Friends who Love MFP! Fun, Friendship and Motivation

Hey everyone!

I'm looking for active MFP friends who love to talk about their journeys.

Fancy being friends with a Fun and Friendly Active MFP lover?

Add me if you like being motivated and talking about weight-loss, exercising, pro's and Con's of your days or everything and anything!... i love the forums and my MFP friends but some people outside of this world just glaze over when i talk about this stuff.... I don't blame them... i am a tad addicted!! :)


  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm addicted too. I'm on here all day M-F at work (I keep it up in the background and check it on my breaks) and I have it on my phone when I'm out all day.

    I have to get on here every few hours at least and see what's up, complain when I've slipped or read everything other people post just to get some encouragement.

    Feel free to add me if you like. I have a lot of friends on here but I really do read everyone's comments and look at everything going on.
  • Lindsey1985x
    Lindsey1985x Posts: 106 Member
    Add on it's way... Great weight loss so far by the way!! :)