Being obese means you can't give advice!



  • trinitylyons01
    trinitylyons01 Posts: 126 Member
    "Does being obese mean I have no right to tell people they don't need to do that and it isn't safe for them? "
    Hell no! Just because you are obese doesn't mean you lack knowledge. Anyone who says being obese means you can't give advice is just being a huge a-hole, and a-holes suck :)

    I have been morbidly obese for many years and have gone up and done in weight for a long time. I have just started to lose weight and settle into a healthy lifestyle. Why? Because I finally started doing all the things I knew I should be doing and stopped doing so much of the bad things I always knew I shouldn't be doing. Therefore, just because I'm fat does NOT mean I didn't know what to do or that I wasn't qualified to give advice.

    There are many over weight people who know exactly what it takes to live a healthy lifestyle. It's not just the knowledge it's the "doing" that makes the difference. Some people may not want to hear it from someone who is overweight but that doesn't mean an overweight person is never qualified to offer advice.
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 341 Member
    As other posters have said, unfortunately people aren't going to take advice seriously from someone whose body doesn't give good advert for the advice. Perhaps you could just start compiling a list of websites, books etc with sound nutritional advice and 'share' them with people? That way they don't have to rely on it being 'your' advice only and can see several reputable sources that give ht you're saying credibility. Or just direct them to this website :)

    It is frustrating though I can totally empathise with you about that. I've always known about nutrition and healthy eating, I learnt in school home economics lessons, biology, cookery etc. just because I chose for a few years not to act on that knowledge doesn't mean I didn't know about healthy eating! Just look at my children - they have ALWAYS been given given balanced healthy foods whilst I scoffed crisps and takeaways secretly.. However, it's only on the last few months when I've lost three stone that people are starting to ask me for 'advice'!
  • nsimportant
    nsimportant Posts: 170 Member
    I think that You or that girl is in no place to give any advice's on weight loss. You can only say what works for You and stop thinking Your way is the "better" way. While I think eating a salad a day would be insane for my goals, but if she likes is well awesome.
    You need to experiment with your macro/micro-nutrients and see what works best for You online articles and calculators do work in some extent but they are only a base from where You can start.

    My opinion on weight loss is definitely based on Your goals

    general sustained change of diet (eating less then Your TDEE in whatever spins your wheels),

    "healthier" weight loss (eating less then Your TDEE and actually trying to get min of recommended micro/macro nutrients)

    and getting really leaned out but most ppl dont need this.

    Macro/micro nutrients depend from person to person (hormones,age,body conditioning, habits etc..) and most of ppl here cant help You with these because they arent professional consultants that have real life experience with different ppl.

    And in the end would I listen to an obese person to tell me a specific weight loss plan, well not really because everyone is really energetic starting their weight loss and most ppl think they know everything and until You look like what I think would be my goal result I will not take Your opinions because You didn't get there and have no idea how to get over some of the obstacles.
  • new_blossom
    new_blossom Posts: 111 Member
    Do we question overweight/obese doctors that give us advice on healthy living? Are they credible?

    What about parents that tell their kids, "Do what I say, and not what I do?"

    To the original poster, I think the girl you were speaking too, just did not want to hear what you had to say. You are a human being with knowledge. Knowledge is good and we should share it if we have it. That is what makes the world go round.
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    It doesn't matter if you're obese or thin, no one wants unsolicited advice.

  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I can see that the advice you are giving this girl is logical...however, most people, when seeking advice, want it from people that they deem have gotten results from their own advice. I'm not saying this to be mean-if you have a friend whose hair is a hot mess, split ends everywhere, etc-are you going to let her cut/style your hair or would you take haircare advice from her? If your neighbor's car is broken down in the driveway with cobwebs, are you going to let him work on your car if it breaks down? It's just how people work. You're getting there, you've lost some weight, and as you lose more and more, people will notice and probably ask you how you are doing it. You'll have plenty of time to give advice. Don't let these few people get to you, keep working hard.

    ^ this person said it perfectly!

    Grats on your loss thus far, though! Keep it up girly!
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    I have felt torn on this topic a few times while I was losing weight. I mean, I know that some people in my life surely were thinking, "shut up, you have no idea what you are talking about" when I would give any kind of nutrition or exercise advice. I was an athlete all of my life so I know a fair amount about exercise and for the most part I have always eaten healthy, just in excess over the last few years. All of that said, people generally don't want advice from anyone, so you might have gotten the same reaction even if you were at your goal weight. The girl wants to do it her way and that's what she'll settle for. People like us who want to lose weight in a healthy manner are in the minority. The best thing you can do in situations like this is say that you just started using MFP and were surprised by how many calories you were actually allowed each day and are happy to be losing weight at a nice steady rate. If they want to know more about it, they will ask! Good luck with your goals!

    Several people have now asked me how I have lost weight the answer is by useing several meathods over many years, but the most successful is MFP. I under estimate exercise a little, I over estimate food a little, and I eat back most of my exercise calories, so that I am running a small deficite most of the time.

    One of the girls in the office yesterday said that I need some new clothes, as the ones I had on were so baggy, RESULT.
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    I really hate that word morbidly obese. Yes I am over weight but I agree with you the way that young girl is losing weight is totally unhealthy. Your body needs fuel to survive just not as much as we are putting in. Cut back on the calories and the weight will come off.
    mskiera :smile:

    ooh i dunno. i quite like it. It sounds quite goth!