD for you, called endorphins. It has been scientifically proven that exercising increases serotonin levels which are the "feel good hormone" in the brain. Endorphins and healthy serotonin levels are what keep a person centered, healthy, happy, and confident. If only more people had the willpower to get off their *kitten* and commit to a gym routine then they would see the benefits."

It's amazing how good you actually feel when you accomplish your goals, wether it be your mini goal, daily goal, or lifetime goal. Setting goals everyday will get you that feeling....

What is your goal today??


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    bump. i LOVE this!
    ALISHAWILLIAMSON Posts: 57 Member
    Well I am in complete agreement with this friend of yours! I can think of many other "American ailments" getting up off our *kitten* would cure. Diabetes, obesity, mental illnesses, cardiovascular disease, cancers....oh my this list could go on and on. Thanks for sharing with us Jenaesmith!!!!
  • betterme1291
    thanks for posting. i needed to read this lolz
  • AngieWood611
    AngieWood611 Posts: 38 Member
    Love this, Thank you for posting.
  • onikonor
    onikonor Posts: 473 Member
    Well said!

    If you have more people exercising it will become the new norm! If you are surrounded with active people you will be more active.
  • FitDadx3
    FitDadx3 Posts: 16 Member
    I couldn't have said it better! You nailed it. Thanks for the share!
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    It really helped me, because it made me realize how good I actually feel! Like I could do anything I want if I put my mind to it.. So many goals I could achieve because "I did it" not because it was "handed" to me... :)
  • onikonor
    onikonor Posts: 473 Member
    Yep, if you work hard enough at something you really appreciate it.
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    Wish I could change the title.,. lol oh well. it was early in the morning.. :)