I'm losing my fire :(

I've been gong to the gym for 4-5 months now. The first 3 months were very consistent and I was so pumped. I went 5 times a week with cardio before and after my weight lifting. I bench 75lbs regularly with a max of 95lbs (i did it 4 times but couldn't go higher), I squat with a max of 185... i love pumping iron and what not but this last month i've stopped doing cardio before and after. I now just do it before OR after. My weight lifting seems less productive and more sluggish. I also don't go 5 times a week anymore. maybe 3. I was previously at a point where i could start moving up weight because I wasn't getting sore at all. But just yesterday I did benching (chest and tri) and all that good stuff and i'm sore today! this could only mean i've lost muscle mass. Also.... quite discouraging... I have only lost like 3lbs in all these months! that doesn't sound right :( i'm losing it. and not only in the gym but in the kitchen (haha woman joke) anyways. idk what's up but i want to lose 29lbs!


  • RunningDirty
    RunningDirty Posts: 293
    Why don't you try StrongLifts 5x5 -- 3 days per week, no burn out, track on your phone...boom.
  • unlocke
    unlocke Posts: 149
    How's your diet? What you eat just before and after a workout makes a huge difference in your energy level and in your weight loss efforts. Check out bodybuilding.com for some good tips on what to eat.
    Also, try getting someone to go with you....to hold you accountable. You're more likely to go and try harder if someone is watching or will be asking about it. Good luck to you!
  • tracy1031
    tracy1031 Posts: 36
    Don't worry about the weight loss for now,, it will happen if you keep working. If you want to see progress, measure your inches lost from your waist, chest, thighs, etc. Your body is probably used to your routine, and you're probably bored with it. Change something up, or even take a break. Try something new like kickboxing or paddle boarding. Break up your routine a little.
  • NoChub4Me
    NoChub4Me Posts: 27
    You sound burned out and/or bored. Try to find a way to change up your routine or do something different. And make sure you are not relying only on working out to lose that weight. You have to watch what you eat!
  • Muscle weighs more than fat, so that might explain little weight lost! The scale isn't the most important, its how healthy you feel! Keep your head up
  • definitelyval
    definitelyval Posts: 104 Member
    How's your diet? What you eat just before and after a workout makes a huge difference in your energy level and in your weight loss efforts. Check out bodybuilding.com for some good tips on what to eat.
    Also, try getting someone to go with you....to hold you accountable. You're more likely to go and try harder if someone is watching or will be asking about it. Good luck to you!

    I was going to say the same thing - just double check what/how you're eating. That's a big contributor.
    Best of luck! :smile:
  • beastm34
    beastm34 Posts: 12
    i go with my dad every time and sometimes my brother and his friend :/
  • brandyla78
    brandyla78 Posts: 18
    If you replaced fat with muscle your scale wouldn't show a difference...so do measurements instead! It helps me a LOT! I agree change things up; bored means you're not going to want to go.
  • KC4800
    KC4800 Posts: 140 Member
    Do some outdoor activities. What are your favorites?
  • beastm34
    beastm34 Posts: 12
    You may have hit a plateau... change something up, or even take a break. Try something new like kickboxing or paddle boarding. Break up your routine a little. Here's a link to an article on "the plateau"...


    I would love to do other things. I took a break but I felt disgusting that whole break. I have been trying to go on hikes. I did a 10 mile one the other day but it's hard to get up to the mountains all the time to hike. I will try stuff out though!
  • pennyrtyler
    pennyrtyler Posts: 79 Member
    Yeah, you sound like you lost some muscle. It also sounds like you maybe weren't changing up your workouts - which can lead to BOREDOM and skipping the gym. My advice - give yourself a day out of the gym to do research and find some things you can do to change up your workout that you're really excited to try. Then go back >the next day< and see if you're not a little more energized!

    Side note: when you stop feeling a little soreness in your muscles after a workout, it's time to start looking for ways to make it exciting again.
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat, so that might explain little weight lost! The scale isn't the most important, its how healthy you feel! Keep your head up

    A pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat. A pound is a pound when it comes to weighing.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Sounds like you were over training. Try giving your body a rest for a week then start a new, well thought out schedule that is balanced.
  • ndblades
    ndblades Posts: 233 Member
    I would imagine you just got bored! Switch it up! You did Cardio before, lift, cardio after -- you must have spent a LOT of time there? And it is summer -- our minds are a bit distracted anyway!

    lifting 3x a week is fine, as long as you aren't longing to be a professional bodybuilder! Take those other days and mix it up a little - there are so many classes, DVD's, exercise options that you can experment with to keep you active, but not burned out! Take your workout outdoors if you can/when you can. or even sign up for a 5k or something to work towards.

    Back in my athletic - pre need to loose weight days - my trainer said to mix it up, and switch my routine every 30 days!

    Give it a try -- YOU CAN DO IT!
  • beastm34
    beastm34 Posts: 12
    How's your diet? What you eat just before and after a workout makes a huge difference in your energy level and in your weight loss efforts. Check out bodybuilding.com for some good tips on what to eat.
    Also, try getting someone to go with you....to hold you accountable. You're more likely to go and try harder if someone is watching or will be asking about it. Good luck to you!

    my diet... hm. well I'm pretty good about portion control. it's hard to diet for real when i don't buy the groceries and all my family buys are predominantly garbage. The things i eat aren't "bad" they're just not actually dieters food! I try to have a high protein diet. it's hard to say! it changes all the time. sometimes i'm right on it, sometimes i'm really not. Diet has always been one of my biggest issues.
  • LizzCallahan
    LizzCallahan Posts: 30 Member
    Number one: take a picture of yourself. Find a picture from before. Notice that pounds rarely = actual changes. (Measuring tapes can also be useful for this.)

    Number two: Eat a cheat meal, take a day off from exercising, and get a massage. Head space is vital because stress makes cortisol, which is devil on the diet. I promise, one day of this will not magically gain you back ten pounds, but it will make you feel less like you've been epicly deprived for ages.

    Number three: If you're really out of fire, Colorado has a few to resupply you with. :)

    Number four: Dream of bikinis and low cholesterol and remember why you started this in the first place.
  • urasweethart
    urasweethart Posts: 123 Member
    Hey Muscle weighs more then fat. Keep an eye on your measurements and watch the inches fall off, and if your sore today that means you worked hard also did you stretch as good as before maybe doing cardio before and after was feeling with a warm up and cool down and got your muscles ready to go and let them know it was time to relax.
  • tracy1031
    tracy1031 Posts: 36
    A pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat. A pound is a pound when it comes to weighing.

    When you're talking volume, muscle weighs more. Take a chunk of muscle and a chunk of fat that are the same size, and the muscle weighs more.
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    I believe it has also been recommended not to do cardio before weight lifting for maximum benefit of weights. I originally read it in the forums here and then googled it.
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    A pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat. A pound is a pound when it comes to weighing.
    When you're talking volume, muscle weighs more. Take a chunk of muscle and a chunk of fat that are the same size, and the muscle weighs more.

    A pound is still a pound. Muscle may take up less VOLUME/ROOM but it weighs the same. This is why measurements are important when building muscle.