Personal Trainers

Has anyone has much success with a trainer?
I just signed up for privates sessions 3 nights a week. I'm super excited!
Just curious if anyone has an opinoin or advice?

:smile: Lindsey


  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I have been working out with a trainer since July for three days a week. I love it. The first three months I lost 10% body fat and 23inches. I did it so I can learn how to work out the correct way. We do mostly free weights. I feel so much better since I started working out.
  • MissLinzi
    MissLinzi Posts: 44 Member
    I have been working out with a trainer since July for three days a week. I love it. The first three months I lost 10% body fat and 23inches. I did it so I can learn how to work out the correct way. We do mostly free weights. I feel so much better since I started working out.

    Thats awesome!! I was pretty apprehensive at first about a trainer, but after talking to 2 friends that have been using one, I was SOLD. We will be doing Strength Training on Tuesdays, Boxing/Cardio on Wednesdays, and Strength Conditioning/Cardio on Thursdays. I love the fact that she does it out of her home!!
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I love mine and it's been a great success. He motivates me to try things that I wouldn't do on my own and I had never done strength training before. My strength and body composition have improved immensely under his direction. He's really good about correcting form and making sure that I'm doing things properly and I think that's so important. It's frightening how many people you see at the gym slinging things around in a manner that is likely to get them injured. He also pushes me to work harder and try more. He's also recommended classes and routines that I do on my own that have been fantastic.

    I think you have to be smart about how you use them. For instance: I'll do cardio on my own and I'll warm up before our sessions so that we can start right in. I've seen others that will have a trainer standing next to them for 20-30 minutes while they walk on a treadmill. I think that's an incredible waste of money. Be clear about your goals and shop around. Not all trainers are created equal and you want someone who will work well with your personality.

    Have fun!
  • MissLinzi
    MissLinzi Posts: 44 Member
    I love mine and it's been a great success. He motivates me to try things that I wouldn't do on my own and I had never done strength training before. My strength and body composition have improved immensely under his direction. He's really good about correcting form and making sure that I'm doing things properly and I think that's so important. It's frightening how many people you see at the gym slinging things around in a manner that is likely to get them injured. He also pushes me to work harder and try more. He's also recommended classes and routines that I do on my own that have been fantastic.

    I think you have to be smart about how you use them. For instance: I'll do cardio on my own and I'll warm up before our sessions so that we can start right in. I've seen others that will have a trainer standing next to them for 20-30 minutes while they walk on a treadmill. I think that's an incredible waste of money. Be clear about your goals and shop around. Not all trainers are created equal and you want someone who will work well with your personality.

    Have fun!

    I completley agree! I see these little 20 year old trainers at 24 hour that clearly have no idea what they are doing. And I refuse to pay them to get my butt in shape! There are 2 other women in the class I'll be attending so its nice to know that she will be able to train with us 1 on 1 and wont feel lost in the crowd. Woohoo! Super excited!!
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I love mine and it's been a great success. He motivates me to try things that I wouldn't do on my own and I had never done strength training before. My strength and body composition have improved immensely under his direction. He's really good about correcting form and making sure that I'm doing things properly and I think that's so important. It's frightening how many people you see at the gym slinging things around in a manner that is likely to get them injured. He also pushes me to work harder and try more. He's also recommended classes and routines that I do on my own that have been fantastic.

    I think you have to be smart about how you use them. For instance: I'll do cardio on my own and I'll warm up before our sessions so that we can start right in. I've seen others that will have a trainer standing next to them for 20-30 minutes while they walk on a treadmill. I think that's an incredible waste of money. Be clear about your goals and shop around. Not all trainers are created equal and you want someone who will work well with your personality.

    Have fun!

    Everything you said is so true. My trainer makes sure my form is correct when we are doing strength training. I do my cardio on my own, too. I've seen women in the weight section letting their boyfriend or husband show them how to different things and I worry that they are going to hurt themselves the way they are holding the weights. My husband does alot of bodybuilding, but he doesn't know what my body can handle, that's why I made sure to get a trainer when I started and I made sure it was someone I was comfortable with.
  • nopogal
    nopogal Posts: 162
    There are lots of private trainers (think outside 24 Hour Fitness, Bally's, LA Fitness, etc.) who are surprisingly affordable. I do a boot camp now with my trainer and since I train with a group, it ends up being pretty cheap (like $14/session if I use it to the fullest). I've been with him off and on for 5 years now and I've never felt like I wasn't getting a great workout.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I love mine and it's been a great success. He motivates me to try things that I wouldn't do on my own and I had never done strength training before. My strength and body composition have improved immensely under his direction. He's really good about correcting form and making sure that I'm doing things properly and I think that's so important. It's frightening how many people you see at the gym slinging things around in a manner that is likely to get them injured. He also pushes me to work harder and try more. He's also recommended classes and routines that I do on my own that have been fantastic.

    I think you have to be smart about how you use them. For instance: I'll do cardio on my own and I'll warm up before our sessions so that we can start right in. I've seen others that will have a trainer standing next to them for 20-30 minutes while they walk on a treadmill. I think that's an incredible waste of money. Be clear about your goals and shop around. Not all trainers are created equal and you want someone who will work well with your personality.

    Have fun!

    I completley agree! I see these little 20 year old trainers at 24 hour that clearly have no idea what they are doing. And I refuse to pay them to get my butt in shape! There are 2 other women in the class I'll be attending so its nice to know that she will be able to train with us 1 on 1 and wont feel lost in the crowd. Woohoo! Super excited!!

    I watch some of the young trainers when they are training someone, they will give their client something to do and when they start the trainer isn't even watching them do it. My trainer works with me one on one that's what I like about it.
  • Advengirl
    Advengirl Posts: 88 Member
    I simply adore having a personal trainer! She's supportive and holds me to the game plan...making sure I do what I say (work out x times a week, calories, water intake) and encouraging me every step of the way.

    Honestly, I'm not a fan of most gyms. Too many of them have the 'meat-market' feel, if you know what I mean, and I used to make excuses to workout from home instead or do something else. Typically my workout would be lax in comparison to what I NEED to be doing.

    Having Ariel there, tapping her foot if I'm late and holding me accountable for my workouts, makes it so much easier to get out of bed at 4:45am and get to the gym!

    I have to agree 100% with what everyone else has been saying though...don't be afraid to shop around. Not all trainers are created equal. If you don't like someone's style or attitude...then don't be afraid to move on to someone else. It's all business.

    OH! And in additional to personal training, a lot of gyms has group training sessions that are a big lighter on the wallet and just as effective if you get a good trainer. I found mine by joining a Body Fit Challenge at CalFamilyFitness where we worked in groups twice a week for 6wks. It...rocked.
  • GrnEyz80
    GrnEyz80 Posts: 121
    Funny you should post that. I actually just got back from my very first of 39 personal training sessions. I'm telling you, if every workout is going to be like the one today....Im going to see major results really fast! Half the time I was ready to stop and he was "4 more" so having the PT really helps push you past the lazy point and really makes you sweat and pant! I think you're going to be happy that you signed up.
  • plumppeach28
    I LOVE my trainer! Never the same thing twice, work out 3 times a week with her and the other 3 days by myself just doing cardio and it's been a month and I've dropped 2 pant sizes and 22lbs!

    It's WELL worth it! GOOD LUCK!!
  • MissLinzi
    MissLinzi Posts: 44 Member
    Gosh Im so happy I asked for opinions!!
    I had no idea how afforadable a personal trainer could be! Jonna charges $180 a MONTH for 3 nights a week, and then Saturday mornings all of her clients throughout the week meet up at a park and do a bootcamp. She's gotten 2 of my friends in shape before their weddings and damn...they look phenom!

    Im so ready to kiss these XL shirts and size 15's goodbye for good!
    Now Im just kicking myself in the butt for giving away all my skinny clothes. What was I thinking?! :laugh:
  • MissLinzi
    MissLinzi Posts: 44 Member
    I LOVE my trainer! Never the same thing twice, work out 3 times a week with her and the other 3 days by myself just doing cardio and it's been a month and I've dropped 2 pant sizes and 22lbs!

    It's WELL worth it! GOOD LUCK!!

    2 pants sizes & 22 pounds in a month?!?! Youre on fire!! :bigsmile:
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I LOVE my trainer. I meet with him 3 times a week for 45 minutes each and he is incredible. I've been working with him for 4 weeks and have lost 11 lbs and 2 pants sizes. We box once a week, circuit once, and strength training once. I'll tell you, it has REALLY made a HUGE difference.
  • MissLinzi
    MissLinzi Posts: 44 Member
    I LOVE my trainer. I meet with him 3 times a week for 45 minutes each and he is incredible. I've been working with him for 4 weeks and have lost 11 lbs and 2 pants sizes. We box once a week, circuit once, and strength training once. I'll tell you, it has REALLY made a HUGE difference.

    That is amazing..I bet you feel awesome now! How did you feel after the first week? SORE?
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    Gosh Im so happy I asked for opinions!!
    I had no idea how afforadable a personal trainer could be! Jonna charges $180 a MONTH for 3 nights a week, and then Saturday mornings all of her clients throughout the week meet up at a park and do a bootcamp. She's gotten 2 of my friends in shape before their weddings and damn...they look phenom!

    Im so ready to kiss these XL shirts and size 15's goodbye for good!
    Now Im just kicking myself in the butt for giving away all my skinny clothes. What was I thinking?! :laugh:

    That is an awesome price. I pay alot more than that.
    When I first started I didn't have any core strength at all. My back would get tight when I would do certain exercises, like lunges and squats. Now I have great core strength and can do lunges and squats(don't know if that is a good thing or not:laugh: )
  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    I just had the free PT session that was included with my new gym membership. I loved it, for all the reasons stated here...but 3X a week??? I am curious how much PT's are costing you guys. My gym charges $75 per session...I couldn't affort 3X a month!!!
    I am at a private fitness club in Canada - it's not a meat market gym - and the PT's are trained at a level that even elite athletes can and do work with them here, so I know that it would be more expensive than usual, but it seems WAY more expensive from what you guys are saying.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    For my trainer it depends on the package you get , the more sessions the lower it goes. I get 36 sessions so it is 45per session. It's not cheap. Its well worth it in my opinion to keep me healthy and learning the correct way to work out with weights.