Started day one of Slim in 6

Hi Everyone!

I just started my first day of Slim in 6 today. It was easy and hard at the same time. The moves seemed really easy, but it was kinda hard to keep up with at the same time. I enjoyed it.

I have been doing a Beach Bodies 10 minute videos lately along with the Ab ripper x for my abs and running at least two miles. I started a week ago. I used to workout pretty heavy and was a horse trainer and I also showed my horses, so I was really fit because of that. I ended up having to sell my horses and could definitely see the results of how the horses kept me fit as soon as I wasn't riding and working them anymore! Then I got pregnant. I am now trying to get back to being fit.

I am 5.4 and currently weight 123 lbs, but am flabby and unfit even though I don't weigh much. I used to weight 110 and was quite healthy at that weight. I was not too thin I was just fit. I want to get back to that if I can.

Going to be starting Butt Bible later on today as well as I want to tone my legs and butt (the horses really really helped with that as alas my butt has become less than desirable.). Then, when my amazing husband gets home, I will be running at least two miles and walking another mile. So in total 3 miles today.

:) I'm excited to start seeing results. We currently don't have a scale, but that is probably a good thing.

Oh and another thing, I eat 6-8 times a day. I try to make them quite small meals that are healthy and mainly fresh foods based. I've been doing that for almost a month. I can definitely tell my stomach has shrank because of it. I get stuffed so much faster now!


  • Dhemeyer
    Dhemeyer Posts: 157 Member
    Wow! It sounds like you are a gal on a mission... with a leathal plan at that :) Good for you!!!
    I certainly can identify with being at a healthy weight but still not looking quite how I expected.
    I think you'll be pleased with Slim in 6, but don't be afraid to really push yourself with something a bit more intense if you're not happy with your results in 30 days. I don't know about you, but I totally tend to underestimate my ability to do more intense workouts (lol).

    It's also encouraging to see that you're focusing on your diet just as much as your activity... good for you!
    Best wishes on your journey
  • Rouko
    Rouko Posts: 8 Member
    Are you still keeping up with the Slim? I started to really get bored the last few days of week two but today I did Ramp it Up for the first time and its amazing! Im hoping I can stick with it. I measured myself the day I started and while Ive only lost 4.6lbs since then, I lost a whopping 6.5 INCHES off all over.... in just two weeks. Granted I am more out of shape than you are, but I used to have a horse too that I was groundbreaking and starting under saddle.... I had to give him up too and I totally understand about them keeping you fit almost without you even realizing it. I was much more healthier when I had him
  • Nica_1
    Nica_1 Posts: 26 Member
    Very nice plan just stick to it......I started slim in 6 and butt bible yesterday my plan is i workout from slim in 6 and butt bible in the mornings and on evenings i do 50 mins elliptical machine and core strenghtening or 30 mins jogging or circuit training. Since we are not that far apart from the program start date we can motivate each other and compare our results. Im so excited. with all that have been said.........we got to look at our nutrition also........good luck to you
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I am in the final few days of 30DS and started Slim in 6 last week. I did 3 days of Start it Up and found it too easy. I moved on to Ramp it up last Friday and I like that one. I feel it more, my muscles hurt by the end of each group of exercises a lot more than 30DS (I guess that figures, seeing as how the workout is twice as long). I like that fact that the workout is with the resistance bands and how you can adjust the actual resistance.