Look out world... IM BACK !

Hello to all. My name is Amanda, I am 24yo and I live in Lovely Las Vegas, NV. I started my weight loss journey near the end of December 2011. I was able to take off 31 # before I slowly slipped off my diet. I have gained back 6 of those pounds recently and have decided to get back on track and to finish off losing the other half of my weight to reach my goal. I am currently at 182 and my GW is between 150-155 ( im 5'6) and I hope to reach it by late October. I realized that a major reason I stopped coming on here and then watched the dominos continue to tumble until I was eating whatever, whenever, was because I had a very poor support group. I had about 20-30 'friends' that hardly responded to any of my posts, or accomplishments, and when they did the responses were generic. So I am in search of a handful of supporters and future buddies to take this journey with me that will actually be supportive and attentive so I don't fail this time. I am a night owl so most of my posting is at night, and my food log is a little weird lol. Also I plan to restart the c25k again soon ( I have to let an ankle sprain heal first) and am going to be getting a gym membership soon. So yeah that about covers it. Send me a pm if you'd like to be a supporter [ ) and to gain one in return of course. Please include some info about you in the message. HAVE A GREAT DAY and remember to NEVER STOP STRIVING !


  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    I'm back again and after having a weigh in this morning after a few months of ignoring my eating. Oh Dear I've put on about 15 pounds :(
  • Strivn2day_4aBtrTmrow
    Strivn2day_4aBtrTmrow Posts: 88 Member
    It's the worst ! I was so happy to have taken off 30# n now I have to start all over again it seems. BUT atleast Im not looking at a 60# weight loss now so that is a plus.... just remember you can never 'Fail' as long as you learn from your mistakes and keep trying ! [ )
  • kacinace
    kacinace Posts: 70 Member
    I have a very similar story! I started in December of 2011, lost 21 pounds, then put 7 back on. I restarted in April and have now kicked those 7 plus 5 more for a total loss of 26 pound.

    I'm 5'5 3/4" (that 3/4" is important haha), CW 194.4 GW 150-160? I'd love to reach it by my wedding (October 27) but I'd be thrilled to get to 175 by then.

    I love supporting my friends and getting support from them in return - it's definitely crucial to my success!