Losing weight after 2 kids sucks!

Im 25 and am trying to lose about 70lbs after having 2 kids & gaining LOTS of weight with both pregnancys...Im a stay at home mom so I find it hard not to snack during the day, and finding the motovation to exercise when I finally put them to bed at night is definately hard....Looking for people to kick me in the butt & get me going, once I get started it will become part of my lifestyle, but making the initial change is hard.... I think seeing friends accomplishments will also help me stay motivated.(but i need friends first :)
Any tips are greatly appreciated!
Are their others stuggling after having kids?


  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Yep me...

    Been trying to lose the baby fat for ohh....24 years now lol (my oldest) Ok...I guess really for about 4 years (my youngest) or maybe something there in between.

    I agree, making the initial change is the hardest part. I am one that always makes the change, then goes right back to the same old habits. One day I'm going to get this right :-)

    I wish you all the best of luck. I know trying to lose weight after having kids can be difficult - especially if are super busy (as moms always are).
  • egarcia83
    egarcia83 Posts: 11
    I am trying to lose about 60 lbs that I gained with my last 2 pregnancies. My youngest will be 2 in September. I am also a stay at home mom, well at least I am now after having my 3rd child, and I am enrolled in college full time taking my basics online at the moment. It is hard to find the time to exercise, but I am not happy with myself and know that I am the only one who can change that.

    We stopped buying unhealthy snacks to have around the house, so when I get a little hungry I go for the fruit. I also don't fry foods, really never did anyways, and broil or bake most everything. I've been at it off and on for a while, but I am determined this time to stay on track. I have been working out for about 2 weeks now, and sticking to the MFP calorie tracker, and even though I haven't lost any weight, I have noticed that I am losing inches and I feel better.

    Good luck to you, and all of the moms out there trying to reach their goals. It is hard, but the best things in life require hard work and dedication.