Couch 2 5K Apps for iPhone



  • geminigrl622
    geminigrl622 Posts: 144
    I use the C25K app by Zen Labs. It is awesome and totally worth the 1.99.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I use the Ease into 5K (formerly C25K) by blue fin apps and really like it. Plus after you get through the program there are 30-45-60 minutes runs at the end to keep your training up.
    Good luck!

    ^^ this one!! ^^^ never crashed, and allows you to make notes after each session and has GPS, allows you to listen to your music and talks over the music when the intervals change. I also got the 10k app,too but found after running a couple of 5k's after graduating, 10k came fairly naturally.

    Now I just use the nike+ running app.
  • Thanks for all the replies, suggestions, and encouragement. You guys are great getting back to me so fast!
  • KLovesTy
    KLovesTy Posts: 37
    I am not an expert, I think I might use the one, I am starting tomorrow!
  • @KLovesTy could you let me know what you think of it. I am leaning towards that one and ease into 5K. Thanks :smile: