2010 Is Approaching Pretty Fast

laikenlove Posts: 11
edited September 2024 in Motivation and Support
Well guys we have all been blessed to see another year go by! And I know we all make those New Years Resolutions that NEVER get resolved! Come on now! How many of you have said "20__ is going to be my year"! But it seems like next year's different. We're going into 2010 folks! I feel as if we should be living the high life like The Jetsons. Beaming from here to there and flyng our cars through out the universe! But until that time comes (not in this lifetime) let's make some progress for next year! With that being said: WHAT'S YOUR BIG 10 FOR 2010?

Here's mine

10) Finally work the nerve to get a tattoo

09) Plan A Big Trip Somewhere

08) Volunteer more and make connections

07) Pay my car off!

06) Learn Latin (baby steps)

05) Commit myself to one guy (so many guys, only one me!)

04) Extensive career search (or start up my own business)

03) Return to school

02) Stock up my savings acct

01) Reach my goal weight of 175!

See it's nothing drastic I'm trying to do! Just something to occupy my time. Let's see how long it takes to get everything done.....


  • Yes, sadly but true 2010 is fast approaching! How insane is it that its almost Xmas!!! Ok, so here goes, my BIG 10 are as follows:

    1. Lose 20-30 kilos by the end of next year
    2. Go on another overseas holiday
    3. Save, save save
    4. Complete and enjoy 5 uni subjects (arrrh fingers crossed I can handle it) which means I am 1/3 of the way to finishing my degree!
    5. Take advantage of my gym membership and go more often!
    6. Try and be more social once I get a bit more confident :)
    7. Visit my family a lot more then I do at the moment
    8. Make extra replayments on my car so I can get there quicker (baby steps also lol)
    9. Be able to fit into my old clothes that dont fit me anymore ;(
    10. Save up and buy myself a Pandora bracelet as a reward for doing so well (If I do all these things lol)

    Call these things corny or lame, but this is what I want to achieve in the next year :) Fingers crossed that we will make it..
  • You can make it!!! I would work my but off as well for a Pandora bracelet! Good luck!
  • dreamangel18105
    dreamangel18105 Posts: 115 Member
    I was just thinking about this today! 2009 is almost over! Where did the year go? Crazy! Anyway, I'll jump on board...here's my big 10:

    1) Pay off my credit card
    2) Get 10 new clients
    3) Hit my goal weight of 125
    4) Finally learn to play the guitar
    5) Get a new car
    6) Sell 10 paintings/sketches
    7) Decrease my mile time by 1 minute
    8) Sell my condo
    9) Grow out my hair...back to its natural color
    10) And only after the rest are complete....get my third (and maybe fourth!) tattoo!

    Some random stuff in there, but all realistic! :)
  • I was just telling my students that 2009 is almost over, and soon we are going to welcome 2010!

    Hmm, what are my top 10 things I would like to achieve? Well, here goes:'

    1. To reach my goal weight of 170lbs
    2. To continue to exercise and eat well, in hopes that my back aches will significantly reduce
    3. To conceive my 2nd child
    4. To buy clothes off the rack (and I am not referring to those Plus sized stores!)
    5. To take full length photos and not feel self conscious about my butt!
    6. To wear 2 inch high heels again
    7. To be socially active again (parties, gatherings and not give any excuses for being ashamed of how my body looks like!)
    8. To travel to India (again)
    9. To enroll for PhD
    10. To spend more time with my family members
  • I'm glad you brought this up but I'm going to have to think about it for a little bit before I respond. Don't want to lose the thread though :smile:
  • katie517
    katie517 Posts: 159
    Thanks for starting this. Good luck to everyone on their goals!

    I've never really been a goalsetter even though I know I should be. So I guess really my first goal is to set more goals and achieve them.

    But here is what I came up with:

    1. Start grad school
    2. Find my natural hair color
    3. Reach my goal weight of 125-130
    4. Maintain goal weight
    5. Try 1 new recipe a week
    6. Read 1 classic a month
    7. Run my first 5K
    8. Run my first 10K
    9. Begin training for a half marathon
    10. Get rid of the mole(s) in our yard (dead serious)
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    bump...i have to think of my goal before posting.

    Good luck to all on their goals...they are achievable!:wink:
  • Ooooh! I like the one new recipe a week Katie! Everyone's goals sound great! Some I could take chance at myself! We can do it guys! We're all winners!
  • Has anyone else come up with a top 10 list? Let us know!
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    1. To spend more quality time with my husband
    2. To do more outside of the house with the kids
    3. To get down to my goal weight of 110
    4. To get more involved in church
    5. To do well in school
    6. To get on a better sleep schedule
    7. To make new friends
    8. To do more things socially
    9. To keep the house clean
    10. To be balanced in all areas of my life
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