Sloth-like in the Heat

Is anyone feeling like it is too much effort to even walk to the mailbox in 108 degree heat?

I'm pretty sure I'm sweating just thinking about it. Ugh.


  • clehman71
    clehman71 Posts: 139 Member
    LOL...that was me yesterday. I couldn't even bother to cook. We went out to dinner.
  • schmittie01
    schmittie01 Posts: 31 Member
    i hear you there! I have to get up early (which is really hard.. done it once this week...) to walk the dog and get exercise in! This heat has made me feel really lazy and tired. I have a gym i pay for and just need to kick myself to go. But my friends pool is very distracting when its hot!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Sloths don't eat much, and they only poop like once a month or something