Thought I lost my cell phone today....

This made me a nervous wreck...we went to eat a Mexican I have not been to in years...was looking forward to a nice relaxing meal with the kids. Went to the potty before our food arrived...came back to table, sat down and daughter's phone started was my phone calling her...she asked why I was calling her and I said, I am not...she showed me that I was...oh no...I checked my pocket thinking phone was there, but alas, no phone...not in my purse which I promptly dumped looking...not in the bathroom, not in the car...and how was someone calling her and why???

When we listened we could hear people talking...all I could think of was someone had found it and now it was one answered...we tried calling it know the panic of this, if you have ever lost your phone or thought you did...

I panicked and spazzed out...called AT&T and had the services suspended so no one could call and hoped it would turn up...

Of course there was no eating for me I told the kids to pack up the food and we would have to leave. We out in the car, was driving to AT&T store and the phone rang from our house. It was my hubby...telling her that he had my phone...this all took place in about 20 minutes time, and let me tell you, I was sweating and shaking and on the verge of tears the whole time... (worse than when I walked 5.11 miles this morning in the heat!) YEP, I am sure an HRM would have registered OFF THE SCALE, but I wasn't wearing once I found out where the phone was (on top of hubby's car where I had stopped to sign our license registrations...)I was able to calm down...but not before burning at least a gazillion calories!

We continued our mall shopping trip and since I was feeling much better...stopped at Dairy Queen, I was gonna get a treat for the kids, and also decided that I was going to eat a blizzard ...this is a treat I have not allowed myself since January and I ate a small Hawaiian blizzard for 440 calories...I enjoyed EVERY BITE! (is this considered emotional eating?)

I do not feel bad about it at all. I will have a sensible supper and tomorrow is another day...hopefully I will not lose my phone again! WHEW!


  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
  • mtmom
    mtmom Posts: 13
    Come over and have some chicken chili! It is YUMMY! (and I promise not to steal your phone) LOL!
  • kimray75
    kimray75 Posts: 66 Member
    Wow you were lucky! I lost my phone before and never got it back. I know just how that feels. You panic. I called AT&T and they suspended it. Do you think they could offer me a great deal on a replacement phone though? Ugh. I hate buying that insurance too you know. Glad you got your phone back.

    As for the Blizzard, glad you enjoyed it. You definitely deserved it after that panic. AND if you haven't had one for a long time, it's okay. It was time for you to treat yourself. You did good. No guilt. Tomorrow is a new day.
  • jahnameester
    Wow that was a long day!
  • jahnameester
    Here is some advice: Keep your phone in your purse at all times unless somebody is calling or you have to call somebody! Purses can be handy some times but not all the time when you can't find your phone or keys or or wallet or checkbook or grocery list (but that is not a big deal to me really.) Is it a big deal to you if you can't find your grocery list? Let me know at jahnameester9! Thank you and have a great 4th of july and a great hot day!
  • mevalentina
    mevalentina Posts: 362 Member
    Yes I think it was an emotional urge that you had in wanting to eat the blizzard. It made you feel better, and calmed you down..

    All I know is that if I ever lost my cell phone I would die literally die. I have things on there I wouldn't want my closest friends to see :blushing:

    I would have to get to a computer quickly and wipe that baby clean of all my files lol...

    Thank goodness you found yours..
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    Yes mine got stolen at a party - it's a horrible feeling - I thought I lost it once as well but I really didn't it was under the seat in the car. So funny how are lives revolve around those silly things.