TOUGH MUDDER HELP! need advice

OK people for real be honest with me. I am still in pretty decent shape but haven't been consistently running, or working out everyday....and my friends want me to sign up for a Tough Mudder event. If you don't know what it is, basically it looks like the wrath of hell in the form of an obstacle course-and like SO MUCH FUN. I would have around 4 months to train for it, I am around 142lbs right now and usually work out for 2 hours at a time.

I am wondering if I am or can be able to complete a 10 mile course with training hard for 4 months? I think it would REALLY push me to work out every day if I sign up- I mean its $110! And it looks like a blast- except having to swim under barrels....eek, but I really want to push myself.

PLEASE be honest. I want to know if you think I could get into good enough shape to complete the course! I usually am able to run around 2 miles straight without stopping but I haven't timed myself or really pushed myself at running in awhile, I am thinking a good run tonight could show me more where I am at physically. WHat are your thoughts and have any of you done a tough mudder before?


  • amyram
    amyram Posts: 108 Member
    All four of my kids plus two of their wifes just finished a tough mudder and while they are in decent shape none of them trained overly hard for it. What I mostly heard about when they got back was how much fun they had, not how hard it was. Go enjoy, I don't even know if there is a prize for first place, just a prize for finishing.:wink:
  • going2befit4ever
    going2befit4ever Posts: 225 Member
    well the breakfast team at the global vancouver bc tv did the one at whistler and not all of them are fit said it was loads of fun and wanted to do next years so i say go for it train and enjoy the challenge
  • Smileyawaw
    Smileyawaw Posts: 23 Member
    I've never done anything like that before (sounds like super FUN!) but in 4 months you absolutely have enough time to train for this!! You can do it! Post pics when you do it!!!
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    THanks everyone! I am thinking I will do it, I want to push myself and this looks absolutely INSANE but awesome!!!
  • jgodbier
    jgodbier Posts: 6 Member
    The tough mudder website has some goals on there. Check them out, if you can get through most of them, i'd say you would be right to compete.

    Keep in mind. you dont have to finish, it is just about competing and pushing yourself to do your best. if you finish great, if you dont, so be it - you wont be a lesser person for not. The competition is pretty badass, even having the guts to go is awesome in itself.

    I guess train sensibly, dont flog yourself to a point where on competition day you are completely exhausted. make sure you eat properly during your training.

  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I guess I am super competitive. I don't see the point in doing it just for fun, but I know a lot of people do that. 4 months is enough time to train, but contrary to what people here are saying, I've heard this course is grueling and very difficult. It was designed by the British military and it is the most difficult of all the different mud runs and dashes. There are electric fences you have to get shocked to run through and other things. It's not all fun and games. But, go for it. It just seems like people are making it out to be "fun". My understanding is that it is 10 to 12 miles of very advanced and difficult terrain and obstacles. I'm doing it soon. IM trying to get a group together, but it's not a walk in the park. Read up on the website. They even have training classes you can go to.

    Think of running almost a half marathon (it could be 12 miles), plus add in very difficult obstacles, and lots of mud. Does that sound like laughing and fun and games? Running 12 miles on flat concrete without any obstacles is pretty hard for most people. Not trying to be a downer. I'm just saying that I think it's really, really difficult. So, kick @$$ and train. Go for a 12 mile run, then do 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, some jumping, at least 20 pull ups, and you might be getting close.
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    I guess I am super competitive. I don't see the point in doing it just for fun, but I know a lot of people do that. 4 months is enough time to train, but contrary to what people here are saying, I've heard this course is grueling and very difficult. It was designed by the British military and it is the most difficult of all the different mud runs and dashes. There are electric fences you have to get shocked to run through and other things. It's not all fun and games. But, go for it. It just seems like people are making it out to be "fun". My understanding is that it is 10 to 12 miles of very advanced and difficult terrain and obstacles. I'm doing it soon. IM trying to get a group together, but it's not a walk in the park. Read up on the website. They even have training classes you can go to.

    Think of running almost a half marathon (it could be 12 miles), plus add in very difficult obstacles, and lots of mud. Does that sound like laughing and fun and games? Running 12 miles on flat concrete without any obstacles is pretty hard for most people. Not trying to be a downer. I'm just saying that I think it's really, really difficult. So, kick @$$ and train. Go for a 12 mile run, then do 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, some jumping, at least 20 pull ups, and you might be getting close.

    I don't think people mean "fun" as in playing hopscotch or some **** like that, I think they mean fun as in a tough event that feels great to finish because of the personal accomplishment you feel. I am not stupid, I know it will be tough as hell. The 10 mile run doesn't scare me, I can easily train for that in 4 months. Obviously I know it will be VERY difficult, i've seen the videos and read about each obstacle. But my idea of "Fun" is pushing myself to the limit and I think this is a great way to do that. I've done INSANITY, I've competed in races, and I want the next level.

    I want to do it "just for fun" because thats what it is! A race, not just a competition. I don't give a Sh** about what my place is or how long it takes, as long as I get out there and push myself then I will feel accomplished and proud.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I guess I am super competitive. I don't see the point in doing it just for fun, but I know a lot of people do that. 4 months is enough time to train, but contrary to what people here are saying, I've heard this course is grueling and very difficult. It was designed by the British military and it is the most difficult of all the different mud runs and dashes. There are electric fences you have to get shocked to run through and other things. It's not all fun and games. But, go for it. It just seems like people are making it out to be "fun". My understanding is that it is 10 to 12 miles of very advanced and difficult terrain and obstacles. I'm doing it soon. IM trying to get a group together, but it's not a walk in the park. Read up on the website. They even have training classes you can go to.

    Think of running almost a half marathon (it could be 12 miles), plus add in very difficult obstacles, and lots of mud. Does that sound like laughing and fun and games? Running 12 miles on flat concrete without any obstacles is pretty hard for most people. Not trying to be a downer. I'm just saying that I think it's really, really difficult. So, kick @$$ and train. Go for a 12 mile run, then do 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, some jumping, at least 20 pull ups, and you might be getting close.

    I don't think people mean "fun" as in playing hopscotch or some **** like that, I think they mean fun as in a tough event that feels great to finish because of the personal accomplishment you feel. I am not stupid, I know it will be tough as hell. The 10 mile run doesn't scare me, I can easily train for that in 4 months. Obviously I know it will be VERY difficult, i've seen the videos and read about each obstacle. But my idea of "Fun" is pushing myself to the limit and I think this is a great way to do that. I've done INSANITY, I've competed in races, and I want the next level.

    I want to do it "just for fun" because thats what it is! A race, not just a competition. I don't give a Sh** about what my place is or how long it takes, as long as I get out there and push myself then I will feel accomplished and proud.

    Lol. Uh, by definition, a race is a competition. Lol

    So, you answered your own question. You can do it, as you said and proved by saying you've done other things. So, why did you ask? When you asked, I thought you were genuinely asking, and I said, yes, it's possible to train in 4 months. But, I was also suggesting that it's more than "fun" because others were downplaying the intensity. Running 10 miles in mud is probably really hard. I just ran a half marathon, but I don't think I could run 10 or 12 miles in the mud. But, you have time to train. So, good luck. Maybe you and your teammates can do some workouts together to build up comradre.
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    Tough Mudder isn't one of the events with super hard terrain. It is going to push you, but you'll be able to complete it. I plan on going next year (most of my friends who would go with me are pregnant right now - so not going to work ATM). But yeah. I don't think you have to "train" per se... just stay active. hit the gym 5-6 times a week until then. Focus on running and weights and leg stuff. You'll be golden. ;)
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey! I am sure you already saw this but it sounds like your at the "maybe mudder" stage in the training and I downloaded this training schedule right off the website

    I've never done it but I am thinking about signing up for it too! Good luck! This will be such a great experience and you can really use it to inspire and push your training for the next few monthS!
  • TiffersBaybee
    TiffersBaybee Posts: 2 Member
    Doing the Scottish Tough Mudder next looking forward to it! I have been going to the gym 2-3 a week, and have been doing training with the Army (tabbing etc) so hopefully will be fit enough. It looks like awesome fun
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT! I didn't do the tough mudder but I did do a half marathon and the rugged maniac within a week of each other so that's pretty close. :laugh: Enjoy it. 4 months is plenty fo time to train. Make sure you can cover the actual distance and do some upper body training, thats what I found I needed the most when it came to obstacles. Other than that it's a mental thing and finishing will feel amazing! You go girl!
  • Ripcode
    Ripcode Posts: 142 Member
    I did Crossfit at my gym for (6) months prior to my Tough Mudder which I did in Michigan/Ohio on 04/14/12.  The mix of cardio and weightlifting had me prepared. I think (4) months will be enough to get you ready.

    The event was a hoot and I am pre-registered for 2013.  ;D

    The running is spread out and you won't run more than a mile at most before you hit an obstacle.

    FYI:  The electrified obstacles do suck!  On the last obstacle, I got shocked on the face.  It felt like someone punched me!  The wife happened to shoot a pic as I was getting zapped. I am the guy in the middle.

    TNEKEIA Posts: 12
    i don't think you can ever be prepared enough for TM. It's fun but challenging. I ran TM GA 2011
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I guess I am super competitive. I don't see the point in doing it just for fun, but I know a lot of people do that. 4 months is enough time to train, but contrary to what people here are saying, I've heard this course is grueling and very difficult. It was designed by the British military and it is the most difficult of all the different mud runs and dashes. There are electric fences you have to get shocked to run through and other things. It's not all fun and games. But, go for it. It just seems like people are making it out to be "fun". My understanding is that it is 10 to 12 miles of very advanced and difficult terrain and obstacles. I'm doing it soon. IM trying to get a group together, but it's not a walk in the park. Read up on the website. They even have training classes you can go to.

    Think of running almost a half marathon (it could be 12 miles), plus add in very difficult obstacles, and lots of mud. Does that sound like laughing and fun and games? Running 12 miles on flat concrete without any obstacles is pretty hard for most people. Not trying to be a downer. I'm just saying that I think it's really, really difficult. So, kick @$$ and train. Go for a 12 mile run, then do 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, some jumping, at least 20 pull ups, and you might be getting close.

    Just for the record......most of my friends that have done them have said they might have actually run 4 miles or so.......That a lot of it is hiking/wading through crap/waiting in line for obstacles. Which is the other thing.....Lots of time to recover so it's not like you are running the whole thing straight.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I am 47 years old and I did an 8km Spartan Race earlier this spring.

    I am certain that you can complete the Tough Mudder. Not only complete it, but enjoy the experience as well.

    I recommend that you buy the ticket and then keep on training. If you are running add strength training, if you are strength training add in some running. You will need both strength and endurance to complete the run and obstacles.

    Also, decide upon your mindset first and then do not waiver. By this I mean, do you want to "compete" or do you want to have the satisfaction of completing the course? For me, I wanted to complete the race and all the obstacles. My finishing time was not a concern. And, I accomplished my goal.

    Next year, I plan to try and beat my Spartan time by 15 min. And, I have also pre-registered for the first local Tough Mudder in my area. It is going to be FUN!
  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    4 months is definitely enough time to train for it. I completed it a few months ago w/ a team so they definitely helped a lot! I find that if you keep up with your running and build upper body strength you should be fine. Everyone that does this event (even people you don't know that are around you) are extremely helpful whether it be with helping people over walls, pulling them through the water/mud, motivation, etc. It's like MFP in person during a workout haha.

    I find that events like this are definitely more mental than anything else.

    and if worse comes to worst you are always able to skip over a certain obstacle if you find it 100% not doable (don't do it!! haha)

    Good luck!
  • m16shane
    m16shane Posts: 393 Member
    Do it!!! I so want to get a group together and do it next year. It look punishing and fun!
  • kvissy
    kvissy Posts: 205 Member
    I did Crossfit at my gym for (6) months prior to my Tough Mudder which I did in Michigan/Ohio on 04/14/12.  The mix of cardio and weightlifting had me prepared. I think (4) months will be enough to get you ready.

    The event was a hoot and I am pre-registered for 2013.  ;D

    The running is spread out and you won't run more than a mile at most before you hit an obstacle.

    FYI:  The electrified obstacles do suck!  On the last obstacle, I got shocked on the face.  It felt like someone punched me!  The wife happened to shoot a pic as I was getting zapped. I am the guy in the middle.


    I actually managaed to not get shocked during this and the other one where you had to crawl through it. Needless to say I was going pretty slow to avoid them while everyone else was running past them!
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I did Crossfit at my gym for (6) months prior to my Tough Mudder which I did in Michigan/Ohio on 04/14/12.  The mix of cardio and weightlifting had me prepared. I think (4) months will be enough to get you ready.

    The event was a hoot and I am pre-registered for 2013.  ;D

    The running is spread out and you won't run more than a mile at most before you hit an obstacle.

    FYI:  The electrified obstacles do suck!  On the last obstacle, I got shocked on the face.  It felt like someone punched me!  The wife happened to shoot a pic as I was getting zapped. I am the guy in the middle.


    OMG!! Great pic! Sucks to be shocked in the face though! I am doing Rugged Maniac. Hoping for no electrified obstacles in that one!