addicted to peanut butter.... help!

dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Anyone else addicted to peanut butter!!?? I especially love it with chocolate, but I'll eat it with anything.... granola bars, oreos, hershey kisses, cookies.... etc. I just don't know how to stop this addiction!!! It often leads to terrible binges and I always hate myself afterward. Any advice!?!?:frown:


  • Peanut butter can be good for you...if you're eating it with sweets....eating it way too much, or using it to binge....if it were me, i'd throw it out....and not eat it for awhile.....

    Some health food stores sell individual serving sizes of peanut butter.....maybe if you can't go cold turkey you could find some individual packages that would help you get a handle on the portion size....

    I did a quick search for individual serving size peanut butter....this is the brand i've seen before. If you can't find it in store, you could order it online.
  • geregam
    geregam Posts: 17 Member
    1) natural Peanut Butter isn't all that bad for you.. Yes, it's a lot of fat, but it's the "good" fat. The natural stuff doesn't have a ton of added sugar... That said,
    2) Limit yourself to one serving a day. I know, it's difficult, but you have to.. there's really no other way around it.

    If you can, try to buy the nuts whole and grind them yourself in a food processor or blender. Not having instant access (and instant gratification) might help you, since you have to put a little work into making it.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Peanut butter is something I just can't have in the house...I'll go through a jar in a day.

    I've been craving it bad lately. :ohwell:
  • Grate
    Grate Posts: 71
    Love peanut butter and have just found the most fab recipe for pb cookies and so darn easy.
    1 c chunky pb, 1/2 c sugar 1 egg. Beat the sugar and egg together, mix in the pb. Bake at 325 for 15 min. makes 24 cookies. so good, so bad for you. Made some for my family and just had to eat 2 little ones. Bad Me :(
    Toss the stuff out!!!
  • I love the stuff too. I just made pb and jelly cookies started baking for the holidays already. blew my diet that day. Like everyone else I can't have it in the house I'll eat especially binge during that time of the month.
  • Darci73
    Darci73 Posts: 7 Member
    Make sure it only contains peanuts. There are transfats in most brands because they add other oils to prevent separation. Try eating it on celery instead of with chocolate :wink:
  • Try defatted peanut butter with half the calories. If you have a TRader Joes by you, look for Better n' Peanut Butter.
  • berlin80210
    berlin80210 Posts: 59 Member
    Jif Natural is our crack.

    It's a great way to disguise the fruits and veggies I some times avoid eating...

    Like a teaspoon of Jif Natural on half a green apple or on some celery sticks - so yummy! I just have to retrain myself from eating a spoonful while I'm preparing my snack.

    Viva PB!
  • Peanut Butter must be dealt with the same way alcoholics deal with booze - none at all - it's the only policy that works for me! I had to stop the denial and realize I was using apples simply as a peanut butter delivery devise!
  • Don't keep it in the house!!!
    I totally had the same problem.
    Same with ice cream.
    If you know your will power is lacking when it comes to certain foods, it's best not to set yourself up
    for self-sabotage.
    Good luck!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I agree with the single servings. I haven't found the natural PB in single servings, so I make them myself just to keep me in check. So addictive. I mean, it is good for you in moderate, but what good is moderation :)

    I feel your pain and have no cure. Sorry :(
  • sharonsue
    sharonsue Posts: 11 Member
    I have the same problem...I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER. Don't bring it in the house. That is the only thing I have found that works. Hang in there, the craving does go away.
  • tlynnweb
    tlynnweb Posts: 201 Member
    I buy the Skippy Natural with no trans fat. I take a spoon to the jar at least 2-3 times a day. Like most said, it can be good for you but you have to limit it. I'm tempted by the jar of Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter they sell in the grocery store but I know once I buy it, it'll all be downhill from there.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I don't know about the dark chocolate, but the white chocolate is excellent! :)

    I was just thinking last night about starting a thread about my love affair with peanut butter. I was thinking that it is the only food that I really feel that I cannot give up. However, I have found that I can limit myself to one serving a day. Last night I had it with a few gingersnaps (which by the way, can be fairly low cal), the night before on celery, the night before that the white chocolate kind on a spoon, the night before that . . .

    I have at this moment 6 open jars of peanut butter in my cupboard, all different kinds. Yes, I am an addict, but as I said, controlled. Now to decide how to have my treat tonight . . .
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