Body After Baby...

Hello Ladies!!!

I have yet to have a baby, but am planning on it within the next year or two...but I am seriously dreading what it is going to do to my body.

I've heard such horror stories about how a woman's body changes after being pregnant and it terrifies me:sad:

I know that most say that their baby is worth it and I know I will feel the same way, but I still can't help but feel so nervous for the change.

Is there anyone out there that can give me specifics on what may or may not happen to my body?

This is a personal question, so I don't expect to get too many replies, but it's worth a try...Thank you:flowerforyou:


  • Sarahbear83
    Sarahbear83 Posts: 110 Member
    It all depends on your diet and exercise during pregnancy, and a pretty big dose of your genes. You can keep from gaining too much weight by continuing to eat healthy foods. You can keep your body fairly fit and prepared for labor by doing light to moderate exercise (depending on what your OB clears you for and what feels comfortable to you).

    ... but you can't always prevent things like stretch marks. I bathed in vitamin E oil and cocoa butter daily, and got them all over my stomach. No one can predict how your skin will react. Some women's stomachs look like they've never had kids. Some women get loose skin and stretch marks. Some women's breasts go back to normal. Some remain fuller. Some shrink and droop. Some women's hips are still slender. Many women's hips spread. Your feet might get bigger. Your hair might get thinner or fuller.

    Basically, it's a crap shoot because everyone's hormones affect them differently. There are tons of books and websites out there that can tell you what might happen though. =)