Miracle Berry from Dr.Oz.



  • rmrpender
    rmrpender Posts: 16
    If a person took every supplement, juice, or whatnot that Dr. Oz recommends, do you know how much money you would have to spend? I take anything I hear that he recommends with a grain of salt whether it be African Mango or some weird seaweed that he's hawking. Whenever I watch his program - which isn't often, I always feel bad about myself - it's like he wants women to feel bad about their bodies
  • cunfewzed1
    cunfewzed1 Posts: 80
    No one else sees the irony? The Wizard of Oz was a sham. Did he name himself Dr Oz just to rub it in everyone's faces?
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Anything with the words "Miracle" and "Dr. Oz"? No, just no.

    ^^^ this
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    The only miracle fruit I know of that works is durian. It's considered a delicacy in certain parts of southeast asia.

    **nods** it's been proven to exacerbate halitosis and body odor. Fact.

    I fixed it for you
  • cckellympls
    cckellympls Posts: 39 Member
    I looked into this because a friend wanted to try it. It can increase blood pressure and heart rate and can interact with some medications. My friend did try it and her blood pressure went way up. When she stopped, it went back to her normal bp. I have looked up other things the good Dr had people all excited abt and nothing i have researched has been worth purchasing. Clean eating and move your body-these have been proven methods that work.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I looked into this because a friend wanted to try it. It can increase blood pressure and heart rate and can interact with some medications. My friend did try it and her blood pressure went way up. When she stopped, it went back to her normal bp. I have looked up other things the good Dr had people all excited abt and nothing i have researched has been worth purchasing. Clean eating and move your body-these have been proven methods that work.

    Too bad no one wants to do diet and exercise. Everyone either wants a miracle or an excuse.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    [Too bad no one wants to do diet and exercise. Everyone either wants a miracle or an excuse.

    I think you should have said everyone wants a miracle or HAS an excuse.....
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    First, I have never heard of any Specialist who knows soooo much outside of his chosen field as this guy. :noway: Specialists are generally experienced in one thing & one thing only!

    Secondly, I'm a senior, I didn't get to this age by eating healthy fruit & berries, miracle or otherwise, because I'm severely allergic to most of them. Seriously, it would be a miracle if I could eat a friggin' berry! :laugh:
  • holdingsteady1120
    holdingsteady1120 Posts: 12 Member
    It amazes me how surprised he always seems about the products his guests bring. Really? So you don't do any research before telling your patients...er, guests what to put in their bodies?

    Always consult YOUR physician before taking any supplements.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    [Too bad no one wants to do diet and exercise. Everyone either wants a miracle or an excuse.

    I think you should have said everyone wants a miracle or HAS an excuse.....

    Nope, they want an excuse. Everyone wants to hear how it isn't their fault... it's their genetics, or their metabolism or fast food corporations to blame. If it's not your fault, you can't fix it, right? May as well not even try.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    The only miracle fruit I know of that works is durian. It's considered a delicacy in certain parts of southeast asia.

    **nods** it's been proven to exacerbate halitosis and body odor. Fact.

    I fixed it for you

    My evil plans have been foiled!!!!! *off to sell the stock in durian farms I just bought*
  • 80Ben
    80Ben Posts: 119 Member
    Let's not forget the Acai berry fiasco... the FDA said nothing shows it works, they got sued for overcharging people"s credit cards and they got sued by Oprah and Dr Oz (or was it Dr Phil?) for using their image without their consent...
  • Cmandy67
    Cmandy67 Posts: 108 Member
    On the flip side, i think it is good to make people think about the natural cures out there in the world in stead of running for a prescription. Don't the drug companies have enough money already.!!!

    I think that different things work better or worse for different people and at least he give us options that we may have not thought about before

    I watched Dr. Oz every day for about a year and got sick of hearing about cancer - too depressing really. So I check in once and a while to see what he boasting about now. I think he is genuine and doing something that no one else has done on TV before.

    If the supplement was suppose to help my problem id try it, especially if it is natural and not from a drug pharmacy.

    I'm a fan of Dr Oz
    just not so much a fan of television.