Lost weight & stopped period

I started clean eating and doing cardio 5 days a week, plus 1 day of yoga at the end of January. The weight started coming off much faster than I expected 1-2 lbs / week. I've lost 39 lbs and I'm at my goal weight! YAY! Only problem is that I have not seen my period in 2 months. I have read that this happens to some women who reach a low body fat percentage (I'm at 18.8% measured at the gym). In terms of body composition, I want to focus on increasing muscle, especially upper body, but I also have a tiny layer of fat around my abs that I would like to lose too. I decided to stop dieting and just do clean eating for maintenance, as well as adding lifting 3 times per week, but I still haven't seen my period. Anyone gone through this? I am concerned that I have to gain body fat for it to return. I wouldn't mind gaining a few pounds of weight as long as it's muscle but would hate to have to change what I am doing now. Anyone have some insight?


  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    What kind of insight are you looking for? You have the answer already: Your body fat is too low.

    If you want to maintain denial for a while longer, you can talk to your doctor about it and maybe they can run a few tests and then tell you about how your body fat is too low for a period.

    There are few (known) consequences to not having your period every month. Many birth controls stop it completely.
  • Mels707
    Mels707 Posts: 101
    Although 18.8 isn't really that low. I would definitely go see your doc so you can get a medical opinion. I assume you are absolutely, positively 100% sure you are not pregnant? :)
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    When I started eating right and exercising, I didn't have one for 13 weeks..but then it came back.
  • quinjacobs
    quinjacobs Posts: 10
    You're also 37 years old. It's possible you've started menopaus. There are loads of reasons our periods stop, I would really recommend seeing your doctor about it.
  • deniselynn13
    deniselynn13 Posts: 120 Member
    I am so happy you posted this!!! I am going through the same thing. Since March, i have lost 42 lbs. I was sedentary for almost 2 years due to health issues and then was finally able to get heathy this year. I workout every day and eat very clean. My calorie goal is 1200, but i eat anywhere from 1200-1500 depending on exercise that day. My workouts are a mix of cardio and strength training. My bodyfat is not that low and i am far from my goal weight, but my period has now stopped. I took several pregnancy tests and they all came up negative. I used to have a clockwork cycle - every 30 days on the nose and it went for 7 straight. So, this is a very new thing for me. I have read up on ammenorrhea a lot in the past few days and it seems this is what it could be. I am planning on making an appointment with my doc, but from what i have researched they will merely put you on hormones (which i don't want).
  • just had this happen to me, mine used to be sporadic, but since ive been making better choices its been incredibly reliable. now ive lost 35 pounds and it decided it wanted to stop. i took multiple tests (all negative, obviously), but it did eventually come... 13 days late! gah...
  • coolchic67
    coolchic67 Posts: 2 Member
    I am hoping that it will take a few more weeks and then my body will stabilize at the new weight and the period will return. I went from 154 (post 2 kids and not exercising or eating well) to 115 in 4 months. I worked out hard and did not cheat on my diet, although by no means was I starving myself. I ate plenty with clean eating until I was full (except for maybe the bedtime snack which I never had and just went to bed a little hungry so I could eat a big breakfast).

    I took a pregnancy test the first month I missed it and it came back negative. I suppose I could take another one at this point to be sure. I scheduled a doc appt but it's not until Aug so I'm hoping that by then my body has stabilized at the new weight and my period will have returned. I have always been very regular. @ Rileymama - it encouraging to hear that it took a little longer but your period returned on its own. I suppose I could be starting early menopause (hopefully not!) although I don't have any symptoms of that at this point.

    It will be worth a conversation with my doc. If it is true that there is no negative consequence of missing periods then I guess I'm ok with that since we are not trying to conceive (although haven't ruled it out 100%). Although I understand bone loss is the main issue. Perhaps a calcium supplement would help? It's hard to imagine that 18.8% is too low for my body. I've been this weight before without any issues. I think the biggest difference is that the weight came off much faster than I would have anticipated (around 2 lbs rather than 1 lb per week).

    Thx to everyone who replied!!!! Any further insights greatly appreciated!
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    I was working out really hard for a while. (like, too hard) and I missed my period. My BF% is closer to 25, so I didn't understand why I missed my period. But so many things can cause you to miss your period and extreme exercising is what did it for me. After multiple pregnancy tests and 2 months with no period, I called my doctor. She called in a prescription for progesterone pills. I took them for 10 days and then I got my period 2 days after that. I feel much better now and I've adjusted my workout routine so that I am more "normal". (I want to get pregnant again so getting my period was pretty important to me)

    So yeah- it happened to me, it's not a huge deal, you can take pills to fix it if you want, and you will be fine! Congrats on your weightloss! If you have any more questions about progesterone, pm me and I'd be happy to tell you more!