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Worst. Roommates.Ever



  • Scalesareforthefishes
    Scalesareforthefishes Posts: 92 Member
    I gotta read these later aha
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    A male flatmate burst into my room at 1am with his friend to try and borrow money to buy drugs.
  • katemme
    katemme Posts: 191
    All my roommate never clean.

    I had a friend live with me for a while, while my ex was deployed. She would leave pots and pans on the stove all dirty, and she broke some of my glasses and bowls and didn't even tell me or replace them. She said the glasses broke in the dishwasher, when she knew to hand wash them, since they didn't get clean in the dishwasher.

    I have so many issues with the dishwasher. I am OCD about it. She was single, probably because she didn't know how to load it properly. My boyfriends family, who I'm living with now, him and his dad are both single. They can't load it either.

    Seriously, I'll see frying pan on the top and bowls on the bottom. They'd put forks on the top shelf if they didn't fall down. They continually leave dirty dishes out. They have a pitcher used for iced tea, and it started to grow mold on the bottom (hard to put your hand in there and scrub it out) They kept putting it in the dishwasher to clean for about a month, then threw it away when it didn't go away.

    I asked them to take my dog out in the back yard to pee when I would be home late, and they did. But I think he was out there for a loooong time, because he was panicky when I was home (he was still out). They have fallen asleep while their chihuahua was outside, for hours. Oh, and their dog is HORRIBLE and they blame its accidents inside on Teddy, even though he gets walked 2 times a day and goes in the back yard to pee probably 4-5 times more.

    No other issues besides the cleaning thing. Surprisingly none about food. I cook my own dinner and meals.

    But sometimes they do listen to porn really loudly...thats kind of weird.

    And they steal the shower when they see me come inside from a run. Seriously. Its happened a bunch of times. All they do is watch tv, and go back to watching tv after their shower, while I sit in my room all stinky/sweaty. It really sucks when they take a bath. Ugh, nasty.
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    Nothing can compare to my nightmare roommate in England. And it would take weeks to sum up the 2 months I lived with her.

    Absolutely the worst experience anyone could ever imagine.

    Example 1: Locked door to my room yet somehow she would still manage to steal my toilet paper.
  • StacyJCrain
    StacyJCrain Posts: 63 Member
    I had a roommate that tried to act like my mother (she was 7 years younger) sprayed all of my clothes with bug spray on a regular basis after I found another roommate had gotten lice. Caught her and her boyfriend having sex in my bed( never slept in after that night). She never washed dishes and if memory serves me right she done laundry 4 or 5 times during the entire school year. Last but not least she set the dorm of fire not once but twice. Needless to say I never had or wanted a roommate after that. I was still skidish when I got married but that seems to be working out( 15 Yrs in Aug).
  • Calipalm
    Calipalm Posts: 114 Member
    I had a roommate who

    Constantly left her board games out for days on end in the middle of the living room she and her boyfriend would play and never clean up.
    One time she entered my room while i was at work and she and her boyfriend played on my Nintendo with out asking and left a mess all over the floor.

    ***she never did dishes. She would use measuring cups and ice cream scoops for spoons and bowls instead of washing something for her own use.

    ****She had family coming over and instead of cleaning the dishes like a normal person, she hid them in the oven, for days! I had no idea until i went to use the oven, i preheated it and opened it up and there were tons of nasty stinky dishes.

    she locked herself out of the house twice and out of her car twice within the same month.
  • springseternal
    springseternal Posts: 245 Member
    I had a young couple move in with me. The woman was pregnant. Immediately upon moving in, he would sneak into my bedroom to watch porn on my computer. He dug up an old credit card of mine and copied the numbers. He swore he found the card on the floor by the computer, picked it up, and he has no idea who copied the number down. He said he thought a ghost took it out the box in my dresser where I keep old cards, moved it across the room, dropped it on the floor, and copied the number. (and he said that with a straight face) It was an invalid card so i couldn't prove he tried to purchase anything, or I would have had him arrested. He stole my bike and used it as collateral for a drug deal. I kicked him out. He and the woman broke up. She had the baby...then things got bad.
  • I had a room mate who never cleaned up after himself, and was a perpetual sock jerker. Needless to say, his socks were EVERYWHERE.
  • stepharega
    stepharega Posts: 211 Member
    Oh boy...looking forward/am now frightened about forming this August..

  • puppywalker
    puppywalker Posts: 109 Member
    I had a roommate in a dorm at college who stole my wallet, clothes and books from me. She also told the front desk that she lost her key so she could give a key to her boyfriend who routinely barged right in. This was before the days of boys and girls living on the same floor. Years later, I saw in the news she was arrested for stealing $1.2 Million dollars from her employer and using the money to shower young men with gifts. Turned out to be quite a scandal in her town. I guess some people never change.

    Oh, and she always faked talked with a lisp because she thought it was cute.
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I had a roommate who got a puppy (without telling anyone).

    It was a total surprise when I got home from class.

    I'm very allergic to dogs.

    She was very aware of that fact.

    Much angriness ensued. Luckily, there was only a month and a bit left on the lease!
  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
    My first roommate in college portrayed herself as this down-to-earth, hippie, sweet young lady who did nothing wrong while her parents were moving her in... throughout the year, she tried to grow pot in our room, smoked in there all the time even though we practically lived across the hallway from our resident assistant, was a COMPLETE slob leaving half eaten fruit oatmeal on top of the microwave for days at a time, forced her passive boyfriend to clean our entire room when he came to visit (including vacuuming our whole room with a handheld vacuum). Had ALL of her visitors take over my side of the room AND sleep in my bed while I was away on weekends or out of the room. Never bought her own trash can but would come in at 6 every morning from being out all night, puke into my trash can, and refuse to wash it out/take the bag out until days later. One random night she pushed all of my **** from my desk into the corner of our room where my closet was and moved in one of our mutual acquaintances into our room on our tiny dorm floor (with an entire mattress and mattress pad) for the last 3 months of our living together AND sold multiple forms of drugs, alcohol, prescription pills from our room all year to college and high school kids. She left our door open and put a sheet up to "cool the room off" but random people would just prance in whenever they damn well pleased.

    Still talk to her to this day and she's awesome as a person... but CRAZY as a roommate. :grumble:

    Wow. You're more forgiving than I would have been.
  • qballjr13
    qballjr13 Posts: 174 Member
    I had a roommate in college who didnt do laundry from the time we moved in at the end August until Thanksgiving break in November. We would workout and then play basketball for a couple hours, come back to the dorm room, shower and he would put on the clothes that he just wore to work out in again. Our whole suite stunk so bad that the Resident Assistant actually had to have a meeting with us because people were complaining. It was so gross!!!!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    just normal stuff.

    eating my food, not paying her share of bills, being a fricking slob, having sex all over the place, stinking up the bathroom.

    i still remember the day we moved in, i was working my butt off, cleaning and unpacking. she was entertaining friends in the living room. i was so pissed.
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    My roommate Freshman year NEVER EVER cleaned. Fortunately, she didn't expect me to clean her stuff, but it was just disgusting living in the same room as a person like that.

    My second roommate started out great and then she got very upset with me for a very silly thing: I felt sick and was throwing up one night and so I called my boyfriend to come over because I felt really bad. He arrived, patted my back and held my hair while I vomited, and after he left, she accused me of being disrespectful for having people over while she was sleeping. She thought we were in the bathroom doing... inappropriate things.

    I have to admit though: I had sex on her desk after she blew up on me and went crazy. But I Clorox-wiped it afterwards :wink:
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    I just moved out yesterday - so this one is fresh.

    My roommate was a physcopath, tea partier from Nebraska. He lost his job for threatening his boss... would yell at the top of his lungs "I hope she gets cancer and dies" about any woman who he was angry with. Called people stupid ***** all the time. I told him that talk upset me, but he still dd it, and he would scream in my face. When I would walk away he would follow me and insult me and tell me how I had terrible social skills, and I was loud, and I talked to much.

    He continuially forgot to flush the toilet, broke tons of my stuff: multiple glasses, two bathroom scales, burnt a hole in my kitchen island. he would have dinner parties and use every plate and pot I own - cook instant mash potatoes and campbells tomato soup and then leave the left over in my pots in the fridge. he didn't own a knife, a fork, a plate, a cup, etc,only ever used mine, but when I put his rotting bananas on a plate so that they didn't stain my butcher block island he screamed at me for moving his stuff.

    He screamed at me and got into my face because I was too stupid, I didn't know that birth control pills were antibotics *BTW, they aren't* but you can't tell him that.

    He declared himself Hitler to ignorant people infront of me.

    Pretty much it was a hell situation so I moved out two months early - have to pay double rent for two months, just to get away from him.

    When I told him I was moving out he said "When you are working for someone like me one day how are you going to deal with it?"

    i am like hunny, the same way your smart boss did - get your physco *kitten* fired!
  • bethmac_va
    bethmac_va Posts: 65
    Once I walked in to find mine in bed with his girlfriend.

    Oh...that wasn't my roommate, that was my then husband! :noway:

    Needless to say, he's not my husband anymore! :ohwell:
  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
    Where to start??? There is the typical slob roommate who stole everyone else's food, never cleaned until we nagged him for hours and then he would fill up the sink with hot, soapy water...and then leave. Yes, nothing like coming home to cold,slimy water in a sink full of dirty dishes.

    Or would the worst roommate be the one who stole my clothes (including lingerie) and then put it back (after having sex with her boyfriend) in my drawers without washing it? Who would go through my closets to find things to go out dancing in? (I rented the top half of a house and she rented from the landlord - as an added bonus, I found some cancelled checks and realized that she was charging me 2/3 of what the landlord was charging in rent).

    Or it could be the other crazy roommate (different apartment) who started a relationship with a 30 something married man when she was 17, still together a few years later, he's violent so no surprise all of the locks on the doors are broken and she too borrows my undergarments when she goes to hang out (in a car or hotel because of course he's still married) with the "boyfriend".
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    I once had a roommate who had sex with her boyfriend while I was sleeping... I had another roommate the next semester who moved her family into our on campus apartment....Never will I ever have a roommate again.
  • SusuAtta
    SusuAtta Posts: 56
    Oh gosh, you guys are scaring me... I'm moving to a dorm in August. I really hope my roommate isn't as awful as some of the ones you guys have had the *pleasure* of rooming with.
  • indisguise
    indisguise Posts: 235
    I had a roommate that thought he was very health conscious. You know those cellophane packets of daily vitamins they sell on the counter at the convenience store? He used to take 2 different packets daily, along with a little bottle of ginseng, another bottle of ginko baloba (sp?), and a large glass of Metamucil. And all he ever ate was yogurt and turkey gizzards. I'm completely serious. You could not use the bathroom for an hour after he was in there... He was also a clean freak. I once left a spoon, a single spoon, in the kitchen sink and he had a major meltdown over it.
    On top of that, he was gay (I don't have a problem with that) but always pursuing straight men. We both worked the night shift at a convenience store together. He was so enamored of this one guy that he copied the dudes address off of one of his personal checks and more or less began stalking the poor guy. He would take off during our shift and leave notes and little 'gifts' under the wiper of the guys truck. It didn't matter to him that the guy was straight, happily married to a very pregnant lady and completely uninterested. Nope. He was certain that 'everyone' is at least a little gay and they just haven't met the right person yet.
    When I found out he was spending my half of the rent on all his health products (instead of paying rent with it) I bailed. Shortly after that he pushed the married guy just a tad too far and the guy came into the store and completely freaked out on him. He threatened to kill roomie if he didn't stop. Not long after that he lost his job and wound up in the mental ward for a little while.
    He was definitely the worst roommate I ever had.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    One roommates I had was my best friend at the time until she went completely psycho. Different guy every night. Told me she could not grasp saying no to them being in her bed. And she was always bad about rent.

    The roommates that owned the house blow my rent portion on clothes... had dumb boyfriends... ended up on Judge Judy's show (THIS IS NO LIE), AND they had these retarded sex toy parties where people PASSED THE SEX TOYS AROUND AND USED THEM. BLURGH. I never partake in that. Disgusting!!

    Sigh.... thank the heavens I only had them for roommates. I've got nightmare stories about boarding school and military boot camp but those are different involuntary living situations lol
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    One roommates I had was my best friend at the time until she went completely psycho. Different guy every night. Told me she could not grasp saying no to them being in her bed. And she was always bad about rent.

    The roommates that owned the house blow my rent portion on clothes... had dumb boyfriends... ended up on Judge Judy's show (THIS IS NO LIE), AND they had these retarded sex toy parties where people PASSED THE SEX TOYS AROUND AND USED THEM. BLURGH. I never partake in that. Disgusting!!

    Sigh.... thank the heavens I only had them for roommates. I've got nightmare stories about boarding school and military boot camp but those are different involuntary living situations lol

    Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. This is terrible!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    I think I have a pretty good story!

    Five years ago, my husband was in the Navy. We bought our own house off base, and we were one of the few in his large circle, so our house became the hang out.

    He had one friend that was ALWAYS there. He seemed to never leave, he would spend the night very often. I confronted my husband, that if he was going to "live" with us, why not make it 'official' and he can help towards the mortgage? We were very reasonable, asking only $300 a month for his room and utilities (this was a single family house, BRAND new, btw) he agreed. Not long after, he asked if he could fly his girl friend to town, and she could stay with him for the few days she was here. I didn't know this at the the time, but he met her off myspace (pre-facebook era) and they had never met in person. After 10 days of her being in town, I asked politely when her return flight was. She casually told me that her boyfriend cancelled her flight, and she would just be staying with him. This was NEVER mentioned to either my husband or myself. This girl was just trash. Trampy clothes, gross. They would constantly eat our food, and leave a huge mess in the kitchen. They never would help clean the common areas, and almost nightly would occupy our living room which had our 56" tv. I would ask if I could watch something on MY tv, and they would say they just started a movie and would be done in an hour or two. This was very common. They would watch movies back to back. After a few weeks of her living with us, he was not able to afford his $300 a month for rent. She had completely moved in, but did not want to work, so he was supporting her and that's where his money had to start going.

    I confronted them about cleaning up after themselves. They would make an entire meal and leave dishes literally over flowing from the sink on to the counter tops. You would think if she was not working, or in school, she would have all day to spend ten minutes to clean. After I asked her to tidy up, they would start eating in their bedroom. I would go to cook a meal and notice ALL of our bowls would be missing. I would knock on their door, and get a pile of OUR dishes back. They would also use our guest bathroom to have sex, ALL the time. Multiple times a day. Our water bill almost tripled while they lived with us.

    It was getting really bad, and after several months, my husband got news he would be out of the Navy. He confronted our roomates while they were together, and told them we were moving back home within about two months, and we wanted that time to just live alone again and enjoy our last days alone. We politely gave them a two week notice. The first thing his "friend" said was "Well where do you expect us to go???" and my husband was like "Bro, that's not my problem. You can live in your barracks room" (He could live there, but not her) so for the next week or two, they barricaded themselves in their bedroom and refused to speak with us. They had no problem eating our food though ;)

    They had gone somewhere for the weekend, and didn't take their dog. So by midafternoon Sunday, we were like "This dog has been in this bedroom for almost two full days, lets go look..." so we go in to their bedroom, and there were 15-20 piles of poop on our FLOOR (again, BRAND NEW HOUSE!) the room was trashed. My husband had bought a futon for the bedroom and they had ruined it (My guess is nonstop sex?) it was literally broken. Cups had been left on the window sill for so long, they were literally stuck to it. Drinks had spilled down from the window sill and left streaks down the wall and onto the carpet. They didn't buy a curtain with a curtain rod, they had literally NAILED a blanket into our walls. I found a TON of my personal belongings in the room, like underneath the bed. My make up, lotions, stuff like that. He literally called his friend saying "You have two hours to come home and get your crap off my front lawn or I'm taking it to a dump" so we bagged up all their stuff and left it on the curb. Inside the closet was an entire stash of food. So it looks like they had been going shopping, but left their food in the bedroom, yet all of our food was fair game?

    I guess she thought he would be her meal ticket out of her former town and he would support her. So all in all, they never paid rent, they ate our food, drank our liquor, our utility bills skyrocketed, they would occupy our tv all night long almost nightly and they would trash the place..... Fun times!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    These are all reasons why I never lived in a dorm. F that.
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