Crystal Light? Opinions?



  • KristysLosing
    I drink CL lemonade. Everyday. It keeps me from drinking MT Dew. While it may have things in it that aren't so great for me, it's not soda. And I drink a lot of water because of it. Plain water is just kinda eh for me anymore. I think in part because I've been drinking this for the last year. I like it. :smile:
  • liquidjem
    liquidjem Posts: 138 Member
    I like to put a little lemon, or lime in my water..take one, slice it up and add some ice...flavors it nicely! No chemicals!
  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    After living with my boyfriend for a year I seem to have picked up a bad case of pop addiction (Pepsi). Now that I'm trying to loose weight I've switched from pop to a glass of water mixed with a single crystal light package.
    Just curious if Crystal Light is really better for me?

    I know a lot of people might think "Just drink the water!" and I do agree, only problem is it's city water and honestly the taste of it turns my stomach, it's like drinking my blood.

    So Crystal Light, yay or nay?

    Ok, I love water enhancers, crystal light Mio (fave!!) or anything else but I still use a filter pitcher for my water to get rid of the nasty city water taste... you wont believe how much better your water (with or with out enhancers) will taste!!
  • wildmustng87
    I pretty much agree with everyone here! Aspartame was originally manufactured as a pesticide, did you know you can dump a packet of artificial sweetener where there are ants (like sugar ants in your home) and it can help get rid of them? So, the downside is that it contains aspartame if you don't want to ingest that. However, I drank crystal light for about a year to get off of drinking soda, and now I drink just plain water and rarely drink anything else! If your water tastes bad, there are also water bottles that contain filters attached right to the spout (Brita, $10 at Walmart), or you could try one of the pitchers that filter (You can usually find them at goodwill for cheap!)
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    I would suggest a really good quality water filter. Here where I live, they put so much chlorine in the water, it's like I am drinking from someone's swimming pool! YUCK!! I have a filter on my tap and it makes all the difference. I could never go back to unfiltered water. They aren't very expensive and are readily available at Walmart or Target.
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    With the weather over 100 degrees, I've been trying to up my water intake to stay hydrated when I run outside. The Crystal Light is REALLY helping that!
  • briyowes
    briyowes Posts: 757 Member
    I like using Crystal Light, but I've started to use less of it. Instead of using a whole packet, I use half or less per each bottle of water I drink. I also try to alternate drinking a bottle with CL and one without. Also you can buy CL Pure which is 15 calories per packet and uses real sugar rather than artificial sweetener if you are concerned about that.
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    I hear you. For years I drank a 6 pack of diet soda a day and NEVER drank water for the reason you mentioned. I decided to save some money and break the addiction and got a good water filter to take away that awful bleach taste. Brita works pretty well. Crystal light is cheaper and has less artificial sweetner than diet sodas. I drink it a lot 'cause I like all the different flavors too. Good luck.
  • this1bigdog
    this1bigdog Posts: 350 Member
    First offm I have them all I drink them. Here's the but!

    the body will think the flavor water is food and not water...most people don't realize that when they think that they are hungry infact they are thristy...and a glass of water will cure the hunger I say have a glass...and it the feeling doesn't go away have food...

    so moral of the story:
    sure have them, if you are trying to surpress food hunger and not water hunger!
    and drink more water... regardless

  • Loulady
    Loulady Posts: 511 Member
    I like it, but there is a Walmart brand that doesn't have any color to it, which I love. (seriously, why is everything else full of dye?)
  • Brooklynhendricks21
    Brooklynhendricks21 Posts: 29 Member
    I try to drink atleast 4 bottles of water a day! Sometimes I'll add some mio to a bottle! I drink it faster with the mio in it but I don't want to depend on that to drink water! I don't drink cokes or diet comes simply because I can not have caffeine! My biggest problem before I started this was juice! I would seriously carry around a huge jug of juice all day and drink it!
  • SVallatini
    SVallatini Posts: 49
    Just say no to Crystal Light. There are plenty of flavored teas out there too.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Refrigerator iced tea - place 2 tea bags in a 20 oz. container - add room temperature water. "Steep" for 4-5 hours in the fridge (safer than sun tea).

    Lipton green tea - Super Fruit Red Goji & Raspberry is my favorite
  • melruiz5
    melruiz5 Posts: 134 Member
    YAY! i LOVE Crystal Light. My Favorite is the Iced Tea, peach flavor. If you find one or two or three or four flavors LOL that u like. . it REALLY helps with taste and having that "flavor" My mom can't drink straight water bc of the taste, or there lack of lol ... Plus, most of the time when you think your hungry, your body is realyl jsut thirsty. . . . So, adding flavor and with only 5 calories per 8 ounce, i am ALWAYS drinking it LOL Enjoy :drinker:
  • jessicae1aine
    Sometimes, my taste buds are wonky and even my bottled water (out of the same bottle, in a cooler, at work) will taste too "chlorinated" for me. On days like that, I love Crystal Light coming to the rescue. I especially love the peach iced tea and the raspberry lemonade.
  • _stephanie0
    _stephanie0 Posts: 708 Member
    IM, everything out there causes cancer/is bad for you. Even the stuff they spray on vegetables is bad, and unless i win the lottery, i am not buying EVERY SINGLE THING organic... so anyways. i LOVE crystal light...

    i add half a packet to my greek yogurt. OH MY GOD. DEELISH!

    Greek yogurt with strawberries&banana crystal light and 1 TBSP cocao nibs.
  • mattbldg
    mattbldg Posts: 2
    love to add mint to Crystal Light.... ahhhhh, summer!
  • PHATmommy68
    PHATmommy68 Posts: 112
    I like Crystal Light and I don't feel guilty about drinking it! Take me for instance when you talk about diet soda addiction. I drank a 2 liter a day PLUS more!!!!!! The heartburn and water retention was just disgusting to me! SO, one day I decided enough was enough and I bought a Mr. Coffee Iced Tea Maker (if you loved brewed tea, this thing is awesome). I love it, its cheaper (BY ALOT) than soda and I love the taste but I was still sugaring my unsweetened tea with regular sugar (an oxy moron right?). So a co-worker of mine tells me to try Crystal Light Lemon Tea and I did and I LOVE it but here is the problem.... read the label! Aspartame! This is the same garbage as in soda.

    I just bought a box of Splenda (the only natural sweetener that is truly sugar with NO calories) and sweeten my unsweetened tea with that!

    Do I still love Crystal Light? Heck yes but I don't drink more than a serving of it a day!

    Sorry if I went off point a bit!
  • Jessamine
    Jessamine Posts: 226 Member
    I am not a water drinker and CL was tremendous in getting me to drink more fluids. It does something funny to my teeth, though.
  • rmac18
    rmac18 Posts: 185 Member
    I like Crystal Light. I also broke a serious diet coke addiction and I mostly drink coffee, water, tea and Crystal light these days. It hasn't impaired my ability to lose weight and I seriously doubt I am consuming enough Aspartame to be a health risk, certainly it's way less than when I was drinking diet soda. I don't find that Crystal Light quenches my thirst as well as water or even tea but it does taste good and I like the variety. So my thought is it won't hurt me but it like most things should be done in moderation. I've lost over 100 pounds in a year and I feel like I eat foods that I like and if I exercise regularly and eat responsibly then I can lose 2 pounds a week, which has been my goal. Good Luck